⭐️ Mythical Races Premium ⭐️ 1.18.x - 1.20.x ⭐️ icon

⭐️ Mythical Races Premium ⭐️ 1.18.x - 1.20.x ⭐️ -----

A flexible, advanced plugin with races, abilities, potion effects, attributes, and classes

- HEX Colours can now be used within commands/lore
Denoted as #(hex colour)/
Example -> message: 'Hello user this is not a colour! #f4f4f4/ Im a colour!'

- Added more default classes, re-did the class lore so it looks more "premium" - to see these new classes just delete classes.yml and let it generate a new file
One of the classes utilizes abilities, inside of MRPremiumAddons, if you have not touched the MRPremiumAddons config just delete the file and let it generate a new file - if you have edited it and want to use the new class, add the following yml to MRPremiumAddons configuration
Code (YAML):
      - 'null'
      - 'null'
      - 'null'
      - 'null'
       - 'CUSTOMABILITY====Lorem Ipsum====execute at {name } run summon zombie {x } {y } {z }====100====SELF:WHITE_ASH:3:0.1:FAST:RANDOMDOTS====SELF==== ALL====CHATWHISPEREVENT'
       - 'CUSTOMABILITY====Lorem Ipsum====execute at {name } run summon zombie {x } {y } {z }====100====420000====SELF==== ALL====CHATWHISPEREVENT'
       - 'CUSTOMABILITY====Lorem Ipsum====execute at {name } run summon zombie {x } {y } {z }====100====420000====SELF==== ALL====CHATWHISPEREVENT'
       - 'CUSTOMABILITY====Lorem Ipsum====execute at {name } run summon zombie {x } {y } {z }====100====420000====SELF==== ALL====CHATWHISPEREVENT'
       - 'CUSTOMABILITY====Lorem Ipsum====execute at {name } run summon zombie {x } {y } {z }====100====420000====SELF==== ALL====CHATWHISPEREVENT'

- Added {perm} onto noPerm message, indicating to the player which perm they are missing in order to execute the command or pick a race
You can add {perm} inside of the noPerm message inside of configuration, by default the message will already have this

No config reset is needed, unless you want new classes inside of classes.yml
----------, Feb 17, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 328
First Release: Jun 5, 2022
Last Update: Nov 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Find more info at www.korbsti.com...
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Downloads: ------
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