Hello, have you tried to reload your server after saving the input in the Authorization.yml? I'll dm you for info
Version: 1.0.17c
Hi im currently using custom enchantments on my Minecraft server with epic mobs. When those mobs drop anything from custom enchants they don't work. Example: one of them dropped a grappling hook and it doesn't work and neither does the enchant book dropped. There are no errors in console either. Other than that great plugin worth the money!
Hola, me gustó mucho el plugin, hay muchas opciones para hacer modalidades dinámicas. No se si se mantiene alguno de los comandos de la CE2, por ejemplo /ce item o /ce give para obtener un objeto o encantamiento a la mano, como el arco Stella ya que ando pensando en incluir un crate con algunos de estos items mágicos. Gracias.
Hola, gracias por su revisión, he incluido su sugerencia en la próxima actualización, aunque me llevará algún tiempo ya que estoy ocupado con mis asuntos profesionales, pero eventualmente proporcionaré una actualización pronto. Ten un buen dia
Version: 1.0.17c
Hi so I recently installed it but I am not allowed to do the /ce add shop command
Oh hello, you have to add your in game name in PluginData/Authorization.yml, then reload the server. Hope it helps and thank you for the review
Version: 1.0.17c
I've bought this plugin a while ago for my server, I've just recently added it to it, But when trying to add a shop it says I do not have permissions (Note: I have op, along with added the necessary permissions within my permission plugin as well as adding my name to the authorization file). Is there any fix to this? or will I have to wait for the next update?
the dev helped me fix my issue. Its now working perfectly, I definitely recommend this plugin it is an amazing addition for any RPG Servers! :)
Go into you config.yml and look for CustomEnchantsWorld, specify your world name there. The reason I added that because there are servers that has multiple worlds and they dont want CE3 to be part of it. Try it ;)
Version: 1.0.17b
i already buyed it but i dont use it because its bugging and doesnt give full command .for example i use /ce shop add but nothing happened
Have you tried adding your in game name in PluginData/Authorization.yml?
The 'ce shop add' command requires permission. Also if you have a world guard plugin, set the region flag to mobspawning=allow temporarily
Version: 1.0.17b
I have been testing this plugin for several days now and am very glad that I bought it. There are disadvantages in the type of languages and the absence of many commands, but after a while you begin to understand what and how it works. The only problem I have is RACO coins, I don't really understand where to get them
That gives me an idea, anyways thank you for reviewing
Version: 1.0.16
Dev made lots of progress with the plugin , changed ny feedback from 1 start to 5 stars , almost all bugs got fixed and patched , and dev added new stuff to the plugin which makes it more interesting
I hope dev will keep the work he has been doing this past week
before adding stuff to the plugin i suggest fixing it.... my last feedback is 3 month old and still not fixes whatsoever... i wasted money i am not using this plugin anymore... feel like i wasted money on buying it
- The break chat thing can be disabled at config.yml (because the plugin overrides the chat event, it even cause some issue on my other plugin called epic mobs)
- I redo the playerdata on 1.0.14 update since another user also reported that it caused issue (not saving player data properly)
- the performance issue was caused by lootplots generation due to player movement event keeps on tracking (I instead used async thread to that so it wont touch the main thread where the game renders) on 1.0.14 update
- I'm not so active on chat, yt, emails and even discord due to my work related stuff but I read all your concerns, I am not just handling clients here in spigot but also in the company that I am working for, they are my first priority
I am not asking you to remove the review, I am happy that someone reviewed me the right way of being a customer, no worries, all comments in thread that I have not replied is seen. Thanks man!
Version: 1.0.14
it has some flaws but still a good plugin its 6 in 1 plugin so worth it to buy <3
Good plugin but I see no where to ask for support. It has been lagging my server with LootingEvent but I see no where to reports so for now 4 starts but other than that amazing plugin if you want to add skills and what not to your server.
Plugins is awful
1- Breaks your chat
2- U cannot get skills point
3 - issues with performance
4 - Support is almost never here ( 2 weeks i am waiting for a fix )
plugin is broken ... on every restart is just breaks all shops stop working we can even plugin's shop NPC'S on lobby .... waiting for support ... i guess there is no discord support .. so i am still waiting .. I'll change my feeback when all get fixed
So i bought the plugin and seems perfect exactly what i was looking for i just have 1 question is there a way to stop the spam on console? it keep saying like customenchants3: False
Thanks for the review, I will remove that in the next update :>
Version: 1.0.7
I don't know if I did something wrong when I created the lootplots but when it to cancel and save plot_name,location it didn't work when I recorded it exactly as instructed
This update is awesome, it's exactly what I was looking for. Can you make a video on how to create lootplot, I think there will be many tutorials like this plugin but the instructions from the owner are still the best
Loot system eyy? Hmm that sounds cool, I'll try tho
Anyways, thanks for the review :D
Version: 1.0.3
Great, Stella is back. Can you add /ce enchant magic damage to wands in the next update, I couldn't find any plugin that enchants magic damage to your plugin and everyone on the net told me I should ask you.
hmm, that sounds nice, I can add that on the next update, as of now I am working on creating boundaries so I can add Telepathy back. anyways thank you for the review :D
Version: 1.0.2
Great, I love this plugin. Thanks for fulfilling my request, I hope in the future you will bring stella and commands back.