VariableEnderChests[1.8-1.21.1] ⚡Asynchronous⚡✅No Dupes✅ icon

VariableEnderChests[1.8-1.21.1] ⚡Asynchronous⚡✅No Dupes✅ -----

Enderchests. But more sizes based on your permissions.

PAPI Integration + Potential Dupe Fix
The plugin is now compatible with Placeholder API and has two placeholders.

The placeholder identifier is modifiable via the config.

Code (YAML):
#This is used when the plugin hooks into placeholder api to provide placeholders
#This allows you to modify the placeholder identifier.
#Placeholders can be parsed as %<papi-identifier>_size%
: 'variableenderchests'
By default the placeholders are:
  • variableenderchests_size OR variableenderchests_slots : This gives the available amount of slots that the player's enderchest has.
  • variableenderchests_rows : This gives the number of rows that the enderchest has.

A dupe has been found and it works if and only if your server kicks players before shutting down.
This bug has been fixed in this release and it is recommended that you update immediately if you use pterodactyl (I think it kicks players before shutdown instead of letting the server automatically kick players)
----------, Mar 18, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,062
First Release: May 23, 2022
Last Update: Sep 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings