- Removed RDQ Towny placeholder in lieu for TownyAdvanced placeholders
- Changed Quest900 placeholder to Towny provided one
- Removed extra line in the language files for Quest900
New Placeholders:
%rdq_ranks_greaterthan_<Number>% - returns true/false if player has at least <Number> ranks
%rdq_ranks_lessthan_<Number>% - returns true/false if player has no more than <Number> ranks
%rdq_ranks_tier_greaterthan_<number>% - returns true/false if player has at least <Number> tier
%rdq_ranks_tier_lessthan_<number>% - returns true/false if player has no more than <Number> tier
%rdq_ranks_tier% - Returns players highest tier
%rdq_town_plot_greaterthan_<Number>% - returns true/false if player has at least <Number> town plots (blocks)
%rdq_town_plot_lessthan_<Number>% - returns true/false if player has no more than <Number> town plots (blocks)
%rdq_quests_count_greaterthan_<Number>% - returns true/false if player has at least <Number> quests completed
%rdq_quests_count_lessthan_<Number>% - returns true/false if player has no more than <Number> quests completed