New Features: MOTD, Animated Sidebar + Fixes + MORE!
Animated Sidebar beta Toggle on/off with /sidebar command. Must assign permission ecore.sidebar for a player to use this command.
Create your own animations with custom update delays. Supports Placeholder API.
Custom MOTD beta Fully supports gradients and color codes. As a bonus, you can change the server's max players
Chat Reactions are Expandable! Create brand new chat reactions. Please delete your chatReaction.yml file before loading this new version
Fireworks Command Fire 3 fireworks above a player's head in random colors and styles. Can be executed by console command or by using /fireworks 2 new permissions: ecore.perk.fireworks - Allows you to use the /fireworks command ecore.perk.fireworks.other - Allows you to use the /fireworks command on other players
Null error for /gui open
Chat reactions run a little more efficiently
Made /msg show feedback when sending blank messages or to an invalid player
/broadcast will let a player know if they don't have permission now
Changed all ➤ symbols to ▌ (New configs only. Feel free to do a mass update this in your config if you want)
Updated onJoin and onFirstJoin defaults to be a little more modern and helpful
Fixed a bug that caused extra &s to show up when using colors
Chat icon permissions are working properly once again
Join message wasn't showing a player's display name but it is now