AutoMessage is a plugin which sends messages that are customizable in the config.yml file. You can also customize the delay
(in seconds) between those messages.
Now every time that message is sent, a player will hear a sound that is also configurable in the config.yml file. That sound can be turned off if you don't like it in the config.yml file as well.
There is only one command in this plugin. It is called
/automessage. The command in it's self has 3 different options. Either to turn broadcasting on/off or reload the plugin's config. At the end of this page you can see that that looks like. To use all of those commands you need only one permission. It is called
The plugin now has 2 new subcommands for
/automessge. They are
/automessage soundoff &
soundon. These commands use the boolean value
messageSound from config and changes it to whatever command is being ran. If
/automessage soundoff is ran the value will change to false from true. These commands have the same permission as every other command,
Here is a youtube video tutorial that someone made for me. The creator speaks in polish but still quite nicely explains on how my plugin works.
#TO/DO# Add a possibility to turn on and off messages being broadcasted. ✅| Implemented For the future I have an idea to add a possibility for you guys to change the sound in the plugin's config file. ✅ | Implemented I also have an idea to implement hex colours.
✅ | Implemented #TO/DO#
Here's what it looks like in-game:
This is /automessage:
This is /automessage <on>:
This is /automessage <off>:
This is /automessage <reload>:
This is a no permission message:
Here's how the Hex Colour Codes look:
Code (YAML):
delay: 20
messages: # To use RGB Hex Colours you can use this site, it's really easy to use. -
"*fdfdT6fceahBfad8iNf9c5saf7b2I	cf6a0s&#adf58dA&#bff37aT&#d1f267e&#e3f055s&#f5ef42t" -
"*fdfdT6fceahBfad8iNf9c5saf7b2I	cf6a0s&#adf58dA&#bff37aT&#d1f267e&#e3f055s&#f5ef42t" -
"*fdfdT6fceahBfad8iNf9c5saf7b2I	cf6a0s&#adf58dA&#bff37aT&#d1f267e&#e3f055s&#f5ef42t" -
"*fdfdT6fceahBfad8iNf9c5saf7b2I	cf6a0s&#adf58dA&#bff37aT&#d1f267e&#e3f055s&#f5ef42t" -
"*fdfdT6fceahBfad8iNf9c5saf7b2I	cf6a0s&#adf58dA&#bff37aT&#d1f267e&#e3f055s&#f5ef42t" prefix: "&8[&r&lAM&8] » " messageSound: true
#You need to always do this: sound name in CAPITALS e.g. ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP sound: 'ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP'
# This is if you want to send any clickable messages, change to false if not, if yes change to true. clickableMessagesDelay: 20
# This is a custom/different message delay, this is only for the clickableMessages clickableMessagesSound: 'ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES'
# Pick whatever sound you want, all must be in capitals the list of sounds you can use is on my plugin page clickableMessageTextOnChat1: "&9&lJoin our discord!"a
clickableMessageHoverText1: "&7Click to join."# These messages are only an example. clickableMessageUrl1: ""