This plugin integrates the mod Pixelmon (reforged) with the plugin PlaceholderAPI, so you will be able to use Pixelmon Placeholders on most plugins!
This plugin requires:
[Player Info]
- Generic
- %pixelmon_party_size_all% - Gets the number of Pokemons (couting eggs as well) In a player's party
- %pixelmon_party_size_ableonly% - Gets the number of Pokemons (only Able Pokemons) In a player's party
- %pixelmon_party_size_eggonly% - Gets the number of Pokemon Eggs In a player's party
- %pixelmon_party_size_pokemononly% - Gets the number of Pokemons (ignoring eggs) In a player's party
[Check the full list here: https://github.com/EverNife/BukkitPixelmonPlaceholders]
[Party Info] -
Change 1 to whatever party slot you want to display Information on:
- Generic
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_exp% - Gets the pokemon's exp in the given slot
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_exp_to_level_up% - Gets the pokemon's exp to next level in the given slot
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_name% - Gets the pokemon's name in the given slot
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_display_name% - Gets the pokemon's display name in the given slot
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_species% - Gets the pokemon's species
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_level% - Gets the pokemon's level in the given slot
[Check the full list here: https://github.com/EverNife/BukkitPixelmonPlaceholders]
- EVS Stats
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_ev_total% - Gets the pokemon's evs total value
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_ev_total_max% - Gets the pokemon's evs max value
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_ev_percentage% - Gets the pokemon's Percentage of Total IVs Gained
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_ev_attack% - Gets the pokemon's attack ev stat in the given slot
[Check the full list here: https://github.com/EverNife/BukkitPixelmonPlaceholders]
- IVS Stats
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_iv_total% - Gets the pokemon's ivs total value
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_iv_total_max% - Gets the pokemon's ivs max value
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_iv_percentage% - Gets the pokemon's Percentage of Total IVs Gained
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_iv_attack% - Gets the pokemon's attack iv stat in the given slot
[Check the full list here: https://github.com/EverNife/BukkitPixelmonPlaceholders]