You don't need to open a chat and type anything to register or log in to the game!
HEX Support !
All messages can be configured to be displayed in chat, title, actionbar (+ Sound)
MySQL, SQLite, YAML Database support
Advanced and easy-to-understand configuration
The plugin has only one configuration file:
Code (YAML):
############################# # GraphicalAuth # # Made by GameDoctor # # 2024 # #############################
# All instructions for using and configuring the plugin are provided on SpigotMC: # settings: # General settings # The prefix of all messages in the chat. You can make it empty messagesPrefix: "&fGraphicalAuth &e> " # Minimum length of the combination minPswdLength: 3
# The maximum length of the combination maxPswdLength: 54
# Maximum authorization/registration time in seconds maxAuthTime: 60
# If true, authorization will be requested only when the IP address is changed, and if false - every time you log in authOnlyOnIPChange: true
# If true, the player will be teleported to the specified location before each authorization/registration spawn:
enable: false
world: world
x: 1
y: 1
z: 1
yaw: 1
pitch: 1
# If true, the player will be teleported to the specified location immediately after authorization/registration afterAuthTP:
enable: false
world: world
x: 1
y: 1
z: 1
yaw: 1
pitch: 1
# Time format timeStringFormat: # If true, only the largest is displayed. For example, not 1 d. 12 h. 5 m. 13 s., but just 1 d. displayOnlyHighest: true
seconds: "s." minutes: "m." hours: "h." days: "d." database: # Database settings # Available types: FILE, MYSQL, SQLITE type: SQLITE
# It is specified without a format. Used for FILE (.yml) and SQLITE (.db) fileName: "database" # The name of the table with the players. Used for FILE, MYSQL, and SQLITE types playersTableName: "ga_players" # The name of the database. Only for MYSQL databaseName: "graphicalauth" # The host. Only for MYSQL host: "localhost" # User. Only for MYSQL user: "root" # Password. Only for MYSQL password: "-" # Additional connection parameters. Change it if you know what it's for. Only for MYSQL arguments: "?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false" standaloneServer: # Use it if GraphicalAuth is installed on a separate server enable: false
# The server to which the player will be redirected upon successful authorization (BungeeCord) server: "lobby" # If false, even after successful authorization, the player will not be able to interact with the world before exiting the authorization server allowToInteract: false
gui: # Menu settings for authorization, registration and combination changes # The name of the menu with authorization title_login: "&a&lSpecify your combination" # The name of the menu with registration title_register: "&c&lCome up with a combination" # The name of the menu with a change in the combination title_changing: "&6&lCome up with a new combination" # The painted object checked_item:
name: "&c" # Makes the item shimmer glowing: false
material: "GREEN_WOOL" # An unpainted object unchecked_item:
name: "&c" material: "RED_WOOL" # The bottom of any menu footer:
name: "&c" material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" # An item that appears during data processing loading:
name: "&6Processing..." material: "CLOCK" # An item with registration information info_register:
name: "&bRegistration" lore: -
"&7You need to come up with a drawing," -
"&7by entering which you will perform" -
"&7log in to your account." - "&cTime left: &e%timeLeft%" slot: 53
material: "BOOK" # An item with information about changing the combination info_changing:
name: "&bChanging the combination" lore: -
"&7You need to come up with a drawing," -
"&7by entering which one you will perform" -
"&7log in to your account." slot: 53
material: "BOOK" # An item with authorization information info_login:
name: "&bAuthorization" lore: -
"&7Fill in the required blocks," -
"&7to log in to your account." - "&cTime left: &e%timeLeft%" slot: 53
material: "BOOK" # An item with a combination length error apply_fail_passwordLength:
name: "&c&lError" lore: -
"&cThe combination should not be" -
"&clonger than &e%max% &cor shorter &e%min%" material: "BARRIER" # An item with registration confirmation apply_register:
name: "&aRegister" lore: -
"&cMake sure you can" -
"&c&nremember&c the specified combination." material: "GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" # An item with authorization confirmation apply_login:
name: "&aLog in" material: "GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" # An item with confirmation of a combination change apply_change:
name: "&6Change" material: "ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" # An item with an exit from the game exit:
name: "&cExit" slot: 45
material: "BARRIER" command: # Settings of the main command /gauth change: # The name of the subcommand. Do not change # The right to use a subcommand. Set to '-' if not required usePermission: "-" unregister: # The name of the subcommand. Do not change # The right to use a subcommand. Set to '-' if not required usePermission: "-" admin: # The name of the subcommand. Do not change # The right to use a subcommand. Set to '-' if not required usePermission: "graphicalauth.admin.use" kick: # Message settings when you are excluded from the game # Exclusion from the game in case of an incorrectly specified combination incorrectPassword: -
"&cYou have entered the wrong combination!" -
" " -
"&bContact the Administration for recovery" # Exclusion from the game when clicking on the exit item exit: -
"&cAuthorization cancelled" # Exclusion from the game when the player does not have time to enter timeLeft: -
"&cYou didn't have time to log in" messages: # Message Settings success_auth:
enable: true
lines: -
"&aYou have successfully logged in!" title:
enable: true
line1: "&aWelcome back," line2: "&c%player%" fadeIn: 20
# 1 sec stay: 60
# 3 sec fadeOut: 20
# 1 sec sound: # Take the names of the sounds from the site enable: true
name: "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" broadcast:
enable: false
lines: -
"&7Player &e%player% &7turned to us!" success_register:
enable: true
lines: -
"&aYou have successfully registered!" title:
enable: true
line1: "&aWelcome," line2: "&c%player%" fadeIn: 20
# 1 sec stay: 60
# 3 sec fadeOut: 20
# 1 sec sound: # Take the names of the sounds from the site enable: true
name: "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" broadcast:
enable: false
lines: -
"&7Player &e%player% &7joined us!" success_changed:
enable: true
lines: -
"&aYou have successfully changed your combination!" sound: # Take the names of the sounds from the site enable: true
enable: true
lines: -
"&cYou don't have enough rights" sound:
enable: true
name: "ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK" cmdHelp:
enable: true
lines: -
"&e------------ &aGraphicalAuth &e------------" -
"&a/%cmd% &7unregister&f: Remove registration from your account" -
"&a/%cmd% &7change&f: Change your combination" -
"&a/%cmd% &7admin&f: Account Management" cmdAdminHelp:
enable: true
lines: -
"&e------------ &aGraphicalAuth &e------------" -
"&a/%cmd% &7unregister <name>&f: Remove registration from account" -
"&a/%cmd% &7unlogin <name>&f: Remove authorization from account" cmdSuccess:
enable: true
lines: -
There is no necessary initial configuration in the plugin - it is ready to work immediately after installation.
Configuring OPTIONAL parameters:
To use the GraphicalAuth plugin on a separate server as correctly as possible, you can set the value of the
standaloneServer.enable parameter to
true. If you want the player to be redirected to another server after authorization is completed, set the value
standaloneServer.server to the name of your BungeeCord server.
To remove the messages about the entry/exit of players, you can use my most simple plugin
The plugin currently has only one command -
/gauth and several sub-commands:
/gauth unregister - Removes registration from the account. By default, the command is available to everyone
/gauth change - Allows you to change the combination. By default, the command is available to everyone
/gauth admin unregister <name> - Removes registration from the specified player. Access by the right specified in the configuration
/gauth admin unlogin <name> - Removes authorization from the specified player. Access by the right specified in the configuration
The plugin contains a simple API for third-party developers.
A number of events are available:
PlayerAuthEvent - It is called when a player logs in, registers, or changes a combination. The event type can be obtained from here (AuthState - getAuthState())
The HEX color format in the plugin is similar to the one used in the infamous Essentials plugin. For the convenience of generating HEX text gradients, there is a website
You can place text with HEX color anywhere in the plugin - Be it a hologram, a scoreboard, an item in gui or a chat message.
keep in mind that variables (%player%, %color%, and so on)
cannot be converted to this format.
Вы можете найти инструкции и демонстрацию на Русском
Discord: If you need any help with this plugin, you can write to me in Discord: @_gamedoctor_
Note: If you want additional functionality to be added to the plugin, just write about it in the discussion
Installation: Download, drop it in plugins folder and restart your server