AreaReloader's mirror plugin with FastAsyncWorldEdit compatibility.
Visit the wiki for a more detailed guide on how the plugin works!
AreaReloader is a very easy to use plugin, it allows a player to select a region, value of two locations, using worldedit's wand.
Once the two locations (pos1 and pos2) have been marked, it will be possible to create an area.
The player will be able to restore said area at any time, rolling back everything inside the area to when it was created!
A server's administartor will also be able to set one or multiple existing area(s) to automatically restore after a specific amount of time!
• /ar - Shows plugin's help lines
/ar help <Command> - Shows general help or specific help when a command is specified
/ar version - Shows the current plugin's version
/ar create <AreaName>
<CopyEntities> <CopyBiomes> [length] [async] - Creates a new copy of the selected area.
copy entities parameter will accept a
true or
false value, which will decide whether or not to copy entities inside the selected area at the moment of creation.
If set to true, whenever the area gets loaded, saved entities will be respawned.
copy biomes parameter will also accept a
true or
false value and will manage wether or not biomes should be applied to the copy.
length field allows you to customise the length of the area's sections.
Smaller values equal to more but lighter sections, bigger values equal to fewer but heavier ones.
async field allows you to choose whether or not to run the creation process synchronously/asynchronously.
Both the
length and
async field will use default settings if not specified, 16 default length and default synchronous creation.
/ar load <AreaName> - Loads an existing area
/ar delete <AreaName> - Deletes an existing area
/ar list - Lists all existing areas
/ar hook - Shows a help interface for the plugin's hooks and
/ar info - Shows information about a specific existing area
/ar reload - Reloads AreaReloader's configuration file
/ar display <AreaName> - Displays particles around areas
/ar cancel <AreaName, ALL> - Cancels the loading of one or all areas.
/ar location <AreaName> <set, teleport> - Allows you to create a safe location for players.
• - Gives access to the /ar help command
areareloader.command.version - Gives access to the /ar version command
areareloader.command.create - Gives access to the /ar create command
areareloader.command.load - Gives access to the /ar load command
areareloader.command.delete - Gives access to the /ar delete command
areareloader.command.list - Gives access to the /ar list command
areareloader.command.hook - Gives access to the /ar hook command
• - Gives access to the /ar info command
areareloader.command.reload - Gives access to the /ar reload command
areareloader.command.display - Gives access to /ar display command
areareloader.command.cancel- Gives access to /ar cancel command
areareloader.command.location- Gives access to /ar location command
areareloader.command.admin - Gives access to all commands
The main configuration file where you will be able to edit your own settings is named "config.yml".
Guide to debugging: Open a new issue at
When opening a new issue please add and specify:
- Debug's file (located at AreaReloader-FAWE\debug.txt).
- Spigot's version - /version;
- AreaReloader's version - /ar version;
- FastAsyncWorldEdit's version;
- Where/when you met the issue, as in what action had been fired at the time (command, auto reloading, etc.).
- Console's logs (specifically error's stack trace if not available in debug.txt).
Plugin's configuration settings explaination:
Area Interval: This represents the interval between each area's section being loaded.
The interval must be specified in milliseconds.
Depending on your server's resources and performance you may lower or raise this.
Smaller interval values may affect your server's performance negatively.
Default value: 500
(0.5 seconds)
AreaReloader-FAWE depends on
FastAsyncWorldEdit plugin, in order for the plugin to work you must be using the correct version of FAWE for your server.
AreaScheduler: This function allows you to automatically reload your areas after a given interval, experessed in milliseconds.
To enable an area to automatically reload navigate through your areas' configuration file (path: AreaReloader\areas.yml), under the AutoReload section of your area of interest change the Enabled status from "false" to "true", reload your plugin/server and enjoy your areas get loaded and built just like magic.
Metrics: this functionality provides data which helps me keep track of the plugin's usage.
I invite you to keep this setting on as it contributes to boosting my dedication and work towards my projects!
Provided by: bStats.