EnderDragon[1.12-1.21] icon

EnderDragon[1.12-1.21] -----

Completely customize your EnderDragon!

Wiki: https://ixanadu13.github.io/EnderDragon-Wiki
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In many servers, it seems that only the first ender dragon is valuable.After killing it , the player's interest in respawning the ender dragon is greatly reduced. In order to increase the attraction of dragon fighting to players, customize your ender dragon and increase the interset of the server, I wrote this plugin.
Let players immerse themselves in the joy of killing the ender dragon!
·Set multiple types of dragon and customize them respectively
·broadcast when ender dragon spawned or died
·customize all remind message including the prefix of plugin
·customize the chance of which dragon to spawn
·cusiomize the amount of drop-exp of different ender_dragons
·cusiomize rewards to drop when dragons was killed by player and the drop-chance
·provide 6 ways to distribute the drop_item: all, drop, killer, pack, rank, termwise

·customize the chance,position,delay of dragon-egg spawning after EnderDragon died
·customize the ender dragon's spawn-health, max-health, attack damage and armor-value
·customize each ender_dragon's name
·customize the glowing-color of each ender_dragon
·customize the potion_effects given to the player after been attacked by dragon
·customize the message sent to the dragon's killer
·customize the commands that be dispatched when dragon spawn or die
·make the damage amount to dragon visible and customize the display format (including explosion damage)
·customize the healing-speed of crystal to the ender_dragon
·customize the suck-blood ability of the ender-dragon
supports Hex Color and Gradient(MC1.16.3+).For example: &#666666, &[#AA22FF-#CC0000<Text>]
·customize the format and color of EnderDragon bossbar.
·is compatible with MythicLib and MMOItems
·provide some PAPI variable
·customize auto_respawn time of next dragon
·You can also respawn a dragon with command '/ed respawn'(with the whole phase of respawn,including initializing the end_crystal)
·You can forbid players using end crystal to respawn dragons,but end_crystal can still be crafted or placed.
·customize the color,radius,duration,expansion speed and potion of effect_cloud made by EnderDragon
·You can forbid players gathering dragon_breath with glass_bottle so that the effect_cloud made by EnderDragon will be troublesome for player.
·customize the gui format completely
·send a "
Dragon Slaying Report" in your preferred format
·add Groovy script engine, which provides more personalized features

/ed reload -reload the config(permission: ed.reload)
/ed respawn [world_name] -respawn a dragon and initialize the end_crystal(permission: ed.respawn)
/ed respawn_cd -config the respawn countdown systempermission: ed.respawn)
/ed update -update the config file(permission: ed.update)

/ed drop add <unique_name> <amount> -add drop-item of given dragon(permission: ed.drop.edit)
/ed drop clear <unique_name> -delete the present drop-item config of given dragon(permission: ed.drop.edit
/ed drop edit -edit the item in gui (permission: ed.edit)
/ed drop gui -open the gui of dragons' drop-itempermission: ed.drop.gui)
/ed action [player_name] [action] -execute actions (permission: op)
View details in wiki

ed.reload(default: op owns)
ed.respawn(default: op owns)
ed.update(default: op owns)

ed.drop.editdefault: op owns
ed.update.notifydefault: op owns
ed.drop.gui(default: all players own

a special ender dragon spawned
killed a special ender dragon
the ender dragon is glowing
get wither buff when you're attacked by ender dragon
damage vision
drop-item setting gui
special effect cloud
respawn with /ed respawn
Dragon Slaying Report
Dragon Frozen Attack


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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,251
First Release: Apr 23, 2022
Last Update: Jan 14, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
24 ratings
Find more info at ixanadu13.github.io...
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