Added :
* /oinvsee -> permit to you to see an inventory from an offlineplayer
* /otp -> permit to you to teleport to an offlineplayer
* Reforked totally of the MessageUtil, you can now use : "&#..." for example : "&#ffffff"
* An option in lang.yml for updating, if you set the option enabled to false you won't receive messages when you join your server.
Option :
Code (YAML):
general :
update :
: true
* A file that is not used
Thanks to KaffeeKale for suggesting the option.
Removed :
* AntiXray for now to fix bugs.
* Most optimization of the code of the main class ( from +400 lines to 230 lines
In Progress:
* Other files to optimize
Added :
* AntiXray for improve security for your server 100% configurable (this system is in ALPHA)
In progress :
* Mass code optimization to reduce the resources LifeMod uses.
Fixed memory leaks on Vanish
Fixed Vanish and teleported command (when a mod teleported to an person in other world it can be deactivate vanish)
* Optimization of Imports
* Added /spectate command (in beta)
In progress :
* Offline invsee
* Lifemod info (for admin person) for view what is in spectate, moderation, vanish...
For future update, if you have any suggestion please come on the discord or come in private message spigot!
Fixed an issue on Gamemode Command
Added an option in the lang.yml and config.yml you can use \n for new line
Optimising some files and deleted, and the old
Fixed all commands with prefix or other with "null" so all commands are good !
Fixed :
* Fixed the bug with the freeze tool.
Small fix for broadcast tabcompleter
Added :
* TabCompleter
Modified :
* UpdateChecker now the notification of new update is on the game with the permission : lifemod.notify
Changed :
* Restructuring the plugin: you now have two files: lang.yml and config.yml, which you can modify as you wish.
* Material and slot added to the lang.yml for the moderation tools.
Fixed :
* Reload command is good now : /lifemod reload.
In progress:
* Tab completer.
(Please backup your config.yml and remove folder "LifeMod" and restart your server)
Fixed :
The bug where you were freezing someone has finally been fixed, now the glasse block disappears and the helmet the person had is restored.
Added :
* An anti self destruct has been added for to prevent cheaters from destroying their cheats via their menu to guarantee 100% anti self destruct
Lines added in the config :
freeze-gui-title: "&cYou are freeze!"
freeze-gui-glass-title: "&aCome on the discord !"
Fixed forget add to the code : "KillItem" so the Kill Item doesn't work.
Added an option for the tools with /mod or /staff : you can now disabled an tools in the config.
Added compatibility 1.16 to 1.21 normally all works.
Corrected critical bug
Added :
* Webhook for discord
Edited :
* Permission for lifemod it is now lifemod.use
In progress :
* help menu with /lifemod help
Fixed :
* Command for reload config (/lifemod reload) has been fixed and work successfully
* You can now use an external plugin command, LifeMod will not bother the external plugin to LifeMod. You just have to disable the command that wants to be disabled via the config
Changed :
* Also the duplicate names in the plugin config has been resolved.
In progress :
* Tab complete
* A backup of the old configuration to put the new configuration directly when there is an update installed plugin.
If you have any problem please come on the discord
Fixed bug with the freeze command.
Fixed :
* Bug with offline player on /freeze
Added :
* Speed command you can use /speed [1-10] and with permission speed.use
* NOW /lifemod reload added and work !!!!
Modification :
* Multiple modification of messages, you can now change messages for new and older update on config.yml.
And other small modification
Fixed :
* Bug with freeze tool on /mod packed ice remove on unfreeze !
* Bug with /vanish resolued
Added :
* Option on /gm 1 you have only own and with /gm 1 <player> you have a %gamemode% and %player% !
Fixed vanish on /mod
Fixed some bugs
Fixed an issued with /broadcast the colors are supported for example : /bc &ctest
Adding the possibility to the console to send a message with /bc or /broadcast
Fixed of some bugs :
The vanish and invsee are now working successfully again!
Fixed some bugs (for example vanish and historyManager)
Adding bypass for blacklist words (see permissions list)
Re adding 1.16 version supported and added filter messages in the chat (Fully configurable)
Added :
* HistoryListener and Manager for log connection and disconnection (MYSQL is comming)
Fixed :
* Vanish tool and /vanish is now linked
Patch for the bug regarding players/moderators who were not in /mod or /staff to move items or do anything in the inventory.
Patch for the freeze, messages are all in English and configurable to your liking!
The big novelty is the addition of hex colors, you can now put them there, for example:
#2c354You are in vanish!
Other patches are coming but these were the most important to fix, stay tuned!
Modification :
* The vanish with the command is the same as the vanish of /mod or /staff now.
* The god is now active when you switch to moderation mode.
* The vanish button is normally solved (if you have problems, come to my mp's or the discord support).
* The /heal gives all the heal and not only 10 hearts.
Additions :
* Added /gm s/c/sp/a for creatif etc.
* Added night vision when you do /staff or /mod automatically.
In progress:
* I'm in the process of implementing hex colors for versions greater than 1.20 to 1.20.4.
* A toggle for staffchat
Fix :
You can't now teleport to yourself with /mod with random TP
Correction of minor bugs
Added the option of /tp you can now teleport to player to player 2 for example : /tp Lampalon_ Lampalon122
Fixing multiple bugs :
/invsee is resolued and ready to use
/ecopen is resolued and ready to use
/bc have a new config
/freeze onlyplayer with & fixed
Fixing :
Bug with interaction and vanish cooldown messages
Patching the bug with gui you can now use external gui from other plugin. (if you have any problem please come on discord)
Adding /lifemod update to update the plugin automaclie
Fixed the issue with WorldGuard, hopefully.
Changed :
* You can now teleport to coordinates or a player with /tp
Fixed :
* A bug with /mod you can now use the tools for 1.8.9 to 1.20.4
Added :
* You can now use /staff as an alias for /mod
Fixed :
* Correction of a bug on the freezecmd you now see the colors with &
Changed :
* Now when you freeze a person there is a block of packed ice on their head.
Changed :
* You can now use /gamemode or /gm for example without putting your nickname after it, for example: /gamemode 1 (and to put another person /gamemode 1 <player>).
Added :
* Aliases of /mod you can now execute /staff or /mod to take moderation's tools
Changed :
* You can now change the gamemode message Line 30 : gm-success: "&7Your game mode has been changed to &b&l%gamemode% &7for &c&l%player%"
Changed :
* You can now use & instead of § to change the display configuration (colors).
Removed :
* Configreload msg
(Thanks for 700 downloads is juste insane don't hesitate to post a review!)
* the lifemod.* permission, which allows you to have all permissions in a single permission
Changed :
* /freeze and /mod messages then freeze to make it easier to configure in config.yml (messages)
Fixed the bug of Invsee and ecopen cmd on Minecraft 1.20.2 and all other version.
Changed the structure of the plugin for me
Fix :
* Multiple bug
Changed :
* Now we are the prefix on the random TP with /mod
Added :
* Added that when a moderator does /mod he is directly vanished.
FIx :
* You can no longer /invsee and /ecopen on yourself
Remove :
* Lifemod command.
Changed :
- Multiple optimisation on the code
- Possibility to take the item from the ender chest and inventory with /ecopen and /invsee (compatible with moderation tools)
Added :
* Feed command.
Edited :
* Some commands now have the prefix at the beginning when executing the command
Fix :
* A bug was discovered which when a player did /mod the ender pearl was displayed with the om ender peal and not random TP
Added :
* Invsee command
Fixed :
* A bug that when a player or the console did /reload it didn't clear the inventory of a moderator on duty, so it lost its inventory.
Added :
* Freeze command for freeze other player for cheat or other.
* Multiple fixes for missing prefixGeneral
Adding :
* Adding /god to be invincible or not (with lifemod.god premission)
Added :
* Weather clear command for change the time with this command : /weather clear/sun/rain/storm
Added :
* tphere command for teleport targetplayer to you.
Added :
* Fly command for moderator with the permission
Added :
* Bstats for collect some informations for me
* Stick for testing kb of people.
Changed :
* You can use %player% or %moderator% or %target% in config to personalise your messages.
Added :
* An object in moderation mode to kill a player instantly (messages available and modifiable in config.yml: lines 135 and 136).
Modified :
* PlayerManager to add the blaze rod item and modified ModItemsInteract for the kill player item.
* Messages sent on certain moderation items (available in moderation mode), which will also soon be available with commands (vanish...)
* Gamemode messages changed to include numbers (so that creative, adventure... instead of 1,0,2...).
Fixed :
* The gamemode to put a selected player in creative mode (and correct: the gamemode that wasn't available).
* The fly so that when a player or moderator uses this command, they just have to press /fly instead of /fly on or off.
Changed :
* Added /lifemod help and reload for help you and reload the config.
Removed :
* The command /lreload to /lifemod reload.
Fixed :
* The version displayed was the wrong one, so it was updated
Changed :
* Added /lifemod help and reload for help you and reload the config.
Removed :
* The command /lreload to /lifemod reload.
Changed :
* Lifemod command for usage : /lifemod help
Added :
* an event for staffs so that when a moderator or admin puts @ in the chat it goes directly to the admin chat for example: @ Michel is cheating (The configuration to change the @ to another symbol is coming soon)
Modifing messages and bugs.
Added :
* Command of Heal
Added :
* ChatClear for clear the chat (with the permission : lifemod.chatclear)
Changed :
* Nothing
Added :
* Stafflist for view online moderators with the permission : lifemod.staff.list.see
* StaffChat for chatting with other staffs with the perm to see :
Changing :
* Configuration, Messages was been added for the command StaffList and StaffChat
i have create the command vanish and clearinv for moderators and administrators.
I have corrected the bugs of if you close the servers the inventory of moderators have been replace to the moderation tools.
i have created Lifemod command for help the player to see the commands, permissions and description.
ConfigReload has been some fixed bugs
Command Ecopen created
RelaodConfig update and updated the project structure for me.
I have update the checkupdate for perfect updated and i have corriged somes bugs
New updates for check automaclie update (you can change on the config.yml)
New Version with the config update !