Introducing the new
Channels Feature!
Add Places or Players
or both if you would like! Into each other and prioritize them from top to bottom according to the importance of each channel!
Code (yml (Unknown Language)):
GlobalSending: true
- "OmarOmar93"
- "HoneySalted"
- "Notch"
- "World"
- "Lobby"
- "world"
- "world_nether"
- "world_the_end"
Debug Mode - (Implemented in Channels only Currently)
The New Debug mode is what prints out more information about WorldChatter! like, Warnings, Errors, and infos for each action happening inside the plugin!
Code (yml (Unknown Language)):
enabled: true
info: "&7[&9WorldChatter Debugger &r| Info&7]&r "
warning: "&7[&9WorldChatter Debugger &r| &eWarning&7]&e "
error: "&7[&9WorldChatter Debugger &r| &4Error&7]&4 "
- The Built-in Placeholders of WorldChatter are now using { } instead of this symbol % to make both WorldChatter and PlaceHolderAPI Work Together without interfering.
- `{player_name_raw}` and `{player_place_raw}` are implemented to get the non-formatted name of those instead of the aliases formatting them and with multiverse-core a brand new placeholder called `{player_mvworld}`.
- Added a new Hex code translator for MiniMessage `�` -> `<#000000>`.
- Changed how cancelling event works in Spigot and Bungeecord by removing recipients instead of cancelling the event.
- Delayed the chat events to be the lowest priority in both proxies to be able to let the other plugins work.
- Listeners and Addons are now isolated in the API.
Meaning you can create addons or Listeners
(creating listeners no longer requires an addon!).
- Added event cancel check before executing WorldChatter's Chat System (Bungeecord and Spigot).
- Lots of code optimization.
- Lots of Under-the-hood Changes.
Bug fixes!
- Fixed bugs found by the community related to the Following [Plugin incompatibility with Events, Join and Quit and Others I forgot cuz there were a lot of bugs.]