BedwarsKit icon

BedwarsKit -----

A Addon for BedwarsRel, Added some features to BedwarsRel, Fix some issues in BedwarsRel.

- Add Rejoin function
- Detailed error location will be provided when loading configuration files incorrectly
- The basic configuration of the team name has added an automatic judgment method, and now by default, there is no need to manually enter the team name
- (1.9+) Add the function of selecting items and changing corresponding colors when selecting teams
- Modified the transition method for starting the scoreboard
- Added the feature of displaying information at the end of the game, supporting the display of leaderboards such as kills and deaths
- Added the feature of displaying information during player elimination
- The resource splitting function can now customize the distance
- Added a feature to prevent interaction at the end of the game
- Fixed issue where the placeholder for playAgainItem SendCommand remains' {} '
- Fixed the issue of missing language files in the default configuration section
- Fix the issue where the healthSet task cannot send a title
- Fix the issue where the final duel cannot be triggered
- Fixed the issue where equipment purchased by players would be given to incorrect players
- Team upgrade will adjust the urgent upper limit to 3
- Fix some issues supported by 1.16
- Fix the issue where players can bring items to rebirth by placing them in the synthesis bar
- Fixed issue where final kill counts as 2 kills
- Added and simplified some placeholders
- Separate the configuration of upgraded store features from the main configuration file
----------, Jun 3, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 678
First Release: Oct 4, 2022
Last Update: Dec 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings