SimpleLocks icon

SimpleLocks -----

Simple keys for locking doors, trapdoors, chests and barrels

Lock your doors, trapdoors, chests and barrels with keys. Share keys with the ones you trust. Be careful not to loose them.

To create a key, combine a tripwire hook with an iron nugget on the crafting grid.

Received key can be connected to any door, trapdoor, chest or barrel that you own (the ones you placed yourself after installing the plugin)

When connected, the key will provide access to the block to anyone who has it.

Without a key, locked blocks cannot be accessed by other players.

Owners can destroy their locked blocks as usual but other players will have to use special tools like axes or pickaxes and spend a lot of durability for breaking the block. (By default - 3 hits each 384 durability points for wooden doors with a diamond axe (1232 durability points). Can be adjusted in the config)

3 minutes after damage has been dealt to a block, its health fully restores.

- Keys can have multiple connections to different blocks, belonging to a single owner (up to 5 by default)
- Any amount of keys can be connected to a single block.
- Double doors and chests count as a single key connection.

- You can clear all the connections from a key by combining it with an iron nugget on the crafting grid.
- You can make duplicate keys by combining one key with connections with one blank key and an iron nugget on the crafting grid. (only owner of the key can make duplicates)

- Locked blocks cannot be exploded.
- Locked doors cannot be accessed by villagers or zombies.
- Locked blocks do not conduct redstone signal (hoopers don't work with locked containers).

Code (Text):
# Available en_US, ru_RU. To add a new language, create a yml file and copy the contents
# from existing language file to the new one, replacing all the values in "" with translations
language: "en_US"

# Maximum health values for different kinds of locks:

# Doors and Trapdoors
iron_door_health: 10
copper_door_health: 3
wooden_door_health: 3

# Chests and Barrels:
chest_health: 5

# How many durability points are taken from the tool with each hit on the lock:
tool_damage: 384

# How many points are taken from a lock with each hit depending on the type of tool:
wooden_attack_damage: 0
stone_attack_damage: 0
golden_attack_damage: 0
iron_attack_damage: 0
diamond_attack_damage: 1
netherite_attack_damage: 1

# Defines how many different locks can be connected to a single key:
max_connections_per_key: 5

# Defines whether zombies can break doors (only doors placed by players)
zombie_break_doors: false

# Defines whether doors can be exploded (only doors placed by players)
doors_explode: false
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,247
First Release: Nov 13, 2022
Last Update: Nov 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings