✴️Fireworky - GUI Firework Editor icon

✴️Fireworky - GUI Firework Editor -----

Create and edit fireworks with a gui and launch them with a single command!

Fireworky, a GUI based firework editor

In depth info on commands and their required permissions is on the GitHub.

For any issues or if in need of support,
join The Bakery

Create your own firework shows, or...
Launch a firework when giving a reward, level-ups, anything!

Note: This is a tool meant for server owners/administrators to have the ability of launching custom fireworks with a single command; whether it be as an addition in other plugins, or creating firework shows. I do not recommend giving normal players the ability to have access to fireworky commands as the fireworks menu is shared between everyone.

Creating fireworks
You can open the firework editing menu using /fireworky|fwy

Editing basic effects
Editing colors
Choose from a vast array of preset colors

Or choose your own hex color
Launching Fireworks
You can use commands :
  • /fireworky|fwy launch <firework id>
  • /fireworky|fwy launchatloc|latl <firework id> <world> <x> <y> <z>
Use them in command blocks

Or get a physical firework

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 502
First Release: Oct 13, 2022
Last Update: Jun 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings