Admins can create bounty posters with /bounty poster (player) <receiver>
You can customize the Reward text in the config, and customize the rest of the poster in the posters folder
Posters will display bounties on a map and show the reward
Code (YAML):
# wanted posters of bounty bounty-posters: # players can give themselves bounty posters of any bounty, otherwise, only admins can give posters give-own: false
# display bounty reward on the poster # note: changing this will change the position of the names and can cause text to overlap # if you want to change this, I suggest deleting all the made maps in plugins/NotBounties/posters display-reward: true
# reward text below name if display-reward is enabled reward-text: 'REWARD
: '
# total bounty will follow this # lock the bounty map - this will improve performance, but the maps will not update after they are created # if you turn this on, I advise disabling display-reward to avoid confusing your players lock-maps: false
# true adds the currency prefix and suffix to the reward text # Some special characters like ◆ do not work on the poster currency-wrap: false
# how many milliseconds between map updates update-interval: 1000
Other Changes
Bounty whitelist has changed in the config, and you can disable it there
Added a custom heads feature that can use Base64 or HeadDataBase. Create a custom item, and for the material, put: PLAYER_HEAD (HDB ID/Base64)
Big bounty particle and bounty tracker no longer work when a player is vanished
Page items will not take you to another page if they are hidden
You can now add multiple lines in buy own bounty lore
Buy back is now formatted properly
Added a new option to limit the amount of bounties a player can have