BedwarsKit icon

BedwarsKit -----

A Addon for BedwarsRel, Added some features to BedwarsRel, Fix some issues in BedwarsRel.

-Added rel repair function to always set player joining location as lobby (only valid in non single ended mode)
-Added rel repair function to synchronize the number of game players
-Added tool upgrade function, allowing customization of the required resources for upgrading
-Added the function of dropping items from the EnderChest when a player is killed
-Added the function of spawn the EnderDragon during the final battle
-Added magical milk item to immune traps
-Added the function of setting all players to survival mode at the end of the game (while giving all players' another round 'items)
-Added a feature to prevent a player from triggering multiple traps at the same time
-Added the function of displaying levels on the experience bar (requires installation of any level plugin)
-Added a command '/bw start' to quickly force the start of the game
-Added the function of teleporting players back to the lobby when they are not in the game but in the game world
-Added the function of restoring the game mode before death after the player's resurrection countdown
-Added the function of dropping player items during final kill
-Optimized instruction completion, teams with set team resource points will not be included in the next completion
-The Arena where the player is currently in will always be the first to be completed
-Optimize and modify the description of some functions
-Fix the issue of the lobby scoreboard not displaying the countdown correctly
-Fix the issue where the boundary of the final duel instantly narrows to a minimum
-Fixed the issue of displaying damage feedback information outside of the game
-Remove the antiCraftSlotClick feature
-Remove the cleanBed feature
----------, Aug 19, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 664
First Release: Oct 4, 2022
Last Update: Dec 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings