QuickShop-Hikari - A powerful, user-friendly and reliable ChestShop plugin [1.20-1.21] icon

QuickShop-Hikari - A powerful, user-friendly and reliable ChestShop plugin [1.20-1.21] -----

A shop plugin that allows players to easily sell/buy any items from container without any commands.

The first release after the Lunar New Year!
The first release after the Lunar New Year!
Guys how are you? We're starting to get back to normal life after lighting up a lot of fireworks (hah) to celebrate the Lunar New Year, so now allow me to serve up a stack of delicious updates!

Bug Fixes
  1. All compatibility modules stopping works in, please update your all compatibility modules to adapt the new versions.
  2. Incorrect dependency structure leads to ClassLoader conflicts on some servers, so that the plugin cannot be loaded, mitigation measures have been invoked in this version, and the effects are still to be observed.
  1. Reduced JAR size from 7.7MB to 2.8MB.
Discord Addon
  1. Added per-player notifaction settings, player are able to use command /qs discord to toggle the DM.
List Addon
  1. The addon list has been added into main-line, this addon allow player to check all shops they owned, check the document here.
Limited Addon
  1. The addon limited has been added into main-line, this addon allow store owners to set a limit on the number of sales for their store over a period of timeļ¼Œcheck the document here.
ShopItemOnly addon
  1. The addon shopitemonly has been added into main-line, this addon prevents players from putting non-store items into store containers, check the document here.
----------, Jan 30, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 44,678
First Release: Feb 18, 2022
Last Update: Jan 23, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
28 ratings
Find more info at quickshop-community.github.io...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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