Update Notice - Custom Join Messages
⚠️ Installation Notes
If you're upgrading from a previous version, please note:
- Delete the existing `config.yml` file in the plugin folder to generate the new configuration
- For SQLite users: While the new update will adapt database functionality maintaining saved data, this hasn't been fully tested yet proceed with caution
Recommended: For a clean installation, delete the plugin folder and MySQL database (if using MySQL)
✨ New Features
1. Color Support in Messages
- Users with permissions can now use Minecraft color codes with `&` in their custom join/quit messages!
2. New GUI Command ️
- `/cjm gui` - Players can now access an interactive menu to set their join/quit messages The inventory interface is fully customizable!
3. Enhanced Admin Controls
New `/acjm` command with extended functionality:
- showjoinmessage
- showquitmessage
- setjoinmessage
- setquitmessage
- deljoinmessage
- delquitmessage
Works for both online and offline players!
Command Changes
- The reload command has been moved to the admin command section (`/acjm`)
- Command structure has been reorganized:
- Regular users: `/cjm`
- Administrators: `/acjm` (requires `cjm.admin` permission)
️ Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Optimized project logic and code structure
- Fixed MySQL connection issues in previous versions
- Improved administrative command feedback and validation checks
If you like the project, please rate it. It helps me to stay motivated and keep updating it! (;