- Added new placeholders for basic math
Code (YAML):
# Let us look a bit more into special placeholders that replace {x} {y] {z}
# We can replace them with {[mathX+100]}, what this will do is, add 100 to the players X coordinates | or whatever {x} is being applied to
# We can replace them with {[mathY-10]}, what this will do is, subtract 10 to the players Y coordinates | or whatever {y} is being applied to
# We can replace them with {[mathZ*3]}, what this will do is, multiple 3 to the players Z coordinates
# We can also do something like this {[mathZ/2]}, what this will do is, divide the players Z coordinates by 2 | or whatever {z} is being applied to
# Do note that you can only do one math operation per placeholder, so you can't do {[mathZ/2+100]}, you can only do one math operation per placeholder