[0.4.9-BETA] | Added start unlocking on interact, changed airdrop locking and fixed holograms
This update requires config.yml and messages.yml to be regenerated OR to add this lines to the existing ones
Code (YAML):
start-unlocking-on-interaction: false
# If true the unlocking countdown starts when a player interacts with the airdrop, else it starts when the airdrop spawns. [WorldGuard]
Code (YAML):
airdrop-started-to-unlock: "The airdrop %airdrop_name% has started to unlock, %locked_time_left% left"# Placeholders: %airdrop_name%, %locked_time_left%
Option to start unlocking an airdrop once a player interacts with it.
Now airdrops can be locked without the protect airdrop option enabled.