QuickShop-Hikari - A powerful, user-friendly and reliable ChestShop plugin [1.20-1.21] icon

QuickShop-Hikari - A powerful, user-friendly and reliable ChestShop plugin [1.20-1.21] -----

A shop plugin that allows players to easily sell/buy any items from container without any commands. - Plan Discount and more
The update log contains complex elements that the SpigotMC editor does not seem to be able to handle very well.
Read it from Modrinth or Github or Polymart, anyway just not SpigotMC.

Why SpigotMC still not upgrade to XenForo 2, Editor uhhh.....
Merry Christmas, everyone!
We brought a Christmas update from QuickShop Hikari! Don't worry, Santa Claus will put the update in your chimney.
Until it is blackened by smoke and becomes outdated.

New addons Plan and Discount now joined QuickShop-Hikari addon's family!
Scroll down to read change logs about our addons!

Plan Discount
[​IMG] [​IMG]
New Features

Bug Fixes
  1. Translation override system doesn't work.
    The file incorrect created as a same file directory.
    Override file incorrect merge with exists translation.
  2. Translation fallback logic doesn't work.
  3. Fixed purchase logger always record zero for item amount in database.
Developer Changes
  1. New event ShopInfoPanelEvent added into QuickShop-Hikari, event will raise after user clicked shop container and info panel printed.
  2. QuickShop-Common module's CommonUtil new added CommonUtil#parseTime(String) method to allow developer convert a Zulu Time (2022-12-17T10:31:37Z) or UNIX Timestamp in seconds 1671273097 to Java Date.
Addon Family
  1. Added DiscordSRV artifacts to Modrinth, CodeMC.io and Github Releases artifacts list, You're able to download jars from the sites shown above.
Bug Fixes
  1. Fixed the placeholders with emptry string may cause bad embed message error, it was fixed by replacing empty string to ZERO width space.
Plan addon allow server owners to showcase the recent QuickShop-Hikari activities on the server.

Data Tracked
Recorded data can be displayed from Hikari v2.0.0.0 onwards, but only after version can Item amount in Purchase History be displayed correctly.

Global Scope
  • Total shops amount
  • All shops (to a Shops list)
  • Recent Purchase History (include deleted or invalided shops), only in recent 365 days and 1000 rows will be shown up.
Due the Plan limitations, We can't add more data into the list because the maxmium columns are hardcoded limited to 5 in server scope.
And still is Plan limitations, the list sorting is disturbed, so the display order is not the actual order.

Player Scope
  • Total shops amount
  • All owned shops (to a Shops list)
  • Recent Purchase History (include deleted or invalided shops), only in recent 365 days and 50 rows will be shown up.
Due the Plan limitations, We can't add more data into the list because the maxmium columns are hardcoded limited to 4 in server scope.
And still is Plan limitations, the list sorting is disturbed, so the display order is not the actual order.

Global Purchases and Player Purchases
[​IMG] [​IMG]
Global Shops and Player Shops
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Due the Plan limitations, translate Plan addon is impossible.

Discount Addon added Discount Code in your QuickShop-Hikari server.

  • quickshopaddon.discount.use (default: everyone)
    Permission to use any /qs discount commands.
  • quickshopaddon.discount.bypass (default: OP)
    Permission to bypass the owner checks to force config discount codes, add non-self shops in allow list or remove a discount code.
  • quickshopaddon.discount.create.server_all_shops (default: OP)
    Permission to create discount code that applied to all shops in your server.
  • quickshopaddon.discount.create.player_all_shops (default: everyone)
    Permission to create discount code that applied to player themself shops.
  • quickshopaddon.discount.create.specific_shops (default: everyone)
    Permission to create discount code that applied to shops in the code allow list.
Create a discount code
To create a discount code, you need use discount command:

/qs discount create <code> <code-type> <rate> [max-usage] [threshold] [expired-time]

Command pretty long, but you have in-game command assistant to help you in your tab complete hint.


Available Code Type
  • SERVER_ALL_SHOPS (Applied to all shops in your server)
  • PLAYER_ALL_SHOPS (Applied to all shops belongs to code creator)
  • SPECIFIC_SHOPS (Applied to shops in allow list that added by command /qs discount config <code> addshop)
Install a code
To use a Discount Code, you need install them before purchase shops.

/qs discount install <code>

The installed code will remember during this session.

Uninstall a code
To uninstall a Discount Code, you need use command:

/qs discount uninstall <code>

Show detailes for a installed discount code
To use info subcommand, you can query the code creator, range, remaining usage, expired time, threshold and discount rate.

/qs disount info


Remove discount code
To remove your a specified discount code, execute command:

/qs discount remove <code>

Check if discount code can be applied to specific shop
You need install a discount code first, then you click the shop you want to check, a promot message will show up when you can enjoy the discount in this shop.
If code not accepted by target shop, you will also receive a warning message when you click it.


Apply the discounting
You need install a discount code first, then purchase a shop that accept your code.
Then discount will applied to your puchase, and your remaining count will be consumed.


NOTE: If the above additional conditions are not met, the Discount Code will not be applied and you will not get a discount, but at the same time, the Discount Code will not be consumed, and the prompt message will contain the specific reason.

Auto Purge Expired Code
An expired discount code will automaticlly removed while server startup or in 30mins.
Before they got purged, players who use a expired code will receive a error message that says the code has been expired.

Convert your time
Expired time accepts both Zulu Time format and UNIX Timestamp in seconds format:


There have a such pretty online website can help you convert the time:

For Zulu Time (ISO 8601 Extended) format:


Note that the server time zone is used for calculations during the conversion.

Some other stuff
Since Nov 20, 2018, I have spent thousands of hours on QuickShop series projects, I have maintain these projects for up to four years.
The fifth year is coming, I would appreciate it if you could light up Star and Fork buttons for Github ❤.

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Full Changelog:
----------, Dec 18, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 44,678
First Release: Feb 18, 2022
Last Update: Jan 23, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
28 ratings
Find more info at quickshop-community.github.io...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings