QuickShop-Hikari - A powerful, user-friendly and reliable ChestShop plugin [1.20-1.21] icon

QuickShop-Hikari - A powerful, user-friendly and reliable ChestShop plugin [1.20-1.21] -----

A shop plugin that allows players to easily sell/buy any items from container without any commands.
This is a cumulative update to fix bug reports received since the last LTS release.

We have partnered with the developers of Mohist and worked on improving the stability of QuickShop-Hikari on Hybird Server.

In the latest Mohist 1.20.1/.2 you can run QuickShop-Hikari perfectly and QuickShop-Hikari protects its store containers from being accessed by other mods pipes or machines.

Also, in the latest version of Mohist 1.20.1/.2, QuickShop-Hikari is able to use most of the Mod containers as store containers.

Bug Fixes
  1. Fixed annoying NPE error when loading a store that is in an unloaded world during startup, althrough it won't cause any actual issues.
  2. [Addon] Fixed an issue where the item stack amount setting was not preserved for stores that migrated from Reremake.
  1. Disabling the H2 compatibility warning on Mohist will test H2 to work fine on Mohist.
  2. Added /quickshop debug reset-shop-caches subcommand to allow user purge all caches from memory to debugging the cache issues.
To inform you of warnings about QuickShop-Hikari in accordance with our Privacy Transparency Policy.

We received a data breach alert from the Rollbar* cloud service informing us that our Access Token (post_server_items) had been compromised and a forced reset was performed on our affected Token, not only QuickShop-Hikari but also QuickShop-Reremake affected.
However, our Access Token (post_server_items) is distributed with Jar, so whether it was compromised or not doesn't affect us in any way - it's inherently public and we use it for public purposes. As a result, this forced reset caused the Rollbar to no longer be able to report bugs in older versions of QuickShop-Hikari, where we distributed the new Access Token (post_server_items).

We practice our privacy policy and therefore all submitted data is submitted in the minimal sample and anonymized. Your data is therefore not affected. Although no QuickShop-Hikari is actually affected, you can always disable the error log reporting feature if you want.

* Rollbar is a service used by QuickShop-Hikari AND QuickShop-Reremake that used for collecting error logs that generated by QuickShop plugin.
*This warning only affects developers who sign up for Rollbar (that's me), and based on current research, this warning has no effect on QuickShop users.
----------, Oct 14, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 44,678
First Release: Feb 18, 2022
Last Update: Jan 23, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
28 ratings
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