Added Strict-Transport-Security header with a max-age of 31536000 seconds (1 year) and includeSubDomains directive to enforce HTTPS across all subdomains.
Introduced X-Content-Type-Options header with nosniff to prevent browsers from misinterpreting file types.
Enabled X-XSS-Protection header with 1; mode=block to activate cross-site scripting (XSS) filtering.
Configured X-Frame-Options header to DENY, preventing the site from being displayed in a frame and mitigating clickjacking attacks.
[API Endpoint] Rate Limiting with Bucket4j:
Implemented Rate Limiting using Bucket4j.
Users are limited to 20 tokens with a refill rate of 10 tokens per minute Every request will charge 1 Token.
This ensures fair usage and prevents overloading of the server.
Patch Notes ClanSystem - Version 1.23.9-BETA New Features:
Added Clan Contracts Rewards Menu:
Implemented a new menu for viewing and claiming Clan Contracts rewards.
Players can now easily access their earned rewards through this interface.
The new inventory file includes a dedicated area for rewards, represented with placeholders.
This can be managed with the following commands:
/clan ri clan_rewards – View and edit the Clan Rewards inventory.
/clan si clan_rewards – Save changes to the Clan Rewards inventory.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Incorrect Corrupt File Name in Clan Contracts GUI:
Previously, when an inventory error occurred in the Clan Contracts GUI, an incorrect file path (AdminSettings Path) was displayed as corrupt in the chat.
Now, the correct inventory file name is shown instead.
Removed Unused Code:
Cleaned up unused code to improve readability and maintainability.
To get the new main menu, just delete the
main_inventory.json file in plugins folder
Patch Notes ClanSystem - Version 1.23.6-BETA New Features:
Cash Rewards for Clan Contracts:
Added a dynamic cash reward system for Clan Contracts based on player contribution.
The more a player contributes to the contract, the higher their reward.
Example: If a player completes 40% of a contract, they receive 40x the cash reward.
Cash reward format:
Defined in the config as: money:[min-max]
Example: money:10-50 → A random value between 10 and 50 is generated and then multiplied by the player's contribution percentage (e.g., 40x for 40% contribution).
Fixed a bug that occurred when you completed a contract. You now receive the correct % of the participation.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Vault Bug:
Resolved an issue with Vault integration, ensuring proper functionality.
Fixed a bug that broadcast messages were there without debug mode.
Removed Useless Code:
Cleaned up unnecessary code to improve maintainability and performance.
Moved database connection settings from config.json to a new file named database.json.
The plugin automatically migrates data from config.json to database.json during an update if database settings are present. No manual action is required by users.
New Features:
Clan Alliances:
Prepared the system for clan alliances.
A new database table is created for alliances.
PvP between allied clans is automatically disabled if alliances are manually added to the table.