[1.16.5 - 1.20.1] Minecraft Dungeon Items - Adds Working Items from Minecraft Dungeons icon

[1.16.5 - 1.20.1] Minecraft Dungeon Items - Adds Working Items from Minecraft Dungeons -----

The plugin aims to add all the items from Minecraft Dungeons Into your game!

Hey There!

With the many modifications I have done to the plugin recently (well months ago), I decided I would do some more this summer.

Put your ideas in the comments!
Thank you!
----------, May 1, 2024


+ Fixed - description names for the Satchel Of Elements, Totem Of Regeneration, and Speed Boots.
+ Fixed - Speed Boots weren't being updated by the naming config.
----------, Sep 2, 2023


+ Player gets slowness effect after energy bar gets very low
+ Changed the title of the energy bar to be "Energy - {Energy Level}"
----------, Aug 27, 2023

*quick fix

+ Added a new welcome message that displays 10 minutes after the player has installed the plugin talking about the latest beta.
With a new config entry,
Code (Text):
first-time: true
+ Beta News, I and some other people are working on a new update to completely overhaul this plugin!
That's all I can say...

To participate just review what you like/dislike about the plugin, and ask if you want to be a part of the beta. It's that simple 100% free!
----------, Aug 27, 2023


+ Added a new welcome message that displays 10 minutes after the player has installed the plugin talking about the latest beta.
With a new config entry,
Code (Text):
first-time: true
+ Beta News, I and some other people are working on a new update to completely overhaul this plugin!
That's all I can say...

To participate just review what you like/dislike about the plugin, and ask if you want to be a part of the beta. It's that simple 100% free!
----------, Aug 27, 2023

Hey There!

  • HUGE CHANGE! - The energy bar, players in survival mode, and adventure. Now have an energy bar which makes the plugin better, by making everything not as overpowered. Side note, this IS multiplayer friendly.
  • Changeable energy bar reload time in the config file!
  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixed several spelling mistakes, for example "entitys" now changed to "entities".
  • Several swords were named "null", and the Nameless blade was not affected by the config.
  • 2 Artifacts, such as the totem of regeneration and corrupted seeds never worked, so... now there fixed!
  • The /mcd give <items> list is now <word1>_<word2>_<word3> (Depending on how many words there are)
----------, Aug 3, 2023

Hey there!
I just did some quick updates, fixing some description errors, and making the firebrand a golden axe instead of a netherite!
----------, Jul 31, 2023

Quick update, changed the overview screen. Now it actually looks nice.

And added bStats tracking, once again you can also disable it but please don't. All it tells me is how many players are using my plugin and servers. If that number is high then that really motivated me. Thank you!

(I also set up a new and improved Patreon with added benefits) Thanks!
----------, Jul 31, 2023

Hello There!!!
Recently as of yesterday, I didn't have the files for this plugin. Now I do!! Thanks to the help of @darktube !

New Features-

Customizable names in the YML file, requested by @CapitaineNeo , with the new config being:

Code (Text):
  drop-food: true
  food-amount: 2
  # Only do 25,50,75 or 100 :D
  food-chance: 25
  drop-potion: false
  potion-amount: 1
  # Only do 25,50,75 or 100 :D
  potion-chance: 25
  ember-robe: "Ember Robe"
  wither-armor: "Wither Armor"
  corrupted-seeds: "Corrupted Seeds"
  fire-work-arrow: "Firework Arrows"
  golem-kit: "Golem Kit"
  ice-wand: "Ice Wand"
  kong-of-weakening: "Kong of Weakening"
  light-feather: "Light Feather"
  lightning-rod: "Lightning Rod"
  satchel-of-elements: "Satchel of Elements"
  speed-boots: "Speed Boots"
  totem-of-regeneration: "Totem of Regeneration"
  wind-horn: "Wind Horn"
  rapid-crossbow: "Rapid Crossbow"
  fire-brand: "Fire Brand"
  nameless-blade: "Nameless Blade"
  storm-lander: "Storm Lander"
  whirl-wind: "Whirl Wind"
Just change the value in the YML and it will change in the game

A glitch occurred with the Light Feather causing you to be able to fly while holding it, now you have to be on the ground for you to be able to use it.

Nerfed the Rapid Crossbow because it did WAY too much damage.

Decreased the errors, and usability by making it so that when you do /mcd you don't get an error in the console and game. Instead, it puts you on the GUI screen.

Other updates, if you have any requests/issues with the plugin such as items not working, or having the wrong descriptions... please report the new GitHub! LuckyHead11/MinecraftDungeonItems: Minecraft Dungeons Plugin! Adds custom items to Minecraft from Minecraft Dungeons! (github.com) Make sure to watch it for the latest releases and more!

Lastly, this project is free and It would make my day if you donated just $1 to my Patreon - LuckyHead11 | creating code | Patreon

Have a good day!
----------, Jul 30, 2023


Thank you for 900~ downloads... it really means a ton!!!

I was thinking of making some data packs, perhaps one for TOTK with all the abilities. Please leave comments discussing what I could do. THANK YOU!
----------, Jul 29, 2023

Hello There!

*If anybody is reading this... I am unable to update the plugin further. Does anybody with background knowledge know how to convert a jar to a usable zip file, where I can edit the decompiled code.
Email: [email protected]

--I can't believe we almost have 700+ downloads. THAT'S CRAZY

--I am still activate, and want to work on this, but I had to reset my PC unexpectedly . And didn't backup the plugin. So I want to work on it during winter break... (finished my exams)
----------, Dec 16, 2022

Thank you for the recent support. We are breaking around 500 downloads!

* This plugin is now made for 1.16.5 - 1.19
* Constant errors now rarely happen.

I Have recently lost the files for the plugin. So this will be the last update for this plugin. I just can't thank everybody enough for the support.

----------, Jun 8, 2022

Hello There!

NEW: Updated Config file to this:
Code (Text):
  drop-food: false
  food-amount: 1
  #Only do 25,50,75 or 100 :D
  food-chance: 25
  drop-potion: false
  potion-amount: 1
  #Only do 25,50,75 or 100 :D
  potion-chance: 25

NEW Food Amount: generates a random number between 1 and the food amount!

NEW Food Chance the chance for food to spawn when an enemy dies!

NEW Potion drops: Toggles between having drops and no drops!
NEW Potion amount: generates a random number between 1 and the potion amount!

NEW Settings Gui has some changes The Food Drops and Potion Drops have different GUI's (Bread = Food Potion = Potion Drops)

NEW Food Gui/Potion GUI ( Potion/Bread = Toggling on and off Ender pearl = toggles 1-10 Amount droppings Ender eye = Chances incremented by 25's) Drops.PNG

Hey guys I have been working REALLY hard on this plugin please support me by donating to my every download inspires me to work on this plugin! Patreon: LuckyHead11 is creating code | Patreon
----------, May 23, 2021

Hello There! Update 3.7.1

NEW Config.yml
NEW drop-food option in config.yml drop consumables when you kill a mob food-drops.PNG
NEW Gui for weapon and bow when you click on weapons a GUI pops up and asks Weapons or bows? newWeaponSystem.PNG
NEW Settings tab: reload config or enable/disable drop-food option right there! newWeaponSystem.PNG
BUG: Fixed almost all bugs Fixed bugs from last update
Patreon: LuckyHead11 is creating code | Patreon
----------, May 21, 2021

Hello There,

Schools out! More work on the plugin ;)
NEW: Gui now has a bow icon on it! bows.PNG
NEW: Bows
NEW: Rapid Crossbow shoot rapidly by clicking the air!
SPECIAL: Rapid Crossbow will shoot more damage according to the player's health

**Errors new Bug fixes coming out later (3.6.1)**
**The totem of regeneration and other items don't work(3.6.2)**

Patreon: LuckyHead11 is creating code | Patreon
----------, May 21, 2021

Hello There!
NEW: Ice Wand freeze anything with a click!
spawns ice cubes around the mob for 3 to 6 seconds!

NEW: The Satchel of elements had lightning, fire but not freeze so now we have the freeze same as the ice wand!
BUG: The download file had a typo.

Thank you so much! we are almost at 200 Downloads!
Patreon: LuckyHead11 is creating code | Patreon
----------, May 20, 2021

Hello There!,

NEW: I launched a Patreon page go check it out!: LuckyHead11 is creating code | Patreon
NEW: This now can run on PAPER 1.16.5

Thank you!
----------, May 17, 2021

Hello There,

ADDED: Whirlwind does not do fire damage it takes 2-7 damage
ADDED: Kong of weakening: weakens nearby enemies
ADDED: Nameless blade: weakens enemies you hit
NEW: Console show status message

----------, May 16, 2021

Hello There,


BUG: proof.PNG

--When other entities attack other entities an error throws - FIXED:
----------, May 15, 2021

Every artifact and ember robe SPAMMED Console FIXED

- Corrupted seeds, totem_of_regeneration, and satchel of elements have been set you HAVE to click air for it to work

- SpeedBoots you have to wear them for it to work

----------, May 13, 2021

Every artifact and ember robe SPAMMED Console FIXED

- Corrupted seeds, totem_of_regeneration, and satchel of elements have been set you HAVE to click air for it to work

- SpeedBoots you have to wear them for it to work
----------, May 12, 2021

I've just added the
Ability: Spawn lightning or have a chance to have nearby entities catch on fire


----------, May 12, 2021

Hello there,
I've just added Ember armor and Wither armor.
And a new GUI

NEW WITHER ARMOR: Shoot Wither skulls on Click!
NEW EMBER ARMOR: When you get near entitys ever 1/2 of a second they get caught on fire

(Added 1 more feature to the golem kit when its disappers it sets fire to other mobs)

The last update plugin file BROKE
This one is a copy of the other one but added more things.
Please report bugs and issues.
Thank you!
----------, May 9, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,022
First Release: May 5, 2021
Last Update: May 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings