Help Command cannot be edited any more thru the config as it will be now auto-generated by the plugin.
You can no longer execute commands through console you need to be a player to execute the commands.
Removed "/playerlogger transfer" command. (Will be added soon)
Fixed "/playerlogger getchatlogs" giving error. It will now give an proper message
From Versions v1.1.0 the plugin is already logging your player's chats but there is no proper way to get them yet. You can check the directory /plugins/PlayerLogger/PlayerLogger.db file in the table chat_logs. Chat logs have been saved. You can get the Date, Machine Time (Local time of the machine the server is running on).
Thank You For Supporting PlayerLogger our single v1.1.0 is currently running on 13 Servers Peak. To view more statistics you can check out the bStats page