- Added Tree/Class Sub Race Custom Heads
- Fixed leaving commands not working for classes/races
- Added Blacklisted Worlds Option
- Added Player Replaceable Chat Placeholder Abilities
You will need to add a few things into your config.yml for MythicalRaces
Add this inside of your 'other' section inside of your config.yml
Code (Text):
# Worlds where MRPremiumAddons Abilities and Races/Classes Mythical Races do not apply their abilities in that world
- 'null'
Add this message at the bottom of your config with the rest of the messages
Code (YAML):
: '&4Cannot use race commands in this world'
OR you can copy all of your races from your config.yml, delete config.yml and let it generate a new file, and then switch just the races part from your old config to the new one and restart