AdvancedAntiVPN - Prevent Bad Actors, Bots & More ☄️ Security EVERY Server Needs ☄️ [1.8.x - 1.21.x] icon

AdvancedAntiVPN - Prevent Bad Actors, Bots & More ☄️ Security EVERY Server Needs ☄️ [1.8.x - 1.21.x] -----

☄️ Block VPNs/Proxies/Tor nodes from your server. (Spigot, BungeeCord & Velocity Support)

  • Converted the entire project codebase into a multi-module system and moved all non-Bukkit-related code into the shared module.
  • Added full BungeeCord support, Bukkit and BungeeCord support are all in the same single jar file. please note that due to SQLite not being available in BungeeCord and the library size being almost 10MB, way over the Spigot file size limit, the plugin will need to download a library at runtime for SQLite to work on BungeeCord, you can still use MySQL without it and you can follow the steps on the plugin's page to install the library manually. The plugin still loads and enables without it.
No config changes.

If you are upgrading from v1.x.x then you can replace your plugin with v2.x.x without issues and even revert back to v1.x.x at any time since the database and configs are the exact same formats.

Due to the nature of this update due to it being an almost complete recode, it has been marked as a BETA as things might error, break or not work at all especially how they did in v1.x.x. I don't recommend using it on production servers in case of any issues I missed but please load it on your local machine or another server with a copy of your production data to test. Please report issues to my DMs!
----------, Jun 23, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 608
First Release: Apr 9, 2022
Last Update: Feb 26, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
37 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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