[Added] Added "Marketing-Mode-Name" settings and "Default-To-Retail-Mode" in "Transaction" setting in GlobalMarket.yml. Now it is possible to set whether players will list their merchandise in wholesale or retail mode. (Prior to this, the retail price needs to be priced after being listed first)
[Added] You can now specify the marketing mode in the listing commands (for example, "/gmp market sell retail:100" means listing an item at a retail price of 100 per item)
[Added] Added a Special Effect (Special Key) feature setting for the GUI. View details: here.
[Fixed] Fixed a bug where the collected tax amount cannot be displayed when using command "/gmp market buy".
[Fixed] Fixed a bug where PlayerPoints cannot be repriced through the chat bar when used as currency
[Fixed] Fixed a bug where merchandises cannot be traded in quantities exceeding the amount of the merchandise item itself in a single transaction when merchandise unlimited.