NFCNotes icon

NFCNotes -----

Put your money into sheets of paper and give it away... or even burn it?

NFCNotes 2.5.0
Updated to Java 21, Spigot 1.21, migrated to PDC and new feature

  • IMPORTANT! Notes do not use attributes anymore to store their internal data; now, persistent data containers are used instead. This means that if you use other plugins that stores NFCNotes and then compares them (Shopkeepers, for example), newer notes won't work with them, and older notes must be updated! An old note can be converted by just clicking it, and a message will appear in your chat confirming the conversion.
  • Dropped support for Java versions below 21 and Spigot versions below 1.21. Please use at least Java 21 and Spigot 1.21 or newer if you want to use NFCNotes. If you want to use an older version, stay at NFCNotes 2.4.1 (this version is NOT supported anymore!!!)
  • Added an option that only allows users to withdraw a specific amount of money. Usage: /withdraw [amount]. Please update your config.yml file if you want to use this! Then change your config-version setting to 13.

New options have been added to the messages.yml file! Check them here. Once you have updated your messages.yml, you can safely change the messages-version option to 9!
----------, Jul 22, 2024

NFCNotes 2.4.1
  • Dropped support for Java versions lower to 17. Please use at least Java 17 if you want to use NFCNotes.
  • Fixed an issue that made players lose money when withdrawing too much notes with very few free inventory slots.

Some configuration files have been changed. Please check and update them!
----------, Mar 27, 2024

NFCNotes 2.4.0
Added a glint option and redeem sounds!
  • Added a new option that adds glint to notes.
  • Added a new option that enables a sound when a note is redeemed.
New options have been added to the config.yml file! Check them here if you want to enable and customize the new features. Once you have updated your config.yml, you can safely change the config-version option to 12!
----------, May 24, 2023

NFCNotes 2.3.2
Folia is now supported!
Folia is now supported.
Minor changes.
----------, May 9, 2023

NFCNotes 2.3.1
Dropped support for PlayerPoints and bugfixes
Dropped support for PlayerPoints. No servers were using it.
NFCNotes now prevents placeable items used as money from being placed as a block. Thanks ninjakitty844 for reporting the bug!
----------, Apr 30, 2023

NFCNotes 2.3.0
Added a new command: /count

NEW ➜ A new command has been added thanks to a suggestion from Srborjaa. /count [player] will now allow you to check how much money you have as notes in your inventory.

Permissions needed for this command:
• nfcnotes.count.self
(enabled to everybody by default) · Allows the use of /count
• nfcnotes.staff.count.others · Allows the use of /count [player]

Some configuration values have been changed or added. Please, check changes by clicking the following links.
----------, Jul 8, 2021

NFCNotes 2.2.6
Added CustomModelData on new notes

  • Added support for CustomModelData on new notes. Only notes created starting this version are supported, olders are not!
    • CustomModelData integer has been included in the configuration file. Please, if you need to use this, check the new configuration file below. Default value: 2440573
Some configuration values have been changed or added. Please, check changes by clicking the following link.
----------, Jun 29, 2021

NFCNotes 2.2.5
Updated Spigot API to 1.17
  • Updated the Spigot API used to 1.17 and removed unnecesary libraries such as SnakeYML.
    • Older versions are also compatible with Spigot 1.17. This update just keeps the source code updated and a bit lighter.
Remember to report bugs on GitHub. Suggestions are also welcome at the same page. Also, thanks for the 1.000 downloads!
----------, Jun 11, 2021

NFCNotes 2.2.4
Code optimization and a Metrics bugfix
  • Some events and commands used in NFCNotes have been optimized.
  • An issue regarding what Metrics data is sent has been fixed. Remember you can disable Metrics from your plugin/bStats folder.
  • A description located in the configuration file has been changed to make it more clear. You don't need to update your config.yml file as you can check the default one with its comments here . Hope it helps.
  • Regarding 1.16.5, NFCNotes and any other plugin should be totally compatible with it.
Remember to report bugs on GitHub. Suggestions are also welcome at the same page. As this is the first update of the year, have a happy 2021!
----------, Jan 12, 2021

NFCNotes 2.2.3
Updated Spigot API used and some dependencies
  • NFCNotes has been updated to Spigot API 1.16.4. Remember that only the latest minor version of each major release is supported.
    • This means that Spigot 1.16.4 is supported, but not 1.16.3. Also applies for older major versions like 1.15.
  • EssentialsX and PlayerPoints APIs have been updated to their latest release version.
PaperMC team has announced this morning its intention to require Java 11 when Minecraft 1.17 releases. NFCNotes is totally compatible with this version and no errors are expected. Remember to report any issue on GitHub. Thanks!
----------, Dec 3, 2020

NFCNotes 2.2.2
Minor changes
  • Removed a debug message shown in the console when a player withdraws money. Sorry about that.
  • Regarding 1.16, almost all NFCNotes versions are working correctly. Remember that only the latest version is supported.
----------, Nov 5, 2020

NFCNotes 2.2.1
Fixed an issue regarding warnings and added new charts for Metrics
  • Fixed an issue that warned staff of a withdraw even if the user hadn't enough money.
  • Added two new Metrics charts.
  • Minor changes regarding default config.yml comments. You don't need to update this file.
----------, Oct 31, 2020

NFCNotes 2.2
Added support for decimals
  • Support for decimals has been added up to the centesimal value. This has been limited due to imprecisions in math operations.
    • European format is also supported. making possible the use of commas in the Withdraw command. Please, check the new configuration files.
Some configuration values have been changed or added. Please, check changes by clicking the following link.

Please, remember to report any bugs on GitHub. Thanks!
----------, Oct 25, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1.6
Introduced a fix for a major bug
  • Fixed a bug regarding the /deposit all command that allowed players to duplicate money.
Please, update your plugin as soon as possible to make sure that this bug can't be reproduced in your server. Older versions are not supported.
----------, Sep 23, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1.5
Added a new chart for Metrics
  • A new Metrics chart that shows economy plugins used has been added.
  • I also want to use this update to tell you that NFCNotes is fully compatible with Spigot 1.16.2, and a major update regarding non-integer values is coming soon.
  • NFCNotes native version is now Spigot 1.16.2 (older versions are still supported)
Remember that if you have any issue, you can report it on GitHub.
----------, Aug 12, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1.4
More bugfixes!
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the plugin to load when Essentials wasn't installed.
  • Improved how the plugin detects a note. It shouldn't trigger any error anymore when using other plugins that works with items as ExecutableItems.
  • Removed a debug logger when withdrawing money. I forgot to remove it in the last version, sorry!
----------, Aug 10, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1.3
New economies incoming!
  • Added support for PlayerPoints and Essentials economy
Some configuration values have been changed or added. Please, check changes by clicking the following link.
----------, Jul 29, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1.2
Fixed a possible exploit
  • Fixed a possible exploit
    • You could duplicate NFCNotes in certain ways. I couldn't reproduce it in survival mode, but this updates fixes that issue in case of getting worse in the future. Please, update as soon as possible.
----------, Jul 22, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1.1
Fixed a permission issue
  • Fixed an issue with a permission that made impossible to withdraw money.
I'm testing other economy plugins like PlayerPoints. If you have any suggestion, please, put it on my GitHub repository or in the forum.
----------, Jul 21, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1
Finally! NFCNotes 2.1 is here!

After a total of 9 beta versions and release candidates, NFCNotes 2.1 has finally arrived. This is the changelog since NFCNotes 2.0.4.

  • Added /deposit command. Available arguments: all, stack, and a number which will represent how many notes you want to redeem from your hand.
    • Some permissions have also been changed, and new ones have been added.
  • Added a value in the configuration file where you can set the material of the notes.
  • Also, a disabled-tables list has been added. Using this list, you can prevent players from using notes in, for example, crafting tables. This should also work in future Minecraft versions, when new tables are released.
  • Improved how NFCNotes get configuration and messages.
    • If any value is not available in your configuration or messages file, no error will be shown and a default value will be used.
  • Added {issuer} placeholder. This can be added as well in the name as in the lore of each note.
  • If any module is disabled and any player tries to use it, a message will be sent telling that it's not available.
  • Added ActionMethod. This is used in both Withdraw and Deposit events.
  • Added new Metrics charts.
  • Bugfixes from beta and release candidate versions.
This is it! Please, report any issue or request any feature on GitHub. No support will be provided in the reviews section. Thank you!

Some configuration values have been changed or added since NFCNotes 2.0.4. Please, check changes by clicking the following link.
----------, Jul 21, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1-RC4
Improvements for the /deposit command
  • Added /deposit <amount of notes>
  • This is supposed to be last the release candidate. After this, the final version should be released if no bugs appear.
Some configuration values have been changed or added. Please, check changes by clicking the following link.
----------, Jul 20, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1-RC3
Bugfixes and better permissions!
  • Fixed an issue in deposit command.
  • Added new permissions.
  • If any module is disabled and a player tries to use it, a failure message will be sent.
Some configuration values have been changed or added. Please, check changes by clicking the following link.
----------, Jul 19, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1-RC2
Bugfixes before final release!
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from dragging any item to any working table.
----------, Jul 18, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1-RC1
Fixed disabled-tables value. Added new Metrics charts.
  • Fixed disabled-tables initial issue. Now, you can prevent any table to be used with this option. If you want this work correctly, please, remove CRAFTING from the list in your config.yml file. This includes new tables from future Minecraft versions.
    • This feature was suggested by @crazy233. Thanks!
  • Fixed an issue with the current custom Metrics chart. Also added new ones.
  • If no bugs are found in this version, this will be the final release for 2.1.
----------, Jul 18, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1-beta4
Improved config.yml, added {issuer} placeholder and added a new chart for Metrics
  • The configuration file has received some changes. New comments have been added and some config values have also changed. Please check your configuration or the plugin won't work. The configuration file won't be updated anymore for a while. Sorry for all these updates.
  • Added {issuer} placeholder. It can be used as well in the name as in the lore.
  • Added a new Metrics chart. Remember that you can disable Metrics in your plugins/bStats folder.
Some configuration values have been changed or added. Please, check changes by clicking the following link.
----------, Jul 18, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1-beta3
Internal changes

  • Improved how the plugins gets configuration and messages. This should fix all errors (NullPointerException) caused by this.
----------, Jul 17, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1-beta2
Added world and working tables restrictions.
  • Added a feature that stops workbenchs, furnaces and other tables from using NFCNotes. This feature is not totally finished, some tables are working due to API limitations. It will be also configurable in the future.
  • Added a new option where you can disable NFCNotes in certain worlds.
  • Added an option to set the material of NFCNotes. It defaults to paper and you can change it in the configuration. If you don't update your configuration file, the plugin won't work.
Some configuration values have been changed or added. Please, check changes by click the following links.
----------, Jul 14, 2020

NFCNotes 2.1-beta1
Added deposit command and internal changes.
  • Added deposit command and other internal changes. If you use any event or any method from this plugin, check all changes here.
The configuration and messages files have been modified. Please, check config.yml and messages.yml.
----------, Jul 13, 2020

NFCNotes 2.0.4
Preparing the plugin for a major update!
  • A typo in the update available message has been corrected.
  • Internal changes. If you use any event from this plugin, please check this. Some changes have been made.
----------, Jul 13, 2020

NFCNotes 2.0.3
Added updates checker and bugfixes.
This updates fixes some issues with messages not being reloaded and it also adds a new update checker. /nfcnotes now has a tab completer.

Configuration changes
The following lines have been added below warn-staff-if-value-is-higher-than.
Code (YAML):
: true # If true, each time the server starts you will receive a message if there is a newer version.
: true # If enabled and a new version is available, each time an user with the permission [I]nfcnotes.staff.check-updates[/I] connects to the server will be notified of the new version.

# Do not touch this!
: 3
New messages
The following messages have been added below the staff category.
Code (YAML):
: "&8[&6NFCNotes&8] &7A new version of NFCNotes ({version}) is available. Check it out at"
: "&8[&6NFCNotes&8] &7You are using the latest version."
----------, Jul 9, 2020

NFCNotes 2.0.2
Fixed a bug
Fixed an issue where notes withdrawn using the multiple withdraw function showed a wrong value.
----------, Jul 4, 2020

NFCNotes 2.0.1
Added command /nfcnotes
This update adds a new command ( /nfcnnotes) that shows some information about the plugin. You can disable this from the configuration file. This is a submodule and is called show-plugin-info.
Also, if you have the permission nfcnotes.staff.reload you'll be able to reload the configuration and all messages by executing /nfcnotes reload.

Configuration changes
The following line has been added below warn-staff, inside the modules category.
Code (YAML):
 show-plugin-info : true # This submodule enables /nfcnotes with no arguments.
New messages
The following message has been added below warn-deposit, inside the staff category.
Code (YAML):
 plugin-reloaded : "&8[&6NFCNotes&8] &7NFCNotes has successfully restarted."
----------, Jul 3, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,849
First Release: Jul 2, 2020
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings