Added a new option in the murder-bounty configuration section called multiplicative which allows you to enable or disable a scalar or linear increase of the murderer's bounty.
Code (YAML):
# whether the bounty-increase represents the percent of the current bounty added, or a flat number.
# if the multiplicative is set to true, and the current bounty is 0, the bounty will be set to the min-bounty.
: false
Added a new option in the trickle-bounties configuration section called natural-death-bounty-loss which controls how much of a bounty is lost when a player dies a natural death.
Code (YAML):
# the percent of the player's bounty that is lost when a player has a natural death (not from another player)
# 0 = 0% 0.25 = 25% 1 = 100%
: 0
Fixed a bug that would display the incorrect bounty in some areas after multiple bounties were set on a player.