Added Strict-Transport-Security header with a max-age of 31536000 seconds (1 year) and includeSubDomains directive to enforce HTTPS across all subdomains.
Introduced X-Content-Type-Options header with nosniff to prevent browsers from misinterpreting file types.
Enabled X-XSS-Protection header with 1; mode=block to activate cross-site scripting (XSS) filtering.
Configured X-Frame-Options header to DENY, preventing the site from being displayed in a frame and mitigating clickjacking attacks.
[API Endpoint] Rate Limiting with Bucket4j:
Implemented Rate Limiting using Bucket4j.
Users are limited to 20 tokens with a refill rate of 10 tokens per minute Every request will charge 1 Token.
This ensures fair usage and prevents overloading of the server.