The [Preview Item] component now hide for players who don't have `quickshop.preview` permission (thanks @Antrox)
New placeholder %qs_player_shops-inventory-unavailable[_uuid]% that provide a integer to show the shops that specfic player own that don't have enough stock/space (uuid is optional).(thanks @Antrox)
It will load chunks so you probably won't call it freq.
15 mins cache is excepted.
The bug that keeping creating data records while shop loading/unloading and increase the database size.(thanks @针织薄外套)
Exists isolated data will be purged after you installed this update. (thanks @Antrox, @针织薄外套 and @YuanYuan0w0 for testing)
Fixed `/qs paste` generated link unclickable on Minecraft Client. (thanks @Antrox)