- Fixed error in Language Loader for quest titles
- Fixed Italian locale Items section
- Added more hardcoded translations to locales
- Fix for %rdq_achievements_<achievementID>_title% placeholder
- Moved MythicMob death logic to MM Handler for improved dependency control
- By request: Custom RDQ Bounty System (Experimental)
New Commands:
/rq bounties - Open bounties GUI
/rq bounty create <TargetPlayer> <Type> <Amount> - Type: economy | raindrops
/rq bounty add item <TargetPlayer> - Adds currently held main item to bounty
/rq admin bounty remove <TargetPlayer>
New Permissions:
RaindropQuests.command.create.bounty - required to create bounty
RaindropQuests.command.bounty.add.item - required to add items to bounties
RaindropQuests.command.bounty- required to open bounty GUI
RaindropQuests.bounty.target - Required to open player bounty GUI
RaindropQuests.command.admin.bounty.remove - Required to remove bounty
New Stats:
BOUNTY_KILLS - Total bounty kills
BOUNTY_DEATHS - Total bounty deaths
BOUNTY_ECONOMY - Total funds from bounties
BOUNTY_RAINDROPS - Total raindrops from bounties
BOUNTY_ITEMS - Total items from bounties
New Placeholders: