permissions: jannes.time /day: Sets the time to day
/noon: Sets the time to noon
/night: Sets the time to night
/midnight: Sets the time to midnight
permissions: /sun: Sets the weather to sun
/rain: Sets the weather to rain
/thunder: Sets the weather to thunder
permissions: jannes.gamemode, jannes.gamemode.other /gmc [Player]: Sets your or the specified player's gamemode to creative
/gms [Player]: Sets your or the specified player's gamemode to survival
/gmsp [Player]: Sets your or the specified player's gamemode to spectator
/gma [Player]: Sets your or the specified player's gamemode to adventure
permissions: jannes.teleport, jannes.teleport /tpall [Player]: Teleports all online players to you or the specified player
/tpto <Player>: Teleports you to the specified player
/tphere <Player>: Teleports the specified player to you
/fly [Player]: Toggles your or the specified player's flight
permissions:, /heal [Player]: Heals you or the specified player
permissions: jannes.heal, jannes.heal.other /feed [Player]: Feeds you or the specified player
permissions: jannes.feed, jannes.feed.other /vanish: Hides you from online players
permissions: jannes.vanish /god [Player]: Toggles your or the specified player's godmode
permissions: jannes.god, jannes.god.other /sudo [Player] [command or text]: Makes the specified player run a command or say what you want
permissions: jannes.sudo /break: Breaks the block you're looking at
permissions: jannes.break /list: Shows all online players
/colors: Shows all minecraft formatted color codes
/jannes: Plugin's main command
/playerinfo: Shows the specified player's info
permissions: jannes.playerinfo /nick: Allows you to change your or the specified player's display name
permissions: jannes.nick, jannes.nick.other /unnick: Allows you to reset your display name
permissions: jannes.unnick /invsee [Player]: Opens the specified player's inventory to you
permissions: jannes.invsee
Installation: 1. stop the server 2. put the .jar in the plugins folder 3. start the server 4. done
Configuration: The configuration file has all the explanations in it