This build adds a new way of handling items using a materials.json that is compatible with 1.13 as well as backwards compatible with 1.7.
Beta It's a beta build. We aren't running our own Factions server so our testing has been limited. If you're running this, please backup your data first. And then let us know if you have any issues, as well as letting us know if you don't! It's helpful to have confirmation of things not breaking <3
Backwards compatible support for 1.7.10-1.13.2.
Command system overhaul. Will be more apparent on newer versions with tab complete.
Compatible with WorldGuard 7
Compatible with latest EssentialsX
Latest PlayerVaultsX support
BACKUP YOUR plugins/Factions folder!
Drag and drop the new Factions.jar
That's it!
Upgrading should be seamless, but we always recommend backing up your data between versions just incase. If you have any issues, please report them in Discord.