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PlayerFreezer -----

Player freezing plugin for administration

Version: 2.4.1
Awesome, simple plugin to stop players from any kind of action. You can freeze specific player or all players, and thats good not only for whole loby, but also you can kinda protect players from griefers. And the last thing is friendly developer, soo no problem to give all stars to this dev. :)

Version: 1.3.1
This plugin is already very good because all of it's features, I especially like the command block feature when frozen.
But I have a few suggestions to make this plugin even better!


- Add a Config file to the spigot page

- Add permission to each command, like playerfreezer.freeze ...unfreeze ...bypass


-Add a layered freezing permission, meaning that there is
playerfreeze:freeze_1, ...freeze_2 ect...
playerfreezer.unfreeze_1, ...unfreeze_2 ect...
playerfreezer:bypass_1, ...bypass_2 ect...

With LvL 1 Freeze you can freeze normally, but if you have byypass LvL 1 you can only be frozen by LvL 2+
And with the unfreeze perrmission works like if someone is frozen by LvL 2, and you have LvL 1 unfreeze, you cant unfreeze the frozen person


- When freezed send a packet to close any GUI wich means the frozen person can't open Inventories, Chat, or even leave the game!
I've seen this feature on a troll plugin.
Or if that doesn't work make it so that the player will be spammed with inventories so that he can't move or open chat or leave the game.

- Add ability to run custom commands as freezed player when a player is frozen.
For example if I want a player to be blind, when frozen with LvL 2 freeze then I can do it.

- Lock movement of course and also lock ability to look around or drop, mine or place any blocks or interact with blocks or entities.
For example block theese things:
Open chest, Use Enderpearl, Use Bow, Hit entities, Ride entities, Interact with redstone.


I know this is a LOT of work but I hope the best for the future of this plugin! Keep up with this! Congratulations you just read 1990 characters

Author's response
Thank you so much for the review!
I love all your ideas and hope to be able to implement as many as I can, thank you for being so detailed in your suggestions it will help implement them greatly.
I'll probably do them one at a time as I have time as I tend to be quite busy but I'm excited to see how this turns out!

Version: 1.2
When a player cheats, I froze it instead of kicking it from my server and it's like the plugin was made for that :D

Version: 1.1
When you freeze a player, the alert message will be sent as spam in chat when the player tries to move. Let's translate the message to other languages, there is no such thing in the configuration, add
Author's response
Thank you for your review! I have now fixed the spammy nature of the message by adding a 5s cooldown and added an option to change it in the config.yml file in patch 1.2 and I appreciate your feedback!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 453
First Release: Apr 14, 2022
Last Update: Jul 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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