Robbing icon

Robbing -----

Plugin for role play that adds theft mechanics to the gameplay

Version: 1.3.23
This plug-in can be used. No problem but it doesn't work with geyser. Bedrock players can't right click on players.

Version: 1.3.22
Quando vado a salvare il codice e reloaddo il plugin / spengo e riaccendo il server il 99% delle volte O non salva le modifiche O si resetta come era messo all'inizio O salva le modifiche ma continua a funzionare come vuole lui (esempio: levo il prefix, o metto altro, anche se reloaddo il plugin mi spunta il vecchio prefix, nonostante nel config sia modificato. A volte mi è capitato che si rimettesse da solo il vecchio config) Se patcherete questo problema fatemelo sapere perché per ora è inusabile per me. Versione 1.3.22 per la 1.20.1

Version: 1.3.22
Great plugin! But I have a problem, when a thief steals things from the inventory, the message "test" appears in the chat. Help me please.
Author's response
Hi, thanks for your review, join discord server to report bugs, i will help you!

Version: 1.3.14
great plugin and responsive developer! I needed a small change in the plugin, and the developer happily accepted my idea and implemented it
Author's response
Thanks for your review! :D

Version: 1.3.13
Super Cooles Plugin es Funktoniert alles so wie es soll Von Mir 5 Sterne
Die Blöcke sehen Gut aus Wirklick Top Das Plugin :)
Author's response
Thanks for your review! :D

Version: 1.3.13
First, sorry if my english is not good.

I use this plugin for my RolePlay server, is really easy to configurate it and customize using with other plugins with custom commands and perms. Every perm is individual and easy to understand, you can configure safes with a lockpick system, and use it to create robbings with custom command as reward.

The best of the plugin is the author, i ask about a command use /rb give cuff, that i needed to use in other players, and the authors talk to me and update the plugin to use /rb give <player> <item> Thax for that.
Author's response
Thanks for your review! :D

Version: 1.3.12
Such an amazing plugin and now with all the 3d models added it's truly pleasant (plus upcoming features mentioned) I can't wait to see more. Cheers to the dev!
Author's response
Thanks for your review! :D

Version: 1.3.11
fixed a problem i had overnight, super great plugin that adds flair and has great customizability! this is the biggest case of a underrated plugin! Added to your server! now!
Author's response
Thanks for your review! :D

Version: 1.3.10
good idea and upcoming features look exciting :) Looking forward to seeing other features implemented soon
Author's response
Thanks for your review!

Version: 1.3.10
Your Plugin is really Awesome...
You updating more Features also
Best Plugin ever for me

Version: 1.3.9
This plugin is a REVEAL, it's amazing to put on your server and doesn't have any bug or issues, has a great potential you should try it!

Support is always avaiable!

Version: 1.3.7
Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee plugin for my server!

Version: 1.2.8
Very creative plugin, players will fear each other
It is recommended to give a protected mode
keep on updating
Author's response
Hi thank you for your review, I don't understand what you mean with protected mode, I would be grateful if you will explain me better, here or maybe on my discord!

Version: 1.2.4
Great plugin, support from the developer in his discord server is very fast!!!!!

Version: 1.2.3
Superb plugin, add more fun to boring survival gameplay. Can you add compatibility for Lands and other land claiming plugin? That would be awesome :D
Author's response
Thanks for your review! For feature requests join my discord and describe what do you want in the correct section! I'm very open to all ideas!

Version: 1.2.2
I think it deserves 5 stars!
Can I send this plugin to the China Minecraft Forum?
I'll mark you as the author.I will not provide the download address, only allow them to download from your channel.
I want more people to use this plugin.
Hope for your reply!
Author's response
Thanks for your review! You can join my discord to talk about that :D

Version: 1.2.1
Great plugin, for extra customization I'd recommend adding a permission to toggle if a player can steal from another player, in case if people want to be able to toggle them or reward a higher rank with the ability to steal.
Author's response
Thank you very much, I will consider the suggestion for the next update!

Version: 1.1.6
Such a grEat plugiN! very well DesigNed! Unique coDE! it'S Awesome and a great dev.

Version: 1.1.5
It's a great plugin if you need a way for your server to arrest or steal people and much more. In addition, the creator also takes care of the wishes you would like to have. I can definitely recommend it and if you have suggestions for improvement or ideas you can always suggest it in the discord, just like me.

Version: 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT
For now is good. But add new features quickly.
Stick to the plug-in. ;)

Author's response
thank you, dw i'm working hard on it ^^

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 15,793
First Release: Sep 24, 2022
Last Update: Jun 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
20 ratings
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