You can have bounties increase when players kill other players
If your config is already loaded, you will have to enable it
New message in language.yml
Code (YAML):
# add a bounty if a player kills another player murder-bounty: # How many seconds before you can kill the same person and increase your bounty player-cooldown: 360
# how much the bounty increases per player kill. Consider raising minimum-broadcast if you change this if you don't want a message in chat bounty-increase: 10
# you will be excluded from the bounty increase if you are claiming another bounty exclude-claiming: true
Other changes:
Added console-bounty-name option in the config. Bounties set by console or by murdering other players will have this name as the setter.
Added a new permission called notbounties.basic that is required to use /bounty bdc, /bounty help, and /bounty tutorial
Fixed a bug where /whitelist set would remove duplicates in current whitelist and new whitelist
The minimum broadcast value in the config now applies to claimed bounties
Switched player and receiver for the set bounty broadcast
Fixed a bug where the bounty broadcast would display for an empty bounty