✴️Fireworky - GUI Firework Editor icon

✴️Fireworky - GUI Firework Editor -----

Create and edit fireworks with a gui and launch them with a single command!

Version: 1.2.2
Log #1, the first and possibly last log, 6/13/24
I apologize for taking so long to write this, but I hope you enjoy:
just got the notification for the new update! hey its joshua, josephvjars son, u probs remember me. Anyways, its been 473 days since i sent my “final” comment, but you just HAD to update it so here we are again. Lemme just give a refresher from last time. My dad, joseph, and his future self nuked russia and china, sacrificing themselves in the process :( i had taken temp V to help my father in this whole war going on before he nuked them. The temp V also killed me but the “cure” did help me survive, though there were some side effects. About a month later, all hell broke loose in the world since everyone thought the US was sending nuked, but nuh uh, it was joseph. SO me and family went to walmart and grabbed some PRIME energy drinks to help fuel our day!!! Once we got home, a nuke warning was sent to my area, but it programmed on the tv so i couldnt finish sponglerboob >:( It was my fav episode too. When spongeboobers went to atlantis or something idk. I got upset and took a shower cuz i was a bit stinky. Anyways, my family consisted of Erika, my wife, and Joey, my son. I DID have Roman but Joseph just HAD to go and shoot him. I mean to be fair, roman was a retard so he had it coming. I still had joey though. However, erika for some reason wanted another kid DURING THE NUKING. So, i told joey to go outside for 2 seconds and come back in. we finished and she was pregnated!! Woohooo! Once it was time for the baby to come out, erika was screaming in pain. Idk why she was crying, she dont gotta go through sperm cramps. What a coward. Anyways when she delivered the baby, everyone was in awe because the baby literally flew out with a cape. No joke bro. Im like 75% sure that the baby was homelander. I think it was because of the temp V still in my system. I was so shocked but excited. Anyways i woke up from the dream and erika and joey were panicking because a nuke was about to fall. I told them to chill out and gave them ice packs. I decided to go outside and the weather was lovely! I did see something falling in the sky. Im pretty sure it was the nuke so as i was about to go back inside i hear a loud explosion. I looked up at sky and seen the nukers had gone kaboom, but hadnt hit the ground. We got saved!!!! But then the shockwave hit me and blasted me 20 feet straight into the house. It hurted a bit but i was alright. Anyhoo, a couple months passed and my condition seemed to be getting worse. It wasnt too bad though. I just would feel drowsy and sick at times. Erika keeps getting upset that this is happening and that eventually i would most likely die. Told her to cry about it bozo. A year later is when my life changed from that point on. I was sitting at the televisions when i got call from hannah montana (me and her go wayyyyy back). She called me and gave me some information about something. Apparently her husband’s friend’s sister’s ex’s co-worker’s brother’s son’s cousin is apart of the CIA. i fell asleep as she was saying all that. She woke me up by yelling and continued to listen. Apparently, the CIA dude works in the facial recognition department and when my father crashed the nuke down, they were able to capture his face from some local cameras and devices. Now this is the hard part, hannah had said that my father is alive…”WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?” i said. “HE BOMBED RUSSIA, HES NOT ALIVE.” Apparently the CIA dude used satellite software to get a rough location of where he is using previous pictures taken by cameras. Apparently his last location was somewhere in Greenland. Why greenland? At least go to hawaii stupid. I was quite hornswaggled after hearing this. I didnt really believe her at first. It took some time to let that sink in. it kept knocking on my door, i had to let it in. after some time, i decided that i had to leave and find him. So i said goodbye to eirka and joey, in hopes to see them again. I took a flight to greenland. Once we arrived, i took a bus to get close to his location since there was no precise location of where he is. I ended up at a small town with not much to help me find him. I tried to ask some of the locals but no one knew him. I checked all around and soon gave up. I went to go eat at a mrbeast burger. Feeling defeated, i ate the burger and fries. I ordered chandler’s burger! Not chris’ of course, he trans. After eating the burger, i felt rejuvenated. I decided not to give up and continue to find him. As i was looking around, i realized something he had said to me a while ago, “I hope one day i can rest on a mountain, away from everyone else, in peace.” so i realized, the only place i havent looked are the mountains. I began my adventure at the first mountain. I climbed and climbed and climbed, finding nothing. I checked 2 other mountains just to find nothing. “Had i been lied to by hannah?” there was one mountain left so i decided to check that. If there was nothing, i would just go back home. Of course it had to be the biggest mountain too. It took hours but i eventually reeached the top. I hadnt seen anything. As i was looking, i saw something. There was some smoke in the distance. I tried to get there as fast as i can. Once i got over the hill, i saw it. There was a cabin. My heart was pounding. I was so nervous to see him again. Though, i wasnt sure if i wanted to. I mean, why would he never come visit, or at the very least just reach out to me?! I began to walk up to the cabin, reaching the front door. I hesitated right as i was about to knock. Unsure if i should do it. I had come all this way though, i should do it. As i was contemplating this, the door opens. My heart stops. As the door slowly got swung open, the face of a person slowly got revealed. When the door opened fully, i saw him. My father, standing right in front of me again. Alive. I couldnt move, i was frozen. Joseph, standing in the doorway, also standing in shock. We stood for a second, just staring. I didnt know what to do. Should i hug him? Should i punch him? Then he just hugged me. A very warm and loving hug. I hugged him back. He was in tears. He brought me inside and got me some coffee to warm me up. Once we settled in, i asked him why he never reached out. He told me that he wasnt my real father. So when the josephs bombed them, my actual father died, but the other joseph, the one who had time traveled, survived and is the joseph i am currently talking to. I was quite disappointed and upset. I really wanted it to have been my father. We kept talking and eventually became night time so he let me stay at his place for the night. I slept on the couch. I woke up the next day feeling tired from the journey i had done the day before. Though, I had to get going since my family was waiting on me at home. I said my goodbyes to joseph and began walking back. As I was heading down the mountain, I heard a sound coming from the top of the mountain. I thought it was just joseph so I kept going, but then I heard a helicopter approaching. It was the FBI. They had been tracking down Joseph since he landed the bomb. I tried to rush up there, but they flew away before I could reach him. I went into his house and looked around for a moment. As I was looking, I noticed something peculiar. It looked like a cutout of the wall was opened, like a little door. I opened it up and realized it was Josephs secret little storage area. There was a small safe that I couldnt open, but in front of it was some money and something that shocked me. There were vials labeled with “Temp V.” I couldnt believe he had some after all this time. I stuffed them in my bag and ran back down the mountain. I needed to contact the CIA and get Intel on where they are taking him. I called hannah montana again and she asked her contacts. Apparently they took him to some warehouse in antarctica. WHY SO FAR BRUH. not cool. I aint goin that far. So I went to get some hot cocoa from a local diner. My hands were chilly. I drank it, it was yummers ong. Then I realized that I had to save Joseph. After all, he technically was my father. How would I get there though? I tried to ask some contacts then came across The Rock. He owed me a favor after I saved his life. THats another story. Basically he got shot by Kevin Hart and I ran to him, punched Kevin, aand carried the rock to a hospital. I decided to use my favor on this. I asked to borrow his private jet. He flew his plane to greenland, then flew from greenland to antarctica. However, the plane froze mid air, causing the engines to malfunction, and freefall to the ground. Luckily I learned a nifty trick from youtube shorts that said to jump out at the last second before it hits the ground. So I waited and waited. Right at the last second, I jumped and slammed against the ice. It hurted a bit and my head felt ouchers, but i gotted up and contuniied walkering. I checkered my map and told me that i was 4.78546605670575067 miles out from the warehouse. So i began my journey. I passed by some penguins. I saw Kawazaki, Cago, Kriko, and Estriper all hanging out. I dapped them up then continued my journey, but before i could leave, the penguins of madagascar insisted that they help me on my journey so I let them help me. I also got their autographs cuz i huge fan (i was just using them to get to King Julien then find Mort (I love mort)).anyways we continued down antarctica. I told them my journey and how everything started. They were very intrigued. Infact, they had heard about what Joseph did and how he bombed russia. Once they realized that joseph is the guy we were looking for, they locked in. kawasaki took out is abacus and began doing calculations on where he could possibly be. Estriper got the penguins into formation and ready to find joseph. They lead me to a random mountain. I was confused until I saw the whole mountain literally open up and reveal a cave. I was astounded that such a cave could exist. We went inside and saw so many people. Apparently this wasn’t just for the penguins. It was for people all over the world. I saw GRU and HIS BABY (no way he actually did that). Some minions were there too, i took a pic with my boy bob. I saw batman, renegade raider, a sour patch, and a bunch more. It was crazy and i was so excited. However, i couldnt forget my mission. The penguins took me to another part of their cave. It was a hangar filled with different aircrafts. I saw jets, helicopters, and that one plane from the madagascar movie. We kept walking until we stopped in front of a plane. I saw it and was in disbelief that they had one. It was a B-2 Spirit, one of the most scary and intimidating planes of all time. I asked how they got their hands on one of these and they said biden gave it to them so they can fly to him and give him ice cream whenever. Before we got in the plane, the penguins had to find where joseph was, so they used the satellites that the plane was connected to, along with a uav to search the area. Not long after, we had a location. However when the area was found, almost 1000 heat signatures were found. This was THE FBI base. Attacking this base is starting a literal war with them. It was dangerous territory. Before anyone said anything, the UAV got shot out of the sky by an FBI anti-air base. There was no way of getting near them. That base was too fortified. I was beginning to give up, but Kriko came up to me and started speaking gibberish idk wth he was saying, but the rest of them came up to me and told me that they werent quitting. They promised me that they were going to get him out. That made me feel better, but it doesn’t mean we can just get into the base. This is where they activated Code black. The intercoms were going off in the whole cave. Code black was apparently the most serious and dangerous alarm that could go off. Everyone panicked. This alarm had never gone off before. Everyone gathered up in the main hall. Me and the penguins got onto a ledge to speak to everyone about the situation. I tried to tell them about my situation and what we were trying to do, but they just laughed at how outrageous my idea was. I didn’t know what else to say. Then, the penguins walked up, and got their chance to speak. They explained what the whole mission was for. Joseph. Von. Jar. 3 simple words made everyone silent. I didn’t realise he was this well known. He actually created a name for himself. Everyone was in disbelief. The room was quiet, until one person stepped up. KING BOB HIMSELF. I was so happy. After bob stepped up, slowly all the minions joined in. Eventually most of the people were committed into this battle. We gathered into a planning room with everyone who joined in to discuss how this was going to work. After discussing the objective, we needed an actual plan to get in since obviously their base had maximum fortification. I asked if anyone had an idea. Of course one man stepped up. The man that always had a plan. Gru walked up and began his scheming. It took him 30 seconds to think of how to do it, but it seemed solid. Basically his idea was: distract the anti-air by focusing random aircrafts in the sky. As they are focused on these, they are vulnerable to an attack from another angle, which is when we send in missiles to take out the anti-airs Once those are destroyed, the FBI will be getting prepared for an attack so we have to get in fast before they can prepare. So immediately after the base is bombed, we have to send troops from every angle. We’ll have planes drop people into the top, vehicles come in from all sides, and snipers staying long range to take out any people that attempt to shot at us as we enter the building. However, cannons and gun turrets on the sides of the building could be a problem since we don’t know where they are so we will have decoy vehicles drive in first, revealing their weapons, which is when we send in the firepower to take them out. The mission will be costly, but if done right, could take out the FBI all together. People began to seem pessimistic about this whole mission, but they were committed and determined to help complete this. Everyone went to their own stations and began gearing up. After everyone walked out, I stood there for a second, really taking in everything that just happened. How I’m about to raid the FBI base, causing possibly thousands of deaths in the process, all for my part-father. As i was in this state, 3 individuals walked into the room. They went by the names Michael, Trevor, and Franklin. I saw them walk in and knew this mission was going to be a piece of cake. Apparently Lester was there too, but he was going to be on Comms and help guide the others at the base with missiles and stuff. The mission was looking good, I had a good feeling about this. It was the early evening and everyone was armored up and ready to go. Before we left, everyone gathered around for one last speech. I thanked everyone for joining me on this deadly mission. Trevor came up on stage and got everyone PUMPED UP. He seemed like he was on coke or somthing, prob was. IT worked though, everyone was cheering and had their hearts pumping. We all went to our stations and got in positions. We drove the cars out about 3 miles from the base to avoid their radar. The cars were armored up and had nos ready for the attack to head in at full speed. The decoy cars were in the front and didnt have anyone in it, just the good old brick on gas pedal ready for the signal. There were hundreds of cars ready, circling the base. We also had 20 decoy aircrafts ready to be sent out. 10 cargoplanes were also on standy with a couple hundred people inside of them. We were READY for this. Each person was carrying their own firearms. I had an AK19 for my primary and a glock as a secondary, the same one that my father had and used to shoot one of my kids. I keep it as a memory for both my father and son (more for my father). I was also strapped with a kevlar vest enchanted with projectile protection 4. This is the only case that projectile protection is useful. Lester was on the comms and was informing us of what was happening. Not shortly after, everything was ready to start. The first sets of planes were flown out over the base. It was becoming dark, but the planes were still visible. Once the planes were getting near, we sent out the decoy cars since they were slower. I watched as the planes got closer and closer, slowly approaching the proximity of the base. Right when they entered within distance, nothing happened. We were confused. We wondered whether to attack or not since the guns could be activated at any moment. Lester decided to reroute one of the planes to crash into the base. I watched as it immedatiely turned around and crashed down straight into the base. Still nothing. Had the plan really failed that easily. A UAV was sent out to assess the situation. It checked the base and.. No one appeared. We failed. The whole mission was over. I put my head down, unknowing of how I should feel at that moment. Sad, mad, mournful, infuriated, disappointed, resentful. All of a sudden, Lester notices something. He sees a heat signature through the opening of where the plane crashed into. The FBI were still in there, they just had something to block off UAV detectors. Immediately, some of the planes crashed into other parts of the base, revealing numerous heat signatures scattered all over. The FBI realized we had found them and initiated their air defence once again, leading onto our next step. The missiles were fire, leaving no air defence left for them to defend with. The decoy cars had revealed the turrets on the sides of the base, allowing us to take them out as well. The plan was going well again. This lead us to our next step: Attack. Immediately, the cargoplanes got close and all the cars initiated their attack towards the base. It was touching to see the dedication everyone had as numerous cars were going at high speeds, blue flames coming out the back, heading head first into danger, just to save Joseph. In that moment, everything felt slowed down. It felt surreal being there. However, right when I looked back towards the base, I saw a missile get fired out of cannon that we hadn’t shut out yet. It was aimed to my left, heading straight towards one of the cars, blowing it up entirely. I screamed. I was mad. I wanted revenge. Wiping the tears across my face, I focused, and arrived at the base. All the cars arrived and the parachuters were falling down at that moment. I got my gun out and entered the base. I had some people with me so we entered together. It was like seal team 6 in there. We were moving in, but we didn’t see anyone. We eventually ran into some of our own. Confused, we kept going into the building. Then we came across a heavy metal door that seemed to be blocking something off. Everyone had came back together. We had people on the roof and ground. They tried to detonate C4 to get in from above, but it wouldn’t budge. The room was a nuclear shelter built to withstand on attack. There was no way of entering… for a regular team. We, however, were not a regular team. Each person had their own unique attributes. One of which was batman’s extreme richness. He had a laser built into his suit, capable of melting down and sort of metal. He began with the melting process, but realized that the metal was many feet thick. It would take a while to get through, so he called lester to bring in the rest of his lasers from his cave. Shortly after, we received the lasers and we had a team of 10 shredding down that door. It would open in no time. As we were approaching the end, we held a safe proximity distance from the door. One person volunteered to finish off the door for us. The rest of the team were aimed and ready for an attack. He finished cutting the door, and it slowly fell to the ground. Everyone had their guns ready to shoot, but all we saw was smoke from the heavy door hitting the ground. No one moved or made a sound. Suddenly we hear something bounce on the ground. An explosive had been thrown and flew out of the smoke, landing near some people. It detonated, injuring and knocking people into the wall. We were getting ambushed. They countered our attack. WE couldn’t retreat now. People began to throw some explosives into the other room. One guy even had a RPG and just fired it in there. It was very quiet for a moment. Should we attempt to enter the room? It seemed very risky. It could be a trap. A couple people had volunteered to enter the room. They were fearless, but I wasn’t. I had a bad feeling about this. A team of 5 individuals crept towards the room, guns ready, aiming down sights. We all watched as they enter, everyone silent as the wind. They got quite far into the room. However, this was the turning point to this whole mission. They kept walking, until they heard some sort of lever flick. They had activated a tripwire, blowing up the whole western part of the building. The fire flew into our room, nearly burning us. Some rubble got to us and hurt some people, but for the most part, we were fine. Though, the 5 people who went inside, weren’t fine. Trying to go check on them, rubble had buried, preventing us from even attempting to save them. Everyone regrouped. They expected us coming, but how? After looking around the room, I realized that Duke Dennis wasn’t there. He must’ve betrayed us. Confused on what to do next, Arthur Morgan stepped up. He began giving us a speech about himself and how he always pushed himself, despite the hardships that may arise. In between each sentence was a cough due to his diagnosis of tuberculosis. He had to step away, leaving everyone conflicted whether they should continue or not. I couldn’t say anything or else I would seem selfish and want to put everyone at harm for Joseph. Willing to accept defeat, I began to walk away. With my back turned, I heard someone chant. Then another. Then another. Growing exponentially, people were chanting and holding up the symbol from the Planet of the apes movies where they put up two fists. Confused for a moment, I look around then see Caesar approaching me. He had apparently showed up later since they travelled by horses. When he came up to me he said, “No give up. Fight is forever. War is forever. But we not forever, so can’t give up. Must keep fighting.” I’ve only heard rumors about this guy but damn is he crazy philosophical. I began feeling better about myself, especially since everyone was powered up and ready to fight again. I went back to them. Everyone still chanting, I got up on a ledge and led them outside. Feeling more powerful then ever, we were ready to fight. Lester started to talk to us and told us that he caught something on his radar. He saw heat signatures in the area that wasn’t us. They were still in the building. Hearing this, everyone was confused. Then all of a sudden, the ground began to shake. I ran inside and saw the floor was opening up, revealing a whole underground base. There were helicopters, missiles, tanks, jets, guns, all inside there. Everyone crowded around as they watched the ground open. Suddenly, Lester started screaming. Inaudible, we told him to slow down. “THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF HEAT SIGNATURES ENTERING THE AREA. CLOSING IN FAST.” For a moment, I felt true fear. Not for myself, but for everyone else. I walked back outside, and looked as helicopters, cars, tanks, and jets, began to approach us. I thought this was the end. Everyone saw them approaching, and were in a state of shock. I guess the FBI realized that this was their chance to take down more than just Joseph, but the whole of the Cave. I was frozen for a moment, until I heard a rocket get launched and one of the oncoming helicopters were blown up. I looked over to my right and saw Trevor holding an RPG, feeling pumped up and screaming of excitement. Others started to join. The battle had started now. Both sides were throwing everything they had eachother. My side used their explosives, guns, powers, vehicles, EVERYTHING. It was so chaotic, but it was working. But suddenly, vehicles arrives, and out came people dressed in extreme armor with miniguns. Juggernauts were the name. People shot at them but they wouldnt go down. Suddenly they started shooting and killed some of my men within an instant. I couldn’t handle the bloodbath, but I had to focus. I left the group to check out the underground base, since thats where Joseph must be. Right when I looked over the hole, I noticed a helicopter in the center, and they were transporting Joseph inside. I wasn’t sure what to do, I couldn’t just jump down there. They began to turn on the engine. Some people saw me and they all tried to shoot me. I couldn’t peak over anymore. I can’t let them get away with him again. They started to fly up and towards the hole. We can’t just shoot down the helicopter or else Joseph would die. I had to get on that helicopter. Immediately, I had an idea. I found fortntie Fishstick and used his FlowBerry Fizz to give me a jump boost. I had one chance at this, or else I lose Joseph, probably for good this time. I backed up giving myself a running start. I saw the propellors approaching the top, but once the helicopter came out, it was facing me and everyone else. They started using the guns on the helicopter to fire at me. I started running, but the collateral damage killed people that were behind me. They hovered there for a moment, trying to take me down. I couldn’t jump on though. With them facing me, I had nowhere to grab on to. I noticed my jump boost effect from the FlowBerry Fizz was beginning to wear off. I had to jump. I remembered a quote my father told me once, “If the cockroach jumped, then so can you.” Immediately, I stopped running around the helicopter and changed direction to straight for it. The jump, about 50 feet long, I was unsure if I was going to make it. I was getting closer and seemed like I was going to make it. But suddenly I realized my jump boost effect was going to wear off before I could make the jump. I was so close, maybe 5 feet away, but I lost my effect, and lost my momentum. I begin to fall, watching the helicopter slowly get higher and farther above me. That was my only chance. I closed my eyes, ready to accept defeat… and death. I reflect on the situation and what I could have done better. What I should have done. I think about Joseph, my father, and the memories. I think about how this started. I think about how maybe I should have stayed with him that day that they captured him. Maybe I could have prevented all of this. I could have treated Joseph better. Afterall, I am technically his son, yet I left him so soon. What a terrible son I am. And not just a terrible son. I led all these amazing people to help fight MY battle for MY father. There was no reason to bring them into this situation. All I did was get them killed. After thinking of all this, I come back to the situation i’m in, realizing that I am taking forever to fall. When I open my eyes, I see the hole above me, but I also see someone. It was hard to make out who, but I realized. It was Minecraft Steve. He saw me then threw down a line from his fishing rod to catch me. I look below me and see the ground approaching me. Do i catch the fishing rod, or do i just accept death. I do get a second chance at this, a chance to possibly make everything right. To fix the mistakes, not completely, but at least prevent the situation from getting worse than it already is. The fishing rod reached me and I caught it, ready to enter the fight again. Steve was able to stop me from falling, but couldn’t pull me up. He came up with an idea though. He shuffled through his inventory until he found his elytra and some fireworks. He dropped them down and I caught the elytra, but missed most of the fireworks. I caught one though. The elytra was very low durability since that’s what Steve used to get here. I can’t risk to use it loosely. Low durability elytra, and one firework. I have one shot to fly myself back up there and get to the helicopter. The helicopter saw steve and started to shoot at him so he had to drop the fishing rod, dropping me entirely. Quickly, I put on the elytra, firework in hand, I launched it. I started flying, heading straight for the helicopter. I got closer and closer. Nearly within grabbing distance, the firework runs out. My momentum immediately slows down, but Im so close. Stretching myself as much as I can, I reach the climax of the firework. Before falling down, I reach the helicopter, barely grabbing on with just my fingertips. I grab on with both hands and try to pull myself up. Someone inside sees me hanging on, so they immediately try to fly away and up into the sky so that I fall off. I couldn’t get inside though. The door was closed. There was a gap of glass on the door, so, pushing myself up, I reach for the glass and start to try to punch it to get it to break and open up. The glass was too strong. I didn’t know how to get in. I was only getting weaker, beginning to lose my grip. But then, a genius idea kicked in. I completely forgot something I had on me. Quickly scurrying in my bag, I pull out the temp V I had taken earlier from Joseph’s home. However, some of it had cracked and leaked half of it out. I had to try to drink the other half, in hopes that the little power it gives is enough to help me. Without a thought, I drink the remains. I slowly feel the temp V enter my body as it empowers me with it’s powers. I felt stronger. I pull myself back up and attempt to punch the glass again. Using all my power, the glass began to crack. Punching faster and faster until it finally broke. I peeked into the window and saw Joseph with 3 guards. The guards at guns ready and when they saw me they tried to shoot. I moved out of the way in time. How am I going to get in there without getting shot? I checked my pockets and found some more vials of temp V. Joseph had 3 at his house and I took them all. All had cracked and lost some liquid in this process. I drank the remains from another vial, in hopes to give me more strength to possibly rip off the door entirely and possibly tank some of the bullets. I drank another vial and gave it a shot. I felt stronger and used everything I had to pull the door off. The temp V started to give me other powers. I found that my eyes were getting hotter until all of a sudden lasers shot out from them. This was perfect. I lasered the hinges on the door until it came off. I yanked it and it opened the helicopter. I peeked in and they immediately tried to shoot me. I prepared myself then peeked and lasered their guns with great precision. They were weaker so I pulled myself in. They rushed at me and I deflected one and threw him out the helicopter. The others attacked me and tried to fight. My powers were slowly depleting, I didn’t feel as strong anymore. Luckily, the temp V isn’t my only secret weapon, I had myself. I had been practicing the art of Kung Fu using master Oogway’s youtube tutorials. I learned to control my Chi and fight with great deft. I pushed them off of me and mentally prepared myself. I opened my eyes, seeing both rush at me once more. I dodged one guys punch and quickly swept the other guy’s leg. One guy on the ground, one standing. I attacked the guy standing. He was military trained so he was strong, but not combat strong. Using my series of attacks and combos, he couldn’t land a hit on me and i successfully knocked him down. The other guy ran at me and attempted a clothesline. I dodged, gave him a liver shot, then roundhouse kicked him into the wall. He was down so I grabbed him and tried to throw him out. He tried to grab me but he couldnt grip well enough, and fell into the dark abyss below. The other guy got back up unexpectedly, pushing me out. Luckily I grabbed onto the bar of the helicopter, barely hanging on. The guy comes out and tries to knock me off. He bends down and tries to pull my hands off. I was losing my grip. Finger by finger, about to get pulled off. Until all of a sudden the man gets flung off the helicopter. I look down and see his body fall, I look back up and see Joseph standing there, tied up. I climbed back up and helped free him. He was so glad to see me. He gave me a big hug. As we were hugging, I see the pilot get up from his seat and aim a gun at Joseph. Immediately I turn Joseph around and get infront of him, taking the bullet straight into my back. Joseph grabbed a spare gun off the helicopter and shot the pilot using the whole mag. I was on the ground, breathing hard, in pain, struggling to move, but I was still alive. The helicopter fell began to freefall since the pilot fell onto the steering. My only choice was to take the last bit of temp V, in hopes that it would somehow get us out of the situation. Joseph saw me and tried to stop me, “This will kill you!” “It’s the only way out.” After drinking the little amount left, I regained my energy and stood back up. I had to get us out of this situation. Immediately I held Joseph and jumped out of the helicopter. I needed to fly, and fast. The floor was approaching us at a rapid pace. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Opening my eyes, I started to control myself and pulled us away from the ground. I was flying. Though, the temp V wasn’t holding up well. At times I would fall and then regain my flight. Back at the battle, a lot happened. The battle was tough. Both sides were exchanging bullets. We fended them off well though. We did lose some people though. Snipers were watching from far away. They shot many people, one victim being Michael Townley. Trevor saw him go down and crashed out. Infuriated, he ran out with 2 machine guns and started going ham. He killed many. The snipers still there, one of them aimed at Trevor, ready to fire. Before they could take the shot, the sniper failed and got shot. Mike Ehrmantraut was there with a sniper, taking out the other snipers one by one. Trevor, blazing his guns everywhere, eventually ran out of ammo, but that didn’t stop him. He ran out and started grabbing guns off the dead soldiers. He was unstoppable. That was until Merryweather showed up and ended the party. They brought an attack buzzard and cars. The helicopter shot missiles while the cars shot at Trevor. He took cover, but had to retreat. Luckily, Walter White was there with his fake meth. He threw some at the helicopter, blowing it up instantly. He then chucked all he had at the Merryweather cars, causing a giant explosion and giving Trevor the chance to get away. Back to where I was. We were approaching the battle. I almost crash-landed but I controlled it and safely landed. Before I could get the chance to do anything. I saw something in the sky. There was a missile heading straight for us. It would kill everyone. I had to stop it. With my remaining temp V, I flew to the sky, heading straight towards it. I wanted to redirect it and blow up the soldiers instead. I got under it and tried to reroute it, but it was so heavy. It started to turn slightly. We were getting very close. I had to do something fast. Using all my power I pushed it, getting it to barely pass by my people and crashing into the side of the building. Some people got hurt, but luckily there were no casualties from it. I regrouped with the remaining people and tried to help them. Things started to die down. There weren’t many soldiers left. Some started to retreat in their vehicles. I was happy and proud of what everyone had done. As I was watching, I fell onto my knees. I had forgotten that I got shot, and all that temp V started to get to me. I felt weak. I fell to the ground. People noticed and tried to help me. After the battle died down, they put me in a car and sent me back to the cave. We arrived and I had lost a lot of blood. It was the end for me. They tried everything, but they were just too late. The doctors left after calling time of death. Joseph entered the room to see me. He began crying and blaming himself. Sitting next to me, he pulled his head back up, and pulled something out of his pocket. A vial of temp V, the last of it. Hesitant, he grabbed a syringe and sucked up all of it. His hands were shaking, tears going down his eyes. He wasn’t sure if he should do it. Giving me temp V is death, but it could save me for some time, but I’m already dead. It’s a tough decision. Apparently Erika and Joey were there and Joseph saw them, crying. Is it worth to bring me back just to bring their hopes up until a die again and break their hearts again? I mean he never even got to thank me or say goodbye. He couldn’t do it though. He set it down and ran out of the room in tears. Not long after Erika showed up. She started to talk to me. She seemed upset at how I left them for good. But she also broke down into tears at the fact I’m gone. She noticed the temp V on the ground and realized what Joseph was thinking of doing. She grabbed it and though about giving it to me. She didn’t seem to hesitate as much and inserted the syringe into my arm. She waited, but nothing happened. She started crying and went to leave the room, when all of a sudden I woke up. Like the undertaker, I woke up suddenly, feeling energetic and powerful. She turned around and saw me, running towards me for a hug. Joey walked in and saw me, joining us in the hug. The doctors said it was a miracle, literally an impossible miracle. Joseph came back to collect the temp V. When he entered the room, he saw me awake and stood in shock. I didn’t realize that they used temp V on me. We left the hospital and I could tell Joseph was eyeing me. I asked him why he kept looking at me like that, but he ignored it. We arrived back home. Everyone sat down, happy to see me. Eventually, Erika and Joey left the room, leaving me and Joseph. That’s when Joseph confessed of what Erika did and took the blame for it since she may not have known the consequences from it. He told me, and my heart sank. My death was inevitable. I didn’t know how to break the news to my family. I had to tell them, they should know ahead of time so that we could be together for that time. When they came back into the room, we told them. They were heartbroken, but at least we had some time together. For the next couple of days, we spent a lot of time together. We were never separate from each other. I wanted to leave Joey with memories that he would remember forever. Three days passed and I started to feel the after-effects of the temp V. My time was coming to an end. Everyone gathered around me for these last moments. As I was looking around, I realized how lucky I am to have these people around me. At least I am able to go knowing everything will probably alright. Then, it happened, I was gone, again. Erika and Joey couldn’t stop themselves from crying, even when expecting it, but Joseph, didn’t seem to accept the fact that I was gone. Suddenly he got up, and did something. Apparently his time in Greenland was spent mastering the arts of buddhism. He mastered their culture and found techniques like no other. When he got up, he stood over my body, and started some sort of ritual. He placed his hand over my chest, and his other hand over his chest. As he started, something was happening in his hands. It’s like something was getting pulled out of me and into him, while something was coming out of him and into me. He finished the ritual and paused, looking at me. I woke up… again… but this time I felt fine. Joseph had replaced his soul with my soul, meaning he was going to die at any moment. He quickly explained, and hugged us all. We couldn’t even get the chance to say anything to him. He ran outside and used the temp V from my soul to fly away. He flew to a mountain top, where he sat, looking as the sun began to set. He started to feel drowsy. His time had come. He fell down, laying and facing towards the sunset, enjoying the view of mother nature in his last moments. His eyes began to slowly close, as his soul began to leave. That was it for Joseph VonJar, once again. My father was actually gone this time. Although he left me with his old soul, I still felt incredibly thankful for him. Although all that effort to save him seemed wasteful, it wasn’t. We became even more connected from it and it brought peace to Joseph. This is the end of my incredible journey. This was not possible without your incredible plugin, always coming to the rescue. Remember that firework I used to fly up to the helicopter? Yeah that rocket was customly designed from your plugin, so thanks for your hard work and effort into creating the best. Sorry this took so long to write, and I hope to talk again in the future ;)

Signing off, once again,
Joshua VJar <3

Version: 1.2.1
This is a fantastic plugin! The options are crazy! I can't believe this is free! Great job dude!
Author's response
Glad you've found it useful

Version: 1.2.0
Самый лучший плагин на настройку и на запуск фейеверков . Плагин конечно не ис самых требовательных на сервере , но он мне сильно облегчил жизнь в создании фейиверкового шоу на спавне . Я считаю что это самый лучший плагин для создания подобного , спасибо автору за поддержку плагина !

Version: 1.2.0
Fireworks have always been complicated for me in Minecraft. Trying to craft the right color, what materials you need. It's just too much. I have been waiting for something like this for a while now. It makes it so much easier now with just some simple clicks. AND you are able to fully customize it however you want. Used this for a firework show, its so cool. Great Job! This is a life changing plugin. From the second I downloaded it, everything changed. The firework menu is so easy and efficient that it just made me want to come. Ive been waiting so long for Cookie to post another plug in and he came back and did not disappoint. I wish I can refer to you as my son because I am so proud of you. Keep going my rockstar, I am always supporting you. Never give up like I did, regretting it my whole life. Still waiting for a plugin with bears and a water stone but its all right. Take your time. Anyways, you are so talented my boy. I had to stop and take breaks because of how breathtaking everything was. Your programming is so sophisticated and in depth that it cant be understood how you do it. Like my mother said, if the cockroach jumped, then so can you. As the dude who went to space said, one small step for man, and one giant leap for man kind, and you did. You took that giant leap. I was left in tears. From the time I met you, I knew you were the one, and I just wanted to say, thank you. As a child, computers were very close to my heart and with that comes chicken. Both great and scrumptious. BTW whats ur fav food/meal? If u want, my mom can cook it up for us. Anyways I wish for you the best of future with some bridges ahead. It means a lot that you care so much for me that you made a whole plugin!!! you know what, ur not my son. your my brother. You know, when I was 6, I thought it was a good idea to drive a car, not very smart. Costed my dad like 2 grand in damages. The memory of how mad he was still haunts me to this day. Thank god I didn't hurt anyone, that would have scarred me and I probably wouldn't be driving. My dogs name is cookie (named after you ;) and he loves to eat, you already know it, cookies!! See how much of my life you have changed. Don't let any haterers stop you. Keep going my little iguana. You will be the next Jerome Kerviel. I see it, on the news and media. I went to Costco the other day and got a whole lot of stuff. 450$ worth!!! I didn't even have that much money. I went to the food court to and got me a slice, they were so nice they gave it for free. I decided to take some to go as well cuz they was bussin bro. My mom, she was always so nice to me as a child. Then when my dad left, everything went sideways. She wasn't the same after that. I tried to help her and comfort her but she became so distant. I was 12 when the day came. It was 9:47pm on Friday, March 9th. I was home alone when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it with 2 cops standing there with their hats down. I didn't understand immediately, but then they told me. I fell to my knees as I felt my body weaken. My mother had passed in a car accident because she was drinking. I didn't know what to do. My emotions were out of control. Anger. Sadness. Frustrated. Disappointed. My grandparents took me in after since my dad was gone. On the day of the funeral, I refused to go. I couldn't think about seeing my mother in a casket. Growing up now, I blame myself for not being there for her, thinking I could have prevented it. Then it hit me, it was my dad's fault all this happened. I set journey to find him. Using everything I can, the internet, mutuals, that was my goal then and there. Everything was a dead end, until one day when I was scrolling through Instagram reels. My eyes were at disbelief, a man dancing with another woman on my screen. The man was, my father. I instantly tried to get in contact, and surprisingly, they responded. Not believing me at first, I kept trying to convince them. After I told them my name and my mothers name with some other info only he would know, he believed me. We later met at a Starbucks where he was, sitting think he was about to have a civil conversation. Once I come up to him and he tries to hug me, I get my gun out and aim at him whilst it was hidden. We slowly left the store and got in my car. I start driving like a maniac as I explain what he has caused. He was terrified. He was trying to calm me down and apologize like he thought that would bring her back. Then he said something that confused me and made me come to a halt. "Your mother told me to leave." I begin to question him, not believing him at first. Then he showed me the check she gave him. He never cashed it in either. He explained how he didn't want her money, but if that's what she really wanted, then he did it. I began to feel dizzy. I didn't understand why my mother was so upset after it. I realized, it wasn't either of our faults, it was her fault. We just never figured out why...

UPDATE: Log 2: 10/14/22:
I got a phone call 2 minutes ago... I am bewildered. My mother, shes alive. I got a call from a friend that traveled to France and told me they saw her there. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THAT, AM I RIGHT? I was confused, in shock, in denial, and flabbergasted. I asked for proof and they sent me a picture of her. She was alive. I got so ANGRY and FRUSTRATED I literally threw my phone at the wall. I got abandoned by both my parents. I wanted revenge, but how? FIrst thing I did was call my friend who had some mutuals that were in the spy business. Once I got them to track her down and know her location at all times. Second thing was to get to France. I booked a flight for the next day, giving me plenty of time to prepare. The third step was how I am going to get my revenge. All I wanted to do was find out why she faked her death. The revenge part could come later. Next day, I got on my 9-hour flight ready to sleep. On arrival, the plan was in play. I tracked where she was and headed there immediately. It was an apartment building on the 3rd floor. Once I reached the door, I didn't know what to say. I felt worried. I knocked. I saw someone looking through the peephole and immediately unlock the door. She was there standing, in disbelief. We both froze. So I asked her, "Why. Why would you do this to me." She was stuttering her words and couldn't answer. The anger became to come out of me. "WHY! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME! YOU WERE ALL I HAD!" She began to back up as I was walking inside. She bumped into the counter, cornered. "YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU HURT ME? HUH? I TRIED TO HELP YOU, AND YOU DECIDED TO ABANDON ME?!" All of a sudden, a guy comes walking in the room, her boyfriend."Oh so you moved on just like that? First you tell dad to leave and now you just find another guy, pretending like nothing happened?" The man asks, "Hey who is this? Is everything okay?" My mother asks, "H-how did you find out about your father?" "Did you think I was never going to find him?" I ask. She tries to apologize for what she did, thinking that calm me down. If anything, that made me more angry. I blew up, "CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN? REALLY? I SHOULD JUST BE COME AFTER MY FATHER LEAVES ME AND MY MOTHER FAKES HER DEATH TO GET AWAY FROM ME?" The man came up to me trying to get me to leave. I punched him straight in the face, making him fall into the floor. My mother tried to grab a knife, but I pulled out my gun. She instantly dropped it and both of them put their hands up. My emotions were taking control of me. I was out of control. A neighbor walked in and saw what was happening. They tried to pull out their phones and call 911, but I stopped them. I-I shot them. Once that gun went off, I knew others would check what happened any second, but I couldn't move. I just stood there, not realizing what I had just done. My body weakened and dropped the gun. My mother's boyfriend tackled me and took me down. I didn't try to resist. I blacked out and saw that the cops arrived and were arresting me. 40 years passed and I got out. My life had changed, for the better. I decided to leave the past behind me and move on. Start a new and better life. That new life could not have happened without you Golden_Cookie, so thank you. Thank you for your time and effort. I saw your content and plugins from prison and it encouraged me to be a better person. It opened a new future for me. God bless your ways. Im so grateful for having you. Hope to see you soon ;)

UPDATE: Log 3: 10/15/22:
Cookie has been so consistent with this plugin and updating it. I was having some trouble with checking my colors. Now, you can easily view what colors it is. Thank you Cookie, you really are a life savior as stated above. Want to know something funny? I woke up this morning, like 20 minutes ago, and got a call from Amanda, a girl I had a relationship with 40 years ago, before prison. Now she was trying to contact me and tell me that I had a son! That's impossible, I don't even have sperm! I kept trying to explain, but she said she went to the doctor for a DNA test and it's true, I have a son. His name is Joshua, he is 41 years old. They live in Nebraska (she really tried to sneak that in) and set a new journey to go see them. My flight was 3 hours long so I had some time to think about what I should say to him. Once I arrived, I took a taxi and got to his house in about 2 hours (not many airports in Nebraska). Finally I arrived. I walked onto the welcome mat and knocked on the door. When I opened it, a woman opened it up, making me think I got the wrong place. "I'm looking for Joshua," I said. She let me in. As I was walking in I heard some children and kids. It was early in the morning so, I saw Joshua and supposedly his children sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Hey Joshua, I-I'm your father..." Joshua gets confused on who I am since he was raised his whole life without a father. After we talk and I try to explain what happened, and how it wasn't my fault I didn't know I had a kid, especially when I have no sperm! He understood but still gets upset that he came to visit him after 41 years. They let me stay for breakfast and I got introduced to his family. He had a wife named Erika, and 2 kids, Roman and Joey. They were so nice and welcoming. I got some time to get to know everyone and how they have been, but Roman. Roman was something else. He just wouldn't shut the hell up. I tried to keep a smile, but he kept going about some nonsense. After breakfast, we sat in the living room, listening to Joshua talk about his life and what I have missed, but Roman walked in. I tried to ask Joshua if he can take Roman to another room, but he asked, "Why? Is there a problem with Roman?" I ask, "No. No. He's just being a bit loud and talkative when I want to get to know my son." Joshua thought I was being selfish and that I didn't want to see my grandchildren. The argument started to get heated so I tried to leave, "This was a mistake," I said. I grabbed my coat and headed for the door, but Joshua stopped me and apologized so I stay. As he was apologizing, Roman walked up to and continued to talk to me about his random garbage. At that point, I was done. I grabbed my Glock and shot him point blank. Joshua and Erika scream as they see their child on the ground, bleeding. I open the door and walk out as I put my pork pie hat on. I decided, I don't want a family anymore. They are inconsiderate about me and how I feel. I grabbed my luggage and headed to New Hampshire, where I moved into a house up near the mountains in a small and cozy log house. Thank god they have service and internet here or else I couldn't see updates on your old and even new plugins!

Update: Log 4: 10/25/22:
Im sorry its been so long. So much has happened in 10 days. Lets start from the beginning. My brother. He was there for me when my mom and dad left. He was older than me by 2.4859045 years. He was like another parent to me, always taking care of me. But why have I never talked about him? Well you see, after both my parents had left, it was just me and him. It was tough but we tried to get through it together, until... One day, I was with some of my friends in the park while my brother was in his car waiting for me to leave and pick me up. I stayed too long though as my brother was impatiently waiting. After 20 minutes of waiting, he got out of his, angry out of his mind. He started walking towards us, yelling. I tried to calm him down and apologize, but he just walked past me and went up to my friends. I was confused until he slit one of their throats clean. Blood gushing everywhere. No one moved, in shock. They tried to run but he chased down every single one of them until they were all dead. I was terrified. I tried to stop him from getting the last one, but he punched me aside. I got back up and did everything I can, until he slashed me on my arm. I couldn't believe it so I ran away. Ran farther than I could imagine, never looking back. I tried to find a new life away from that psychopath. 50 years have passed and I'm sitting on my couch in New Hampshire, watching TV when I went on the news and saw that my brother was being released from prison. I couldn't believe it. He killed over 5 people. I had to do something about this. I can't let him get away for everything he had done. I began to head back. I didn't want to, especially after everything that happened, but this had to be the last mission I would go on... I set sail back and got some tools to prepare. After the plane and train back, I needed some back up. I called my buddy who had the army and FBI in his contacts. He was able to triangulate a possible location he could be, on the mountaintops. After hiking up the mountain, tired. I see someone who looked like my brother. Rage fueled me as I sprinted towards him. He turned around and got in some kind of battle stance. I go to punch him as he blocks me and hits me in the gut. I was on the ground, no air and breathing hard. Trying to get back up, he kicked me in the face. He started to walk away as I regained my consiousnous. I got up and yelled, "Do you remember me?!" He looks back and nods. "Then you know exactly why I'm here," I said. I tried to fight him again, failing miserably as he blocks my punches. Its like he learned some kind of karate. I knew I wasn't going to win, so when he turned his eyes from me, I pulled out my crowbar and hit him in the back of his head, knocking him to the floor. As I went for a second hit, he grabbed it mid hit and threw it aside. I got so scared like I was when I was young. He gets up and throw punches and kicks, instantly throwing me to the ground. He continues to beat me, helpless and in pain. Once I reach the point that I can't move from all the pain, he leaves. I felt so weak and helpless. I needed a way to fight him. I called my buddy again and he said he knew someone who can teach me to fight. He is an ancient warrior who has been taught from generation to generation. I met with the guy and we began. The methods to teach me were very rough and painful, but effective. Slowly I began to learn and understand the ways. He called me a fast learner and that he reminded me of a previous student. After 2 years of non stop training, I was ready. I thanked my teacher and set journey back to my brother. My buddy said he was somewhere in a warehouse so I followed the directions and tried to find him. Once I arrived, I found him. It seemed like he was running some kind of business, possibly dealing drugs. When he was alone and everyone left, I entered. It's like he sensed me. He knew I was there without even looking. "I will never forgive you for what you did!" I said. I swung at him and began to use my teachers methods. They were working and I was actually fighting back. Landing some shots back and forth, I noticed something. The fighting style was the same as my teachers. I started to put the pieces together. My teacher also taught my brother, which is why he remembered a previous student in me. I was in shock and didn't know what to do. How was I supposed to defeat the same fighting style? He got me to the ground at one point. He said, "I enjoyed killing your friends." That sentence enraged me so much, but it fueled me. I remembered what my teacher taught me once that really spoke to me, "Do not let your emotions control you. You must control them." So I stopped the emotions from taking control and controlled them against him. My punches felt stronger as the thoughts and flashbacks of my friends dying kept popping up in my head. With each flashback came a stronger and stronger punch until the point to where my brother was on the ground. There was too much anger. My eyes began to water a little, which weakened me, not allowing me to see as much. He used that and sweeped my leg, falling to the ground. I was back where I started, feeling weak and helpless. When I fell back, I landed on something. I had forgotten I still had my Glock on the back of my pants, tucked in. At the perfect chance, I took it out and shot him in the leg. I wanted the final shots, not the gun. When he fell to the ground, we were both bleeding and exhausted, but I still had some more anger in me. Punching him left and right, he fell back. He was the weak one now, with no one to save him. After knocking him unconscious, I went to go grab my bag, but plot twist, he wasn't unconscious. He grabbed my Glock and shot me, in my back. I was stunned. I didn't feel it at first until I was on the ground bleeding. He stumbled over to me, still bleeding from his leg, and whispered, "I always win." I grabbed his throat, choking him with the last bit of power I had left. Squeezing him until he was red. I heard the sirens of cops in the distance, knowing they will be here soon. I couldn't let him get away, I had to end it there. Bleeding from my back, I get back up, bringing him back up with me, still choking him. I told him, "tell them I said I'm sorry." With that, I continued choking him and dropped him. I began punching him again, making sure he wasn't going to come back this time. The sounds of police car doors closing. I kept going over and over until the cops had to pull me off of him. He was for sure dead. I got taken to a hospital and so was my brother, but he didn't make it because he bled out. I was faced with 30 years in prison, which I didn't care about. I had finished everything. My life felt accomplished. I got one last chance to see all of my family, dead or alive, and gave them a proper goodbye. Luckily they have computers in prison and I was able to install your plugins and play Minecraft to entertain myself, so thanks cookie! Signing off, Joseph VJar.

Update: Log 5: 10/30/22:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we are back. In prison atm but we getting out of here. So i need a way to escape but how? This prison is very big and has many guards so it will be a challenge. The planning stage. I needed a way to plan it out without drawing too much attention or suspiciousness. I decided to use minecraft and build a scale replica of the prison. This was going to take some time though since I needed to discover every part of it and in order to get it exact. Anytime I had a chance outside or inside, I would try to look around as much as possible to map out the prison in mind long enough to remember and build it in Minecraft. After mapping just about the whole prison, I needed to figure out how I was going to do this. After thinking and testing many ideas, I came to a conclusion. Cookie’s newest update added physical fireworks which gave me a stroke of genius, I need explosives. Now obtaining such thing is extremely hard and difficult to do, but its not impossible. This would require a lot of chemistry knowledge but luckily I didnt fail that class. First step is to get nitric acid. This can be obtained from the dishwashing liquid in the kitchen of the prison. I need large portions of this because there isnt much nitric acid in there. Now smuggling enough can not be done at once, it would have to be done slowly and over time. Each time I had the chance I took some to the point that i would not be noticed. I smuggled it by getting some of the plastic that would be used for the food and put some of the dishwash liquid in it. The plastic acted as a bag and I tied it so it doesn’t leak. After that, I put the small bag in my pants, held between my butt cheeks. I just had to be very careful since the guys here really like to slap my butt because they say i’m “double caked up” what ever that means. I needed one more thing from the kitchen and that was fuel. I did the same strategy to smuggle it out and eventually got enough and hid it in my mattress. I needed my next chemical, ammonia. Ammonia is a hard chemical to obtain so I had to use some other recourses. There was this guy that had some contacts from people in the outside world. They can get him anything in. People request from him a lot, but hes expensive. I saved up a lot of money from working in prison and eventually was able to pay him. I asked for a lot of nitrous oxide, sodium amide, ammonia, styphnic acid, and lead hydroxide. He was confused and suspicious but he agreed when I gave him the money. He couldn’t get me all of it at the same time to not draw attention. I couldn’t keep all the chemicals in my cell, I needed some help. I started to tell people and get them to help me. With enough persuasion, I got 3 others to help. We started to distribute the chemicals between our cells. This process alone took about 8 months to accomplish. Now for the next step in the plan: the building. I had to actually start building the bomb, but I needed a safe place to do it where no one would see or notice. I decided that the only option was to do it at night, but I would have to be very quite. I used the cups that my allies and I used during lunch to mix the chemicals. When night came, I began. I started off by making all the primers. I first needed to mix the ammonia, nitrous oxide, and sodium amide together and make the azide. Once that was ready, I got my the second part which was made by mixing styphnic acid and lead hydroxide together, making the lead styphnate. Now that I got the main ingredients, I put them together and made many primers, ending the night with 4 primers and 4 hours of sleep. I couldn’t work on the bombs every night because the chemicals would cause smells which can attract the guards attention. I waited 3 nights before working each time. Next time, I worked on the other 4 primers and was able to finish with 5 hours of sleep that time. Finishing one part of the bomb, I started on the next part, the explosive. For this, I needed fuel oil which I had gotten from the kitchen, and ammonium nitrate which I needed to make. Ammonium nitrate requires ammonia and nitric acid. Only problem is that the dishwash liquid doesn’t contain as much nitric acid as needed so the proportion of ammonia to nitric acid had to be increased. I remembered checking the dishwash in the kitchen and checking the ingredients and the percentages. I used that to understand how much dishwash is needed. From there, I started to mix the two together to make ammonium nitrate. I was able to make 3 ANFo (explosives), but I needed more dishwash. Since I had a team now, I was able to get it 4 times faster. I was able to get the rest of the dishwash in under a month which would have been very useful and time saving from before. I continued to make the rest of them another night. The parts were ready. I started to put together the bombs, but realized i needed a detonator for the bombs. We couldn’t get ahold of this so we had to compromise and use a very slim piece of cloth instead, which meant the explosion would take more time to happen when it is lit. After putting them together, I had 8 bombs ready. Now, why do I have 8 bombs? Well, if I do this alone, I will get found and brought back by the guards immedietly since I am just one person, BUT, if there are 7 other people, there is a much smaller chance i get caught as fast, giving me more time to escape. This leads to the next part, how to escape. Using the minecraft world and scale replica I created, I studied and memorized the whole prison. I did this for a month. Once the plan seemed ready, I found 4 other people to give bombs to and have try to escape. Now the final part: The execution. We needed a way to light the bombs obviously. Luckily we had one guy who bought matches from the other guy, so we gave everybody one, and a small piece of the red phosphorous. The plan was just about ready. At exactly 1:58AM, the plan was in action. Everybody put their bomb against the wall, stood their bed up and hid behind it to avoid anything debris or explosion from the bomb. We also had to cover our ears because of how loud it would be. When the clock struck 2, everyone lit their bombs on fire and prepared for impact. About 20 seconds later, 7 bombs went off, waking everyone and sounding the alarms all over the prison. The prisoners were caught after about 3 minutes which was better than I expected, but where am I in this? Like I said, 7 bombs went off, mine did not. I wasn’t doing what they were doing. That’s dumb and idiotic. The prison has walls in walls. They were never going to get out. I had my own plan. Once they blew up the walls, I had made some small explosives rather than one big one and used some to blow off the lock from my cell. Once that was done, I opened the door and ran off. I couldn’t escape at that time though, thats when all the guards were looking for the prisoners. Thinking back to my memory of the prison, I knew exactly where to go. I also studied where the guards are and go every night to know where they would be coming from. I reached an area with a bathroom, so i went inside. I knew there would be two guards going by, and they did. This wasn’t any prisoner bathroom though, this was for the guards. I had to be very careful if someone came inside. I stayed there until the morning, when I heard someone come in. I was so quiet and scared. My heart felt like it was beating so loud that they can hear it. Luckily, they left and a loud sigh came out. What I didn’t realize was that two people came in the bathroom, and there was someone in the stall next to mine. They heard my sigh and mustve thought it was another guard. But I didn’t think that way. I thought my cover was blown. Either way I had to do something and get out of this bathroom. I waited for him to finish from the stall and go wash his hands, but he didnt go wash his hands (how stinky). When I saw him start walking for the door, I instantly opened my stall, grabbed him and choked him. I had to cover his mouth so no one would hear, he tried to fight back but I was able to take his taser from his pocket and tase him unconscious. I took his uniform and clothes and replaced them with mine. Luckily this was one of the guards who use a helmet and strong armor for when riots break out, so I was able to cover my face. I put my clothes on him to make it seem like he's a prisoner. I walked out and tried to act natural. I knew the paths the guards took, but I didn’t know which one that guard took, so I just tried to blend in, until I saw a guard coming my way. I began to panic, but tried to just walk past him casually. He didn’t say a word. I was able to get away from that hallway and bathroom. I found a room where there were other guards and stayed with them, trying to fit in. I knew I didn’t have much time until the guard in the bathroom woke up, so I had to do something. A guard came up to me and asked me where I was supposed to be. I started stuttering in panic, saying I was new here. He was nice and tried helping me and showed me around. This was going to be the worst mistake he made. This showed me all the exits and possible escape routes. I decided to pretend to be a guard for longer. I knew the guard would wake up and try to snitch, but if I meet more people, they will defend me. A couple days pass and I come up with an escape plan. I try to check it out to see if it will work until someone came up to me and asked what im doing here. I tried to say that im just getting some fresh air but then he took me elsewhere and said I was needed there. I was confused until I realized where he was taking me. He opened the door and there was the boss, sitting in his chair. He would know if theres a new guy in the prison, so that meant my cover was blown. I sat down and he began to talk to me about my position. I think he actually thought I was new here. I tried to answer him and act natural, until he asked me where I was taught. I didn’t know anything about where guards are taught. I tried to make something up, but thats where he caught me. He tried to call for security but I tased him before he can do it. There were cameras in his office, so others saw it. There was only a matter of seconds before the alarm was called. I instantly made a run for it. The alarms went off and I try to make it to the exit, where I am stopped by the guy who welcomed me. He asked me where I was going. I told him I was checking whats going on outside. He decided to come with me. When we went out, the intercoms warned of a rogue guard and they said the badge number which I had. He checked my badge and realized it was me. Immediately we both pulled out our guns. I didn’t want to hurt him. He has been nothing but nice and welcoming. I tried to tell him to back off and just let me go, but he wouldn’t do it. That’s when more guards came. He got distracted and so I hit his gun to the ground and grabbed him to use him as a hostage. The gun pointing at his head with everyone looking and pointing their guns at me. I began to back up slowly. I saw more guards were coming from other angles. I had to hurry so when I reached the door, I made a run inside. I tried to open the gate, but i needed a keycard. The only way out was to hack my way in. Luckily i decided to learn how to code, influenced by Cookie’s amazing plugins. I was able to get into the system and open the gate. The guards were right behind me when I started running. There were many shots fired, many missed but two were able to hit me. I got shot in the leg and back. Luckily the armor was able to take most of the impact. I was still hurt, but had to keep running. Once I reached the city, I saw helicopters and police cars searching for me. I quickly changed out of the clothes and tried to hide until it started to die down. Once it seemed more safe, I made a run out of the city, the state, the country entirely. I had my boy in the FBI hook me up with a little cabin in ukraine. It was quiet, besides for the shootings and bombs in the distance, but it was better than being in a cell. Golden Cookie literally helped me break out of prison. He is a true inspiriation and life saver. Thank you Cookie. I’m going to go now and try to be in peace and relax. Peace, JosephVJar.

Update: Log 6: 11/6/2022: FINAL LOG
So the peace and relaxing lasted like 3 months. I was in my apartment when I began to notice that there were people staring at me. At first I thought it was because I am American, but I began to realize that they were spying on me. I saw that they had earpieces in. They were spys, most likely for America. Sadly I had a plan ready for this situation. When I got home, I immediately got my plan Y bag. Once I was ready, I tried to run away, but they kept following me. I couldn’t lose them. When I reached an alley, that was my chance to make a run for it. I took out two smoke bombs from my bag and threw them. They couldn’t see me anymore. I started climbing the stairs to the roof. They saw me going up and began to chase me. I had called in a helicopter from my guy in the FBI, even though he was working for America. He still helped me tho cuz he a real one. Once I was at the top, I saw the helicopter coming, but so were the agents. I tried to distract them and stall for time. Two of them came from behind (if you know what i mean ;). Anyways, I had to fight them. They could barely fight me with my karate moves. I kicked them both off the roof, but more came. The helicopter was almost here and it was just swooping by so if I missed my chance, i would be stuck here. The ladder was dropped and they reached the building. There were still agents on me, but the ladder was about to fall off the building. I kicked the agents aside and made a run for it, barely catching it as it fell over the building. We flew away. I climbed into the helicopter to see 3 guns being pointed at me. It was a setup. My boi lied to me. They cuffed me and flew to an airport. I was confused as to how they found me. They told me they saw my review online at goldencookie’s plugin, fireworky. That’s when I realized I still had an explosive on me. I tried to get out of the cuffs by using a technique my karate instructor taught me. What you have to do is dislocate your thumb to be able to slide your hand out. I was able to do it with a lot of pain. Luckily they didn’t notice. When the helicopter landed. We got out, but I left my explosive in there. We were heading towards the plane when I activated the bomb, blowing up the helicoper. Doing so, caused them to be distracted, giving me the perfect chance to make a run for a car. The car was unlocked but there were no keys. Luckily I knew how to hot wire it and got it going. They realized and saw me in the car. They began to shoot at me but I ducked. One bullet ricocheted and hit me in the arm. After driving away, I realized I was still in Ukraine, so I headed to one of my friend’s lab to patch up my gunwound. When I arrived there, he let me in. He helped me and took care of my wounds. I was still in a lot of pain though so I decided to just stop and take a break for a little bit. A couple days pass and the pain has gone away. I decide to leave because I am putting my friend at risk by staying with him. There’s not much I can do left. Theres American spys targeting me. What’s next, the army? I spoke too soon; the army is here to get me. They haven’t found me yet, but I just saw an armored army truck drive by. It could not be for me, but I wasn’t going to take my chances. I stayed clear from the streets and tried to limit interaction with other people as much as possible. I get to a safe place with a secret underground basement. I stay there for a while, giving myself time to heal. I realized something. I couldn’t just keep hiding down here. I can’t distance myself away from everyone and hide. I can’t keep living myself like this forever. It was time I did something, fought back. Like my karate master sensei once said, “To forgive someone is to give them a peanut butter sandwich, but with that, comes starvation.” And that’s when I realized that I had to initiate plan Z, my final plan. I quickly went to my bag and grabbed a vial. This vial wasn’t any normal vial, it contained Temp V, a substance that can alter you and your abilities entirely, enhancing them to give you superpowers. This substance was being worked on by the US army and I had my boi in the FBI tell me about it and get me a sample before he stabbed me in the back and betrayed me. With that sample, I brought it to my buddy in the lab and asked him if he could replicate and make more of it. He said it was so sophisticated and interesting, but also very dangerous. This stuff can alter your brain and your dna. Once you take it, theres no going back, slowly you begin to die. It was something made for the army to use as a last resort method, especially if they were going to die. If I take this, my timer starts for how long I have to live. The army’s version estimates about one week before affects take place, but my friend’s version could be about 24-48 hours. If I did this, it means I would end everything. But its not just a suicide, i would also take the US with me. I got my needle, strapped my arm to get the bloodflow ready, and injected the whole thing. It only took about 15 seconds for the powers to hit and take affect. I felt so powerful and strong. At that very moment, the army blasted in. They somehow found my location. They must have planted a tracker on me. Luckily one of the perks of my powers is being bulletproof. I walk towards them as all their bullets bounce off of me. I walk up to one of them as they try to punch me, I chuckle and smash his skull against the wall. The others continue to shoot, as if that would do anything. One of them trys to use their walkie talkie and tell their commander that i am under the influence of temp V. Oh yeah, I should mentions, my powers are super strength, bulletproof, fly, and lightning powers. Anyways, I quickly zapped his walkie talkie and electrocuted him. The rest of the guys were very brutally slaughtered by me. I flew away from the scene and began to head to America. Right after the commander heard that I took temp V, he got soldiers ready, and injected them with it too. I had forgotten that I was being tracked so on my way to America, they punched me out of the sky. There were 5 soldiers flying straight at me. Two of them had laser vision, but none of them had fighting experience like me. Two flew at me as two others tried to laser me. I dodged the lasers and hit them straight down into the ground. The last one was just flying there so we went head on. We punched each other back and forth until i flew him into a building and out the other side. This one was strong. I grabbed him and used him like a bat and swung his head straight into a metal pole, knocking him out. The other soldiers came back when I wasn’t looking and grabbed my arms. The laser guys began to laser me down. There was so much pain and I couldn’t move or do anything. Then, I began to get flashbacks. I saw my mother, father, son and family with dead son. I started to hear my mom talking, “if the cockroach jumped, then so can you.” I immediately opened my eyes and felt fueled and pumped with strength. I grabbed both of the guys holding me down, and flung them towards each other, smashing their skulls. I flew at the other two who were lasering me and grabbed them both. I flew them into buildings and punched them at the same time. They tried to fight back, but they couldn’t get the chance with their head being knocked into walls every 1 second. Then, someone grabbed my leg and threw me away. The other soldier that I hit with a pole, woke up. Now I had 3 problems. I got the katana from my pocket and flew at them.It did nothing to them and their skin, but their eyes aren’t impenetrable. I stabbed one of them in the eye and they started screaming in pain. I pulled out another katana and deflected their oncoming attacks, went behind them, and shoved the katana right up their butt hole. Two down, one left, and it was pole dude. We began to fight, throwing each other around. He got a piece of glass tried to stab me in the eye. I tried to resist with all of my power until I kneed him in the stomach and stabbed him instead. I punched him left and right, got another piece of glass and stabbed his other eye. To finish him off, I got a big stone, and smashed his skull. That was the end of that problem. I was tired so I took took a break for a minute, but I realized that I only had 24-48 hours for my temp V, so I got going. As I was flying, I remembered the tracker is still on me, I saw something flying at me. There were homing missiles flying straight towards me. There was like 20 of them too. I tried to dodge them, but they kept coming and one of them hit me, blasting me into 2 other ones. That did a lot to me. I fell to the ground, feeling weak. When I landed, I saw all the missiles heading towards me, thinking this was the end. I closed my eyes and waited for them to hit me. Seconds later I hear them explode, but none of them hit me. I open my eyes to see someone lasering the missles. I couldn’t tell who it was because of how fast they were moving. Once they landed next to me, I saw their face. Joshua, my son, was standing over me. He helped me up. He explained that he saw what was happening on TV and decided to come help me. He got temp V from a lab that he works in. After he was done talking, he punched me and didn’t stop. “YOU KILLED MY SON!” I forgot I did that, but I wasn’t going to fight him back, that’s my son. I responded with, “ma bad,” and at that point I grabbed his fist before hitting me again, and threw him to the side. I thanked him for saving me, and flew away, but he followed. He wouldn’t let me be, so I let him follow along, only if he promised to stop hittin me, which he did. We began to head for America once again. We talked on our way there and tried to catch up. He told me about his son’s funeral and how they had a whole memorial service for him. I began to feel bad but just moved on. I told him that sucks and hope he feels better. We saw land and almost arrived at America. I told him my plan was to take down America with me and how I have about 24-48 hours to do it. We decided to split up. He was going to the pentagon while I headed for the White House. I was going to get the president, while he was going to cause distractions by attacking the pentagon. Once it was in motion, I waited for him to attack it and cause attention. Once that was done I went to the white house, only to find it empty. Seems like they knew I would come here, but they werent fast enough. My powers seemed to be evolving. I started to gain super hearing some how. With that, I could hear so much. I also heard the president. I saw him outside, getting in a helicopter. Seems like they were too late. They were about to take off, when I pulled the helicopter down and broke the door off. There I saw Biden. I grabbed him and flew away. Now, there was enough panic going through America. The pentagon was hit, the president was taken. I took biden to somewhere far away from civilization and i couldn’t be found. I tied him up and began to question him. I was trying to get the codes for the country’s missiles. He wasn’t telling me anything, so I had to take worse measures. I flew back to D.C and got bidens family. I brought them to biden and threatened them. I tied them up and began the torture methods. I splashed them with water and began electrocuting them. By then, biden fell asleep, snoring loudly. I splashed him with water to wake him up. He saw what was happening and just fell back to sleep. I gave him a little shock and that really woke him up. I shocked his family in front of him and he decided to speak up. He said that he forgot the codes. I thought he was bluffing so I went to go shock his family again, but as I was going to do that. My hands were too close to the electricity that some hit me. But it didn’t shock me. Everything stopped. Its like time froze. I looked around and everyone was frozen. I looked at my hands and there was electricity flowing through them. I think I gained another superpower, super speed. I ran around and was super fast that it was hard to control. I came back to biden and shocked his family again. This time, he told me that he did know where the codes are. He said they were on his desk, on the bottom of his lamp. I was confused, but decided to check. I ran there since that was faster and saw the codes weren’t there. He lied. I ran back to find them breaking out and untying themselves. Biden was on the phone and put it down. He must’ve called for backup. I tied them up and continued torturing them. Biden wasn’t saying a word, so I amped it up. This is where the real damage starts. Right when I was about to start, I felt something. I felt like I sensed someone coming. I turned around and slowed down time to check it out. I ran around and saw someone flying straight towards us. I checked who it was, and I couldnt believe it. I literally fell to the floor in disbelief. My brother was somehow alive, and had powers. This is literally my worst nightmare. I got up, stopped being scared, and took a big deep breath. I flew up, uppercut him, and sped up time. He went flying up from the punch. Apparently, the government brought him to use as a test subject for their projects and injected him with the V. That brought him back to life. We began to fight and punches were being thrown. We were throwing each other around. I would slow down time, and get some punches off. He had an interesting power too. He would be able to send extremely powerful and loud sound waves. When he did, my ears were hurting so bad, they felt like they were going to explode. My ears began to bleed until joshua came in flying and punched him. He helped me up. I couldnt hear very well so I just had to keep fighting with my other senses. It was hard because I couldn’t hear what was going on or where they were. Joshua tried to take my brother, alone. He couldn’t take his fighting and Joshua started to get beat up. I came in to help but I got knocked aside, feeling weak. Flashbacks came in when he slashed me when I was young, and when we fought in that warehouse. Rage fueled me once again. I looked at my hands and saw lightning. Its like I was charging up. I got up and ran full speed at him and it felt like time slowed down for a second right as I punched him with all I had. That punch was so strong, it made him go flying a mile away. I helped Joshua up and we flew away. We were both injured so we began to head for a hospital. We couldn’t just walk in there since our faces were all over the news and everyone knew about us. I decided to slow down time and grab the required supplies needed to treat us. Joshua patched himself up, but my injuries were internal. I couldn’t hear that much. It was just a constant high pitched sound that was so irritating. Its weird too; I have super hearing yet I cant hear. I just needed some time to heal, but we didnt have time. At that point, I probably would have about a day or less before the temp V takes affect to me. We took a small break to get ourselves together and tried to form a plan. We needed to kill my brother. He can’t be allowed to stay alive, especially with his powers. First step was to kill my brother, but we needed to lure him out. We went back to D.C and I ran around the whole city to search for him (the president got a lift back from the army), but I couldn’t find him. In fact, I couldnt find anyone. Literally the whole city was empty. Every house, every room, every street. Not a soul in sight. I told joshua what I found. Moments later, I hear something. With my bad ears, I can still hear a very faint noise. Right when I heard that, tear gas was being thrown all around us. The army had surrounded us. We were in the middle of the street when 50 army trucks pulled up, with 20 soldiers on the roof with snipers. I started laughing. They thought they can take us down with bullets and tear gas. Until one sniper shot at me. The bullet hurt. They somehow made bullets that can hurt people who take temp V, probably for rogue agents. The bullet didn’t pierce me, it just made me take a lot of knockback. The impact left some bruises. That’s when I got scared. The soldiers were talking to eachother with earpieces, so I tried to focus. I calmed myself, closed my eyes, and listened. Faintly, I heard them talking. It was hard to interpret, but I began to get the hang of it. When I was able to hear them better. The first thing I heard was “3,2,1, Fire.” I instantly opened my eyes as I saw all of the snipers and soldiers on the ground fire their weapons. I saw the muzzle flash that appears when they shoot their guns. All the bullets were in the air, not moving. I began to run around grabbing all their bullets and aimed them back at them. When I sped up time again to release the bullets, they hit all the soldiers, knocking them all down. We thought we had done it, until all of them got back up. They all took temp V before coming here. Now that was a problem. We couldnt take over 100 soldiers with temp V. They all came flying at us. I tried to use my speed and electricity, while Joshua was flying around and lasering them. It wasn’t very effective. They would just get back up. As I was running around, I noticed something, there were 3 other people who were running with super speed too. We fought as time was slowed. As it was slowed, I noticed that there were 40 laser beams headed straight for Joshua. The impact of that will possible kill him. I didn’t know what to do. I fought off the 3 other speedsters and tried to help Joshua get away, but I would keep getting pulled back. The lasers would slowly get closer to joshua. I ran around and tried to build up electricity. They were guarding joshua since they knew I would go for him. Once I had enough power, I ran straight at him with all my power, going faster than I ever went before. I went past one, then another. The final person came and tried to punch me so I dodged, but thats when a fourth one came from nowhere and knocked me down. Time sped back up and all the lasers hit Joshua. I ran to him and checked on him. He wasnt responding. I saw all the soldiers headed towards me. I was crying. I let my son die in a battle for me, especially since he has a family. As I am on the ground weeping, I think of something. It was something theoretical. Time travel. I wasn’t sure if it would work, but theoretically, if I went fast enough and broke the speed of light, I could cause a temporary wormhole to appear. I ran and ran. There was a bright yellow light appearing behind me. It sounded like an extremely high intensity laser beam that hit the soldiers. I couldn’t look back. I kept running, thinking about Joshua and why I am doing this. Electricity began to surround me. I became a ball of lightning running extremely fast. As I was running, the ground behind me was being destroyed with each step I took because of how powerful they were. I got so fast, I was traveling around the Earth in a second. It wasn’t fast enough. I kept going. My lightning began to turn purple, becoming hotter and faster. I was traveling so fast I couldn’t see where I was running. I was traveling around the Earth 8 times in a second, which was faster than the speed of light. All around me was turning blue until a wormhole appeared and I ran through it. I needed to turn back just 5 minutes earlier. I ran, and came out of a portal. I didn’t know if it had worked but I kept running to check where Joshua was. When I went back to D.C, I had only turned back time by a minute. Joshua was about to get hit with lasers. With all my speed and power, I ran at all of them, shooting a giant bolt of lightning from within me and also punched one of them that spread the lightning throughout them, electrocuting all of them. I moved Joshua away and he was safe. They were all on the ground when that same bright yellow light appeared and a giant laser beam hit all of them. I looked in the sky and it was a person. They came down and I was lost for words. It was my father. He came to help me too. Now let me tell you, I was completely flabbergasted. He said he felt bad he left me so he came to help. The soldiers were still knocked down, so we combined our powers. I electrocuted them, my dad lasered them with his strong laser, and joshua didnt have anything strong so he used his lasers. Together we were able to disintegrate them. We cheered and hugged. What I forgot about was that when I time traveled, I came back a couple moments where I was still here. So my past self and present self are now here. I tried to explain what happened to all of them. As I was doing that, Joshua got swooped and taken by my brother. We all flew after him. I shot electricity and my dad lasered him and shot him out the sky. He fell to the ground, but got back up. We brought Joshua back, but my brother used his loud pitched voice. We all fell to the ground in pain. In that moment, I realized something. I was just another version of myself. Even if I died now, they still have another me. I got up. At that point my ears were just destroyed. I walked through the sound waves. It was pushing me back, but I kept going. When I got close enough I punched him. I grabbed him and lasered him. I didn’t stop. I got so angry. I began to laser him and electrocute him at the same time. I was using so much energy, but I didnt care. I just wanted him gone. I kept going until I couldnt go any further. I fell to the ground and felt so weak. My brother was gone this time, for good. Sirens started going off. I couldnt hear them, but I could tell something was happening. Some T.Vs in stores began to turn on, sending a warning message that a nuke was about to fall on D.C. I realized what was happening and got up, barely being able to stand. I couldnt let the nuke hit, or else we are all dead. In the distance, I can see the nuke coming. I had really good vision since I had lost my sense to hear. I told them that it was coming. Immediately, the other version of me looked at me. We nodded and knew exactly what we had to do. We were going to fly to the nuke, and bring it somewhere else. We were gonna die soon anyways, why not go out in a bang? We had a minute before the nuke hit. I told them I needed to do something first. I quickly found a computer in one of the stores and went online. I went to discord and logged in. Using GoldenCookies fireworks page, I got his discord server and sent one last message saying “Thank you @Cookie,” to let him know how thankful I am and how much he meant to me. Without him and his amazing plugins, I would not be in this situation. I would probably be in prison somewhere, rotting in a cell for the last days of my life. The fact that I am able to live this kind of life with adventures and a journey that doesn’t end is something that I am so grateful for. Thank you Cookie. I couldnt have done this without you. JosephVJar couldn’t continue this, so I, Joshua, will continue it to finish off his legacy. After he finished up with his message, the nuke got very close. We said our last goodbyes and they flew off. They reached the nuke and had to carefully redirect it without accidentally activating it. As it came close to the ground, they were able to bring it back up and fly it away. At first, I thought they were going to nuke another part of the U.S, but then I realized what they were doing. Instead of the U.S, they were going out of the state, the country, the continent. They were going to bomb Russia. Not only was it Russia though. One of them flew it to Russia and another was able to locate Area 52, where there were more bombs and nukes available. They quickly grabbed it and flew out. The first nuke hit. JosephVJar, the slightly older one flew the nuke into Moscow, killing over 10 million people, including himself. The next nuke hit about a mintute later into Shanghai, killing over 20 million people, including himself. That was the end of the Josephs. They finished off their legacy and purpose. After those hits, Russia and China fought back against these and went into war with America, causing World War 3. Other countries joined as well, but after 6 years, the war ended and resulted with the loss of America. Joseph got what he wanted. America got destroyed. I, joshua, also was able to survive the temp V, along with my grandfather or Joseph’s father. There was a cure made for it that can reduce the affects towards you. It didn’t prevent everything, but at least I was able to live with my family and see America burn. The last thing I want to say is for Cookie. I didnt know you as well as Joseph, but you seem like a great man. You helped him, even if you didnt realize it. You helped him throughout his whole life, even at the darkest of times. So thank you. Thank you for everything that you have done and blessed us with.
This is Joshua and JosephVJar, signing off.
Author's response
JosephVJar seemed like an awesome dude who really cared for his family and his values. I'm saddened by the fact that I was not able to meet Joseph face to face but I am grateful that he spent a part of his journey documenting his life on my review page. I could not be any more proud of Joseph and his accomplishments, and I can't thank him enough for this review that he has left on this plugin page. I wish you the best Joshua, your father was a hero, the world's hero, and my hero.
May you be blessed with the fortunes of Joseph.
Signing off, Cookie.

Version: 1.2.0
Fireworks have always been complicated for me in Minecraft. Trying to craft the right color, what materials you need. It's just too much. I have been waiting for something like this for a while now. It makes it so much easier now with just some simple clicks. AND you are able to fully customize it however you want. Used this for a firework show, its so cool. Great Job! This is a life changing plugin. From the second I downloaded it, everything changed. The firework menu is so easy and efficient that it just made me want to come. Ive been waiting so long for Cookie to post another plug in and he came back and did not disappoint. I wish I can refer to you as my son because I am so proud of you. Keep going my rockstar, I am always supporting you. Never give up like I did, regretting it my whole life. Still waiting for a plugin with bears and a water stone but its all right. Take your time. Anyways, you are so talented my boy. I had to stop and take breaks because of how breathtaking everything was. Your programming is so sophisticated and in depth that it cant be understood how you do it. Like my mother said, if the cockroach jumped, then so can you. As the dude who went to space said, one small step for man, and one giant leap for man kind, and you did. You took that giant leap. I was left in tears. From the time I met you, I knew you were the one, and I just wanted to say, thank you. As a child, computers were very close to my heart and with that comes chicken. Both great and scrumptious. BTW whats ur fav food/meal? If u want, my mom can cook it up for us. Anyways I wish for you the best of future with some bridges ahead. It means a lot that you care so much for me that you made a whole plugin!!! you know what, ur not my son. your my brother. You know, when I was 6, I thought it was a good idea to drive a car, not very smart. Costed my dad like 2 grand in damages. The memory of how mad he was still haunts me to this day. Thank god I didn't hurt anyone, that would have scarred me and I probably wouldn't be driving. My dogs name is cookie (named after you ;) and he loves to eat, you already know it, cookies!! See how much of my life you have changed. Don't let any haterers stop you. Keep going my little iguana. You will be the next Jerome Kerviel. I see it, on the news and media. I went to Costco the other day and got a whole lot of stuff. 450$ worth!!! I didn't even have that much money. I went to the food court to and got me a slice, they were so nice they gave it for free. I decided to take some to go as well cuz they was bussin bro. My mom, she was always so nice to me as a child. Then when my dad left, everything went sideways. She wasn't the same after that. I tried to help her and comfort her but she became so distant. I was 12 when the day came. It was 9:47pm on Friday, March 9th. I was home alone when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it with 2 cops standing there with their hats down. I didn't understand immediately, but then they told me. I fell to my knees as I felt my body weaken. My mother had passed in a car accident because she was drinking. I didn't know what to do. My emotions were out of control. Anger. Sadness. Frustrated. Disappointed. My grandparents took me in after since my dad was gone. On the day of the funeral, I refused to go. I couldn't think about seeing my mother in a casket. Growing up now, I blame myself for not being there for her, thinking I could have prevented it. Then it hit me, it was my dad's fault all this happened. I set journey to find him. Using everything I can, the internet, mutuals, that was my goal then and there. Everything was a dead end, until one day when I was scrolling through Instagram reels. My eyes were at disbelief, a man dancing with another woman on my screen. The man was, my father. I instantly tried to get in contact, and surprisingly, they responded. Not believing me at first, I kept trying to convince them. After I told them my name and my mothers name with some other info only he would know, he believed me. We later met at a Starbucks where he was, sitting think he was about to have a civil conversation. Once I come up to him and he tries to hug me, I get my gun out and aim at him whilst it was hidden. We slowly left the store and got in my car. I start driving like a maniac as I explain what he has caused. He was terrified. He was trying to calm me down and apologize like he thought that would bring her back. Then he said something that confused me and made me come to a halt. "Your mother told me to leave." I begin to question him, not believing him at first. Then he showed me the check she gave him. He never cashed it in either. He explained how he didn't want her money, but if that's what she really wanted, then he did it. I began to feel dizzy. I didn't understand why my mother was so upset after it. I realized, it wasn't either of our faults, it was her fault. We just never figured out why...

UPDATE: Log 2: 10/14/22:
I got a phone call 2 minutes ago... I am bewildered. My mother, shes alive. I got a call from a friend that traveled to France and told me they saw her there. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THAT, AM I RIGHT? I was confused, in shock, in denial, and flabbergasted. I asked for proof and they sent me a picture of her. She was alive. I got so ANGRY and FRUSTRATED I literally threw my phone at the wall. I got abandoned by both my parents. I wanted revenge, but how? FIrst thing I did was call my friend who had some mutuals that were in the spy business. Once I got them to track her down and know her location at all times. Second thing was to get to France. I booked a flight for the next day, giving me plenty of time to prepare. The third step was how I am going to get my revenge. All I wanted to do was find out why she faked her death. The revenge part could come later. Next day, I got on my 9-hour flight ready to sleep. On arrival, the plan was in play. I tracked where she was and headed there immediately. It was an apartment building on the 3rd floor. Once I reached the door, I didn't know what to say. I felt worried. I knocked. I saw someone looking through the peephole and immediately unlock the door. She was there standing, in disbelief. We both froze. So I asked her, "Why. Why would you do this to me." She was stuttering her words and couldn't answer. The anger became to come out of me. "WHY! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME! YOU WERE ALL I HAD!" She began to back up as I was walking inside. She bumped into the counter, cornered. "YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU HURT ME? HUH? I TRIED TO HELP YOU, AND YOU DECIDED TO ABANDON ME?!" All of a sudden, a guy comes walking in the room, her boyfriend."Oh so you moved on just like that? First you tell dad to leave and now you just find another guy, pretending like nothing happened?" The man asks, "Hey who is this? Is everything okay?" My mother asks, "H-how did you find out about your father?" "Did you think I was never going to find him?" I ask. She tries to apologize for what she did, thinking that calm me down. If anything, that made me more angry. I blew up, "CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN? REALLY? I SHOULD JUST BE COME AFTER MY FATHER LEAVES ME AND MY MOTHER FAKES HER DEATH TO GET AWAY FROM ME?" The man came up to me trying to get me to leave. I punched him straight in the face, making him fall into the floor. My mother tried to grab a knife, but I pulled out my gun. She instantly dropped it and both of them put their hands up. My emotions were taking control of me. I was out of control. A neighbor walked in and saw what was happening. They tried to pull out their phones and call 911, but I stopped them. I-I shot them. Once that gun went off, I knew others would check what happened any second, but I couldn't move. I just stood there, not realizing what I had just done. My body weakened and dropped the gun. My mother's boyfriend tackled me and took me down. I didn't try to resist. I blacked out and saw that the cops arrived and were arresting me. 40 years passed and I got out. My life had changed, for the better. I decided to leave the past behind me and move on. Start a new and better life. That new life could not have happened without you Golden_Cookie, so thank you. Thank you for your time and effort. I saw your content and plugins from prison and it encouraged me to be a better person. It opened a new future for me. God bless your ways. Im so grateful for having you. Hope to see you soon ;)

UPDATE: Log 3: 10/15/22:
Cookie has been so consistent with this plugin and updating it. I was having some trouble with checking my colors. Now, you can easily view what colors it is. Thank you Cookie, you really are a life savior as stated above. Want to know something funny? I woke up this morning, like 20 minutes ago, and got a call from Amanda, a girl I had a relationship with 40 years ago, before prison. Now she was trying to contact me and tell me that I had a son! That's impossible, I don't even have sperm! I kept trying to explain, but she said she went to the doctor for a DNA test and it's true, I have a son. His name is Joshua, he is 41 years old. They live in Nebraska (she really tried to sneak that in) and set a new journey to go see them. My flight was 3 hours long so I had some time to think about what I should say to him. Once I arrived, I took a taxi and got to his house in about 2 hours (not many airports in Nebraska). Finally I arrived. I walked onto the welcome mat and knocked on the door. When I opened it, a woman opened it up, making me think I got the wrong place. "I'm looking for Joshua," I said. She let me in. As I was walking in I heard some children and kids. It was early in the morning so, I saw Joshua and supposedly his children sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Hey Joshua, I-I'm your father..." Joshua gets confused on who I am since he was raised his whole life without a father. After we talk and I try to explain what happened, and how it wasn't my fault I didn't know I had a kid, especially when I have no sperm! He understood but still gets upset that he came to visit him after 41 years. They let me stay for breakfast and I got introduced to his family. He had a wife named Erika, and 2 kids, Roman and Joey. They were so nice and welcoming. I got some time to get to know everyone and how they have been, but Roman. Roman was something else. He just wouldn't shut the hell up. I tried to keep a smile, but he kept going about some nonsense. After breakfast, we sat in the living room, listening to Joshua talk about his life and what I have missed, but Roman walked in. I tried to ask Joshua if he can take Roman to another room, but he asked, "Why? Is there a problem with Roman?" I ask, "No. No. He's just being a bit loud and talkative when I want to get to know my son." Joshua thought I was being selfish and that I didn't want to see my grandchildren. The argument started to get heated so I tried to leave, "This was a mistake," I said. I grabbed my coat and headed for the door, but Joshua stopped me and apologized so I stay. As he was apologizing, Roman walked up to and continued to talk to me about his random garbage. At that point, I was done. I grabbed my Glock and shot him point blank. Joshua and Erika scream as they see their child on the ground, bleeding. I open the door and walk out as I put my pork pie hat on. I decided, I don't want a family anymore. They are inconsiderate about me and how I feel. I grabbed my luggage and headed to New Hampshire, where I moved into a house up near the mountains in a small and cozy log house. Thank god they have service and internet here or else I couldn't see updates on your old and even new plugins!

Update: Log 4: 10/25/22:
Im sorry its been so long. So much has happened in 10 days. Lets start from the beginning. My brother. He was there for me when my mom and dad left. He was older than me by 2.4859045 years. He was like another parent to me, always taking care of me. But why have I never talked about him? Well you see, after both my parents had left, it was just me and him. It was tough but we tried to get through it together, until... One day, I was with some of my friends in the park while my brother was in his car waiting for me to leave and pick me up. I stayed too long though as my brother was impatiently waiting. After 20 minutes of waiting, he got out of his, angry out of his mind. He started walking towards us, yelling. I tried to calm him down and apologize, but he just walked past me and went up to my friends. I was confused until he slit one of their throats clean. Blood gushing everywhere. No one moved, in shock. They tried to run but he chased down every single one of them until they were all dead. I was terrified. I tried to stop him from getting the last one, but he punched me aside. I got back up and did everything I can, until he slashed me on my arm. I couldn't believe it so I ran away. Ran farther than I could imagine, never looking back. I tried to find a new life away from that psychopath. 50 years have passed and I'm sitting on my couch in New Hampshire, watching TV when I went on the news and saw that my brother was being released from prison. I couldn't believe it. He killed over 5 people. I had to do something about this. I can't let him get away for everything he had done. I began to head back. I didn't want to, especially after everything that happened, but this had to be the last mission I would go on... I set sail back and got some tools to prepare. After the plane and train back, I needed some back up. I called my buddy who had the army and FBI in his contacts. He was able to triangulate a possible location he could be, on the mountaintops. After hiking up the mountain, tired. I see someone who looked like my brother. Rage fueled me as I sprinted towards him. He turned around and got in some kind of battle stance. I go to punch him as he blocks me and hits me in the gut. I was on the ground, no air and breathing hard. Trying to get back up, he kicked me in the face. He started to walk away as I regained my consiousnous. I got up and yelled, "Do you remember me?!" He looks back and nods. "Then you know exactly why I'm here," I said. I tried to fight him again, failing miserably as he blocks my punches. Its like he learned some kind of karate. I knew I wasn't going to win, so when he turned his eyes from me, I pulled out my crowbar and hit him in the back of his head, knocking him to the floor. As I went for a second hit, he grabbed it mid hit and threw it aside. I got so scared like I was when I was young. He gets up and throw punches and kicks, instantly throwing me to the ground. He continues to beat me, helpless and in pain. Once I reach the point that I can't move from all the pain, he leaves. I felt so weak and helpless. I needed a way to fight him. I called my buddy again and he said he knew someone who can teach me to fight. He is an ancient warrior who has been taught from generation to generation. I met with the guy and we began. The methods to teach me were very rough and painful, but effective. Slowly I began to learn and understand the ways. He called me a fast learner and that he reminded me of a previous student. After 2 years of non stop training, I was ready. I thanked my teacher and set journey back to my brother. My buddy said he was somewhere in a warehouse so I followed the directions and tried to find him. Once I arrived, I found him. It seemed like he was running some kind of business, possibly dealing drugs. When he was alone and everyone left, I entered. It's like he sensed me. He knew I was there without even looking. "I will never forgive you for what you did!" I said. I swung at him and began to use my teachers methods. They were working and I was actually fighting back. Landing some shots back and forth, I noticed something. The fighting style was the same as my teachers. I started to put the pieces together. My teacher also taught my brother, which is why he remembered a previous student in me. I was in shock and didn't know what to do. How was I supposed to defeat the same fighting style? He got me to the ground at one point. He said, "I enjoyed killing your friends." That sentence enraged me so much, but it fueled me. I remembered what my teacher taught me once that really spoke to me, "Do not let your emotions control you. You must control them." So I stopped the emotions from taking control and controlled them against him. My punches felt stronger as the thoughts and flashbacks of my friends dying kept popping up in my head. With each flashback came a stronger and stronger punch until the point to where my brother was on the ground. There was too much anger. My eyes began to water a little, which weakened me, not allowing me to see as much. He used that and sweeped my leg, falling to the ground. I was back where I started, feeling weak and helpless. When I fell back, I landed on something. I had forgotten I still had my Glock on the back of my pants, tucked in. At the perfect chance, I took it out and shot him in the leg. I wanted the final shots, not the gun. When he fell to the ground, we were both bleeding and exhausted, but I still had some more anger in me. Punching him left and right, he fell back. He was the weak one now, with no one to save him. After knocking him unconscious, I went to go grab my bag, but plot twist, he wasn't unconscious. He grabbed my Glock and shot me, in my back. I was stunned. I didn't feel it at first until I was on the ground bleeding. He stumbled over to me, still bleeding from his leg, and whispered, "I always win." I grabbed his throat, choking him with the last bit of power I had left. Squeezing him until he was red. I heard the sirens of cops in the distance, knowing they will be here soon. I couldn't let him get away, I had to end it there. Bleeding from my back, I get back up, bringing him back up with me, still choking him. I told him, "tell them I said I'm sorry." With that, I continued choking him and dropped him. I began punching him again, making sure he wasn't going to come back this time. The sounds of police car doors closing. I kept going over and over until the cops had to pull me off of him. He was for sure dead. I got taken to a hospital and so was my brother, but he didn't make it because he bled out. I was faced with 30 years in prison, which I didn't care about. I had finished everything. My life felt accomplished. I got one last chance to see all of my family, dead or alive, and gave them a proper goodbye. Luckily they have computers in prison and I was able to install your plugins and play Minecraft to entertain myself, so thanks cookie! Signing off, Joseph VJar.

Update: Log 5: 10/30/22:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we are back. In prison atm but we getting out of here. So i need a way to escape but how? This prison is very big and has many guards so it will be a challenge. The planning stage. I needed a way to plan it out without drawing too much attention or suspiciousness. I decided to use minecraft and build a scale replica of the prison. This was going to take some time though since I needed to discover every part of it and in order to get it exact. Anytime I had a chance outside or inside, I would try to look around as much as possible to map out the prison in mind long enough to remember and build it in Minecraft. After mapping just about the whole prison, I needed to figure out how I was going to do this. After thinking and testing many ideas, I came to a conclusion. Cookie’s newest update added physical fireworks which gave me a stroke of genius, I need explosives. Now obtaining such thing is extremely hard and difficult to do, but its not impossible. This would require a lot of chemistry knowledge but luckily I didnt fail that class. First step is to get nitric acid. This can be obtained from the dishwashing liquid in the kitchen of the prison. I need large portions of this because there isnt much nitric acid in there. Now smuggling enough can not be done at once, it would have to be done slowly and over time. Each time I had the chance I took some to the point that i would not be noticed. I smuggled it by getting some of the plastic that would be used for the food and put some of the dishwash liquid in it. The plastic acted as a bag and I tied it so it doesn’t leak. After that, I put the small bag in my pants, held between my butt cheeks. I just had to be very careful since the guys here really like to slap my butt because they say i’m “double caked up” what ever that means. I needed one more thing from the kitchen and that was fuel. I did the same strategy to smuggle it out and eventually got enough and hid it in my mattress. I needed my next chemical, ammonia. Ammonia is a hard chemical to obtain so I had to use some other recourses. There was this guy that had some contacts from people in the outside world. They can get him anything in. People request from him a lot, but hes expensive. I saved up a lot of money from working in prison and eventually was able to pay him. I asked for a lot of nitrous oxide, sodium amide, ammonia, styphnic acid, and lead hydroxide. He was confused and suspicious but he agreed when I gave him the money. He couldn’t get me all of it at the same time to not draw attention. I couldn’t keep all the chemicals in my cell, I needed some help. I started to tell people and get them to help me. With enough persuasion, I got 3 others to help. We started to distribute the chemicals between our cells. This process alone took about 8 months to accomplish. Now for the next step in the plan: the building. I had to actually start building the bomb, but I needed a safe place to do it where no one would see or notice. I decided that the only option was to do it at night, but I would have to be very quite. I used the cups that my allies and I used during lunch to mix the chemicals. When night came, I began. I started off by making all the primers. I first needed to mix the ammonia, nitrous oxide, and sodium amide together and make the azide. Once that was ready, I got my the second part which was made by mixing styphnic acid and lead hydroxide together, making the lead styphnate. Now that I got the main ingredients, I put them together and made many primers, ending the night with 4 primers and 4 hours of sleep. I couldn’t work on the bombs every night because the chemicals would cause smells which can attract the guards attention. I waited 3 nights before working each time. Next time, I worked on the other 4 primers and was able to finish with 5 hours of sleep that time. Finishing one part of the bomb, I started on the next part, the explosive. For this, I needed fuel oil which I had gotten from the kitchen, and ammonium nitrate which I needed to make. Ammonium nitrate requires ammonia and nitric acid. Only problem is that the dishwash liquid doesn’t contain as much nitric acid as needed so the proportion of ammonia to nitric acid had to be increased. I remembered checking the dishwash in the kitchen and checking the ingredients and the percentages. I used that to understand how much dishwash is needed. From there, I started to mix the two together to make ammonium nitrate. I was able to make 3 ANFo (explosives), but I needed more dishwash. Since I had a team now, I was able to get it 4 times faster. I was able to get the rest of the dishwash in under a month which would have been very useful and time saving from before. I continued to make the rest of them another night. The parts were ready. I started to put together the bombs, but realized i needed a detonator for the bombs. We couldn’t get ahold of this so we had to compromise and use a very slim piece of cloth instead, which meant the explosion would take more time to happen when it is lit. After putting them together, I had 8 bombs ready. Now, why do I have 8 bombs? Well, if I do this alone, I will get found and brought back by the guards immedietly since I am just one person, BUT, if there are 7 other people, there is a much smaller chance i get caught as fast, giving me more time to escape. This leads to the next part, how to escape. Using the minecraft world and scale replica I created, I studied and memorized the whole prison. I did this for a month. Once the plan seemed ready, I found 4 other people to give bombs to and have try to escape. Now the final part: The execution. We needed a way to light the bombs obviously. Luckily we had one guy who bought matches from the other guy, so we gave everybody one, and a small piece of the red phosphorous. The plan was just about ready. At exactly 1:58AM, the plan was in action. Everybody put their bomb against the wall, stood their bed up and hid behind it to avoid anything debris or explosion from the bomb. We also had to cover our ears because of how loud it would be. When the clock struck 2, everyone lit their bombs on fire and prepared for impact. About 20 seconds later, 7 bombs went off, waking everyone and sounding the alarms all over the prison. The prisoners were caught after about 3 minutes which was better than I expected, but where am I in this? Like I said, 7 bombs went off, mine did not. I wasn’t doing what they were doing. That’s dumb and idiotic. The prison has walls in walls. They were never going to get out. I had my own plan. Once they blew up the walls, I had made some small explosives rather than one big one and used some to blow off the lock from my cell. Once that was done, I opened the door and ran off. I couldn’t escape at that time though, thats when all the guards were looking for the prisoners. Thinking back to my memory of the prison, I knew exactly where to go. I also studied where the guards are and go every night to know where they would be coming from. I reached an area with a bathroom, so i went inside. I knew there would be two guards going by, and they did. This wasn’t any prisoner bathroom though, this was for the guards. I had to be very careful if someone came inside. I stayed there until the morning, when I heard someone come in. I was so quiet and scared. My heart felt like it was beating so loud that they can hear it. Luckily, they left and a loud sigh came out. What I didn’t realize was that two people came in the bathroom, and there was someone in the stall next to mine. They heard my sigh and mustve thought it was another guard. But I didn’t think that way. I thought my cover was blown. Either way I had to do something and get out of this bathroom. I waited for him to finish from the stall and go wash his hands, but he didnt go wash his hands (how stinky). When I saw him start walking for the door, I instantly opened my stall, grabbed him and choked him. I had to cover his mouth so no one would hear, he tried to fight back but I was able to take his taser from his pocket and tase him unconscious. I took his uniform and clothes and replaced them with mine. Luckily this was one of the guards who use a helmet and strong armor for when riots break out, so I was able to cover my face. I put my clothes on him to make it seem like he's a prisoner. I walked out and tried to act natural. I knew the paths the guards took, but I didn’t know which one that guard took, so I just tried to blend in, until I saw a guard coming my way. I began to panic, but tried to just walk past him casually. He didn’t say a word. I was able to get away from that hallway and bathroom. I found a room where there were other guards and stayed with them, trying to fit in. I knew I didn’t have much time until the guard in the bathroom woke up, so I had to do something. A guard came up to me and asked me where I was supposed to be. I started stuttering in panic, saying I was new here. He was nice and tried helping me and showed me around. This was going to be the worst mistake he made. This showed me all the exits and possible escape routes. I decided to pretend to be a guard for longer. I knew the guard would wake up and try to snitch, but if I meet more people, they will defend me. A couple days pass and I come up with an escape plan. I try to check it out to see if it will work until someone came up to me and asked what im doing here. I tried to say that im just getting some fresh air but then he took me elsewhere and said I was needed there. I was confused until I realized where he was taking me. He opened the door and there was the boss, sitting in his chair. He would know if theres a new guy in the prison, so that meant my cover was blown. I sat down and he began to talk to me about my position. I think he actually thought I was new here. I tried to answer him and act natural, until he asked me where I was taught. I didn’t know anything about where guards are taught. I tried to make something up, but thats where he caught me. He tried to call for security but I tased him before he can do it. There were cameras in his office, so others saw it. There was only a matter of seconds before the alarm was called. I instantly made a run for it. The alarms went off and I try to make it to the exit, where I am stopped by the guy who welcomed me. He asked me where I was going. I told him I was checking whats going on outside. He decided to come with me. When we went out, the intercoms warned of a rogue guard and they said the badge number which I had. He checked my badge and realized it was me. Immediately we both pulled out our guns. I didn’t want to hurt him. He has been nothing but nice and welcoming. I tried to tell him to back off and just let me go, but he wouldn’t do it. That’s when more guards came. He got distracted and so I hit his gun to the ground and grabbed him to use him as a hostage. The gun pointing at his head with everyone looking and pointing their guns at me. I began to back up slowly. I saw more guards were coming from other angles. I had to hurry so when I reached the door, I made a run inside. I tried to open the gate, but i needed a keycard. The only way out was to hack my way in. Luckily i decided to learn how to code, influenced by Cookie’s amazing plugins. I was able to get into the system and open the gate. The guards were right behind me when I started running. There were many shots fired, many missed but two were able to hit me. I got shot in the leg and back. Luckily the armor was able to take most of the impact. I was still hurt, but had to keep running. Once I reached the city, I saw helicopters and police cars searching for me. I quickly changed out of the clothes and tried to hide until it started to die down. Once it seemed more safe, I made a run out of the city, the state, the country entirely. I had my boy in the FBI hook me up with a little cabin in ukraine. It was quiet, besides for the shootings and bombs in the distance, but it was better than being in a cell. Golden Cookie literally helped me break out of prison. He is a true inspiriation and life saver. Thank you Cookie. I’m going to go now and try to be in peace and relax. Peace, JosephVJar.

Version: 1.1.0
Fireworks have always been complicated for me in Minecraft. Trying to craft the right color, what materials you need. It's just too much. I have been waiting for something like this for a while now. It makes it so much easier now with just some simple clicks. AND you are able to fully customize it however you want. Used this for a firework show, its so cool. Great Job! This is a life changing plugin. From the second I downloaded it, everything changed. The firework menu is so easy and efficient that it just made me want to come. Ive been waiting so long for Cookie to post another plug in and he came back and did not disappoint. I wish I can refer to you as my son because I am so proud of you. Keep going my rockstar, I am always supporting you. Never give up like I did, regretting it my whole life. Still waiting for a plugin with bears and a water stone but its all right. Take your time. Anyways, you are so talented my boy. I had to stop and take breaks because of how breathtaking everything was. Your programming is so sophisticated and in depth that it cant be understood how you do it. Like my mother said, if the cockroach jumped, then so can you. As the dude who went to space said, one small step for man, and one giant leap for man kind, and you did. You took that giant leap. I was left in tears. From the time I met you, I knew you were the one, and I just wanted to say, thank you. As a child, computers were very close to my heart and with that comes chicken. Both great and scrumptious. BTW whats ur fav food/meal? If u want, my mom can cook it up for us. Anyways I wish for you the best of future with some bridges ahead. It means a lot that you care so much for me that you made a whole plugin!!! you know what, ur not my son. your my brother. You know, when I was 6, I thought it was a good idea to drive a car, not very smart. Costed my dad like 2 grand in damages. The memory of how mad he was still haunts me to this day. Thank god I didn't hurt anyone, that would have scarred me and I probably wouldn't be driving. My dogs name is cookie (named after you ;) and he loves to eat, you already know it, cookies!! See how much of my life you have changed. Don't let any haterers stop you. Keep going my little iguana. You will be the next Jerome Kerviel. I see it, on the news and media. I went to Costco the other day and got a whole lot of stuff. 450$ worth!!! I didn't even have that much money. I went to the food court to and got me a slice, they were so nice they gave it for free. I decided to take some to go as well cuz they was bussin bro. My mom, she was always so nice to me as a child. Then when my dad left, everything went sideways. She wasn't the same after that. I tried to help her and comfort her but she became so distant. I was 12 when the day came. It was 9:47pm on Friday, March 9th. I was home alone when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it with 2 cops standing there with their hats down. I didn't understand immediately, but then they told me. I fell to my knees as I felt my body weaken. My mother had passed in a car accident because she was drinking. I didn't know what to do. My emotions were out of control. Anger. Sadness. Frustrated. Disappointed. My grandparents took me in after since my dad was gone. On the day of the funeral, I refused to go. I couldn't think about seeing my mother in a casket. Growing up now, I blame myself for not being there for her, thinking I could have prevented it. Then it hit me, it was my dad's fault all this happened. I set journey to find him. Using everything I can, the internet, mutuals, that was my goal then and there. Everything was a dead end, until one day when I was scrolling through Instagram reels. My eyes were at disbelief, a man dancing with another woman on my screen. The man was, my father. I instantly tried to get in contact, and surprisingly, they responded. Not believing me at first, I kept trying to convince them. After I told them my name and my mothers name with some other info only he would know, he believed me. We later met at a Starbucks where he was, sitting think he was about to have a civil conversation. Once I come up to him and he tries to hug me, I get my gun out and aim at him whilst it was hidden. We slowly left the store and got in my car. I start driving like a maniac as I explain what he has caused. He was terrified. He was trying to calm me down and apologize like he thought that would bring her back. Then he said something that confused me and made me come to a halt. "Your mother told me to leave." I begin to question him, not believing him at first. Then he showed me the check she gave him. He never cashed it in either. He explained how he didn't want her money, but if that's what she really wanted, then he did it. I began to feel dizzy. I didn't understand why my mother was so upset after it. I realized, it wasn't either of our faults, it was her fault. We just never figured out why...

UPDATE: Log 2: 10/14/22:
I got a phone call 2 minutes ago... I am bewildered. My mother, shes alive. I got a call from a friend that traveled to France and told me they saw her there. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THAT, AM I RIGHT? I was confused, in shock, in denial, and flabbergasted. I asked for proof and they sent me a picture of her. She was alive. I got so ANGRY and FRUSTRATED I literally threw my phone at the wall. I got abandoned by both my parents. I wanted revenge, but how? FIrst thing I did was call my friend who had some mutuals that were in the spy business. Once I got them to track her down and know her location at all times. Second thing was to get to France. I booked a flight for the next day, giving me plenty of time to prepare. The third step was how I am going to get my revenge. All I wanted to do was find out why she faked her death. The revenge part could come later. Next day, I got on my 9-hour flight ready to sleep. On arrival, the plan was in play. I tracked where she was and headed there immediately. It was an apartment building on the 3rd floor. Once I reached the door, I didn't know what to say. I felt worried. I knocked. I saw someone looking through the peephole and immediately unlock the door. She was there standing, in disbelief. We both froze. So I asked her, "Why. Why would you do this to me." She was stuttering her words and couldn't answer. The anger became to come out of me. "WHY! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME! YOU WERE ALL I HAD!" She began to back up as I was walking inside. She bumped into the counter, cornered. "YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU HURT ME? HUH? I TRIED TO HELP YOU, AND YOU DECIDED TO ABANDON ME?!" All of a sudden, a guy comes walking in the room, her boyfriend."Oh so you moved on just like that? First you tell dad to leave and now you just find another guy, pretending like nothing happened?" The man asks, "Hey who is this? Is everything okay?" My mother asks, "H-how did you find out about your father?" "Did you think I was never going to find him?" I ask. She tries to apologize for what she did, thinking that calm me down. If anything, that made me more angry. I blew up, "CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN? REALLY? I SHOULD JUST BE COME AFTER MY FATHER LEAVES ME AND MY MOTHER FAKES HER DEATH TO GET AWAY FROM ME?" The man came up to me trying to get me to leave. I punched him straight in the face, making him fall into the floor. My mother tried to grab a knife, but I pulled out my gun. She instantly dropped it and both of them put their hands up. My emotions were taking control of me. I was out of control. A neighbor walked in and saw what was happening. They tried to pull out their phones and call 911, but I stopped them. I-I shot them. Once that gun went off, I knew others would check what happened any second, but I couldn't move. I just stood there, not realizing what I had just done. My body weakened and dropped the gun. My mother's boyfriend tackled me and took me down. I didn't try to resist. I blacked out and saw that the cops arrived and were arresting me. 40 years passed and I got out. My life had changed, for the better. I decided to leave the past behind me and move on. Start a new and better life. That new life could not have happened without you Golden_Cookie, so thank you. Thank you for your time and effort. I saw your content and plugins from prison and it encouraged me to be a better person. It opened a new future for me. God bless your ways. Im so grateful for having you. Hope to see you soon ;)

UPDATE: Log 3: 10/15/22:
Cookie has been so consistent with this plugin and updating it. I was having some trouble with checking my colors. Now, you can easily view what colors it is. Thank you Cookie, you really are a life savior as stated above. Want to know something funny? I woke up this morning, like 20 minutes ago, and got a call from Amanda, a girl I had a relationship with 40 years ago, before prison. Now she was trying to contact me and tell me that I had a son! That's impossible, I don't even have sperm! I kept trying to explain, but she said she went to the doctor for a DNA test and it's true, I have a son. His name is Joshua, he is 41 years old. They live in Nebraska (she really tried to sneak that in) and set a new journey to go see them. My flight was 3 hours long so I had some time to think about what I should say to him. Once I arrived, I took a taxi and got to his house in about 2 hours (not many airports in Nebraska). Finally I arrived. I walked onto the welcome mat and knocked on the door. When I opened it, a woman opened it up, making me think I got the wrong place. "I'm looking for Joshua," I said. She let me in. As I was walking in I heard some children and kids. It was early in the morning so, I saw Joshua and supposedly his children sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Hey Joshua, I-I'm your father..." Joshua gets confused on who I am since he was raised his whole life without a father. After we talk and I try to explain what happened, and how it wasn't my fault I didn't know I had a kid, especially when I have no sperm! He understood but still gets upset that he came to visit him after 41 years. They let me stay for breakfast and I got introduced to his family. He had a wife named Erika, and 2 kids, Roman and Joey. They were so nice and welcoming. I got some time to get to know everyone and how they have been, but Roman. Roman was something else. He just wouldn't shut the hell up. I tried to keep a smile, but he kept going about some nonsense. After breakfast, we sat in the living room, listening to Joshua talk about his life and what I have missed, but Roman walked in. I tried to ask Joshua if he can take Roman to another room, but he asked, "Why? Is there a problem with Roman?" I ask, "No. No. He's just being a bit loud and talkative when I want to get to know my son." Joshua thought I was being selfish and that I didn't want to see my grandchildren. The argument started to get heated so I tried to leave, "This was a mistake," I said. I grabbed my coat and headed for the door, but Joshua stopped me and apologized so I stay. As he was apologizing, Roman walked up to and continued to talk to me about his random garbage. At that point, I was done. I grabbed my Glock and shot him point blank. Joshua and Erika scream as they see their child on the ground, bleeding. I open the door and walk out as I put my pork pie hat on. I decided, I don't want a family anymore. They are inconsiderate about me and how I feel. I grabbed my luggage and headed to New Hampshire, where I moved into a house up near the mountains in a small and cozy log house. Thank god they have service and internet here or else I couldn't see updates on your old and even new plugins!

Version: 1.0.1
Best firework plugin, cannot imagine a better way to create and edit custom fireworks!
( This plugin is very professional, the user that left 1 start review is just jealous and unprofessional... lol )
Author's response
Thanks for the generous review!

Version: 1.0.1
Really good work, the plugin is very easy and intuitive to use. I especially think it's useful because you can actually remove colors from a firework!
Author's response
Thanks for the kind words

Version: 1.0.1
I will give one stars for this plugin because it's new and just have fake reviews. Why? On your other Plugin the same Fake review. This looks very unprofessional ;)

Btw: Images in Plugin Overview don't work!
Author's response
Thanks for the review, one, I did not ask for these reviews and I cannot delete them. Two, there’s currently some issue with spigot that a lot of plugin pages are experiencing with images not loading. If you want to see them, they’re on the GitHub page.

Firstly, I have messaged the plugin reviewers privately and asked them to remove the reviews, your review within itself is also a "fake review" as it is not reviewing the plugin but the reviews of it which I have no control over.

The spigot image issue has also been resolved.

Version: 1.0.1
This is a life changing plugin. From the second I downloaded it, everything changed. The firework menu is so easy and efficient that it just made me want to come. Ive been waiting so long for Cookie to post another plug in and he came back and did not disappoint. I wish I can refer to you as my son because I am so proud of you. Keep going my rockstar, I am always supporting you. Never give up like I did, regretting it my whole life. Still waiting for a plugin with bears and a water stone but its all right. Take your time. Anyways, you are so talented my boy. I had to stop and take breaks because of how breathtaking everything was. Your programming is so sophisticated and in depth that it cant be understood how you do it. Like my mother said, if the cockroach jumped, then so can you. As the dude who went to space said, one small step for man, and one giant leap for man kind, and you did. You took that giant leap. I was left in tears. From the time I met you, I knew you were the one, and I just wanted to say, thank you. You have turned my life around. The Random Occurences Completely blew my off my toe, but this. This is revolutionary. I have already submitted it to guiness book and the WWE. Waiting for a response. Keep striving my iguana. Let the leaves guide you one a new journey to find your inner peace. Speaking of peace, the 1793 French Revolution was not very just with the methods they used during the Reign of Terror. Sorry I went a little off track there. Anyways, where was I? ah ok. Id like to go get some coffee sometime, meet me at 2516 2nd Ave, Kearney, NE 68847. Im looking forward to it. Remember to open your wings and fly to be free, but don't close them or else you go crashing in the ground. Sorry, my jokes get the best of me. Well, that's about all I have to say. I guess we will be parting ways for now. Will be waiting for the new plugin, by kiddo.

Version: 1.0.1
The king sentenced me to death, however, he said he wouldn't kill me if I found a suitable spigot plugin programmer to create a plugin for the creation of minecraft fireworks. Luckily I found this and I am openly admitting to plagiarism of your work so I do not die. I hope you understand. The king's son will now finally be satisfied with the displays of fireworks provided by his personal entertainer. Thank you, I will be sending a baguette to your home as I am aware of your home address.

Version: 1.0.1
From a young age, my father, Fredrick Douglass has been trying to find a plugin like this. I've been working with my father leaking developers' home addresses for the last 7 years in hopes of finding someone who could make a plugin like this. But the greatest part is that I didn't need to leak the home address of the developer!

Version: 1.0.1
I honestly couldn't have thought of a more helpful plugin, with this great piece of technology I will finally be able to create Minecraft fireworks at will and create awe-inspiring firework shows. I've been working in the Minecraft firework show industry for over 15 years and a plugin like this has been a long time coming.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 502
First Release: Oct 13, 2022
Last Update: Jun 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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