Mythic Dungeons 1.3.0 - The API and Party Update
At long last, Mythic Dungeons 1.3.0 is here! Not a ton of major new features but some much need improvements!
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New Stuff
- Integrated the Dungeon Parties plugin into Mythic Dungeons! No more having to auto-download the jar to get party support.
- Implemented the official API!!
- Added party messages to lang.yml!
- Significantly improved dungeon load times and performance on some installations.
- Added dungeon config option for delaying dungeon cleanup when all players leave.
- Added a message prompting players to leave the dungeon when all players have died and are in spectator mode.
- Added locale option to `lang.yml` for formatting dates and times.
- Added a function for force-loading chunks.
- Added a function for displaying holograms.
- Added %md_dungeon_time_elapsed% placeholder.
- Added time elapsed condition for triggers.
- Added dungeon config option for auto-closing the dungeon when all players are death spectating.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed various issues with 'allow retrigger' on player distance checkers!
- Fixed weird spaces between rewards in the rewards inventory.
- Fixed some strangeness in saving and loading locations in dungeon configs.
- Fixed function labels not displaying on 1.16.5
- Fixed allowed/disallowed commands being too lenient.