FlipCard | New dungeon reward era | Dynamic rate, cost condition & custom texture! | 1.14 - 1.21.4 icon

FlipCard | New dungeon reward era | Dynamic rate, cost condition & custom texture! | 1.14 - 1.21.4 -----

Use card reward your players - ItemsAdder, EcoItems, MMOItems etc. support - Unlimited possibility.

2.0.0 - Alpha 4
  • Added permission based rate system!
    • In this system, rewards rate is based on player permission, you can set different reward rate for VIP players or MVP players.
    • This also can be a check, if players already have VIP rank, they won't be able to get VIP rank reward because you set this rewards rate to 0 for players who already have VIP permission.
    • Enjoy this update, more features will be added soon as we recode prices and rewards system in past 2.0.0 update.
----------, Jun 25, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 101
First Release: Sep 23, 2022
Last Update: Today at 1:21 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
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