Added support for the following vanish plugins:
- VanishNoPacket
- SuperVanish
- PremiumVanish
Added config flag
Code (Text):
# Enable support for vanish plugins (SuperVanish, PremiumVanish, VanishNoPacket)
# Particles will be disabled whenever a player is vanished
vanish: false
Added 4 new messages, please make sure to add theses to message.yml
Code (Text):
# Called when a player equips a had while they're vanished
# Tags:
# - {HAT} : Name of the hat being equipped
hat_equip_vanished: "{HAT} &7equipped while vanished"
# Called when a player toggles their hat while vanished
hat_toggle_vanish: "&cCan't toggle your hat while vanished"
# Called when somone toggles a players hat while they're vanished
# Tags:
# - {PLAYER_NAME} : The players default name
# - {PLAYER_DISPLAY_NAME} : The players in-game name
hat_toggle_other_vanished: "&cCan't toggle {PLAYER_NAME}'s hat while they're vanished"
# Called when somone sets a players hat while they're vanished
# Tags:
# - {PLAYER_NAME} : The players default name
# - {PLAYER_DISPLAY_NAME} : The players in-game name
hat_set_vanished: "&cCan't set {PLAYER_NAME}'s hat while they're vanished"