RealWeather / RealTime icon

RealWeather / RealTime -----

Synchronized weather, lightning and time on your Minecraft server

Requirements: 1.19.4+ & Java 21+

After downloading, please configure stuff in plugins/RealWeather/ and the master toggles in config.yml and modules/, if you don't, the plugin will do nothing.

Not ready for production use, report any issue, even if seemingly irrelevant

Support: Discussion or Discord (slow)

This plugin retrieves data from a weather provider API and sets it as a Minecraft weather.
It syncs real-world time with the in-game time, and adds timezones for players (based on their position).
It also synchronizes lightning strikes.
Modules can be toggled, so you can have either weather, time or lightning, or two of them, or all of them.

Supported providers:

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,633
First Release: Apr 23, 2022
Last Update: Nov 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings