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NotBounties -----

GUI based bounty system with Placeholders and MySQL

Bounty Claim Commands
Added a new section in the config called bounty-claim-commands that runs commands when a bounty is claimed.
Code (YAML):
# commands to be executed when a bounty is claimed
  # {player} is replaced with the person whose bounty was claimed
  # {killer} is replaced with the person who claimed the bounty
  # starting with [player] will run the command for the person whose bounty was claimed
  # starting with [killer] will run the command for the person who claimed the bounty
  # starting with nothing will run the command as console
  # adding @(player/killer)permission or !@(player/killer)permission before everything with check for a permission of the player or killer to run the command
  # This will check if the killer has the permission and will message the person they killed
  # ex: @(killer)notbounties.view [killer] msg {player} It wasn''t personal.
  # a command that is just <respawn> will force the player to respawn. This is useful if you want to tp them somewhere after they die
  # You can use placeholders, but they will always be parsed for the player who died
- <respawn >
- '@ (killer )notbounties.view [killer ] msg {player } It wasn''t personal.'
- execute run tp {player } 138 100 319
The default config will generate an empty list with no commands
----------, Sep 27, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,697
First Release: Aug 12, 2022
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
29 ratings
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