Feature Updates - Added official 1.20 and 1.21 support.
- Updated to the latest version of Adventure, MiniMessage, ACF and FastBoard.
Announcements: - About that promised recode, it kinda got left behind. But I do promise that a new recode will be coming within the next few months at the very least.
Feature Updates - Added potion effect support for the kit system.
- Added new command: /as addkiteffect <name> <potion> <duration> <amplifier>. Permission: anvilsearch.command.addkiteffect. This will add a potion effect to the kit.
Bug Fixes - Fixed a NullPointerException if a player had a kit that is no longer available.
Feature Updates - Added missing placeholders for the new cosmetics, %anvilsearch_killmessage% and %anvilsearch_deathcry%.
Bug Fixes - Fixed NullPointerException when trying to use cosmetics placeholders on a player that didn't have one equipped.
- Fixed wrong permission for death cries.
Feature Updates - Added death cries! You can create your own in the config. There's 3 provided as an example. The permission work exactly the same as other cosmetics.
Bug Fixes - Fixed a bug where the wrong lore was displayed on the kill messages inventory.
Bug Fixes - Fixed a bug that allowed players to teleport when using spectator mode. A new spectator mode will be added soon which will allow for better control.
Feature Updates - Added kill message packs! These will allow you to give custom kill messages to your players. A random one will be chosen from the list. The permission is anvilsearch.killmessage.<internalname>.
The internal name is the name used for the kill message pack, but in lower case and replacing spaces with _.
For example, Fire would be anvilsearch.killmessage.fire.