clanHelp: - ''
- '&7&m--
[--------&r &aClan player commands &7&m
- ''
- ' &f/&aclan create &f<tag> <full name> &7- Creates a new clan'
- ' &f/&aclan disband &7- Disbands the clan'
- ' &f/&aclan manage &7- Opens the clan management gui'
- ' &f/&aclan inivite &f<nick> &7- Invites the user to clan'
- ' &f/&aclan kick &f<nick> &7- Kicks the member'
- ' &f/&aclan accept &f<tag> &7- Accepts an invitation from the clan'
- ' &f/&aclan setrank &f<nick> <rank> &7- Confer rank to the player'
- ' &f/&aclan ranking &7- Opens the gui with clans ranking'
- ' &f/&aclan chat &f<message> &7or &f
# <message> &7- Sends message to clan members' - ' &f/&aclan announcement &f<message> &7- Sends announcement to clan members'
- ''
adminClanHelp: - ''
- '&7&m--
[--------&r &aClan admin commands &7&m
- ''
- ' &f/&aadminclan setitems - Opens a gui where you can set up the items needed to create a clan'
- ' &f/&aadminclan disband &f<tag> &7- Disbands the clan'
- ' &f/&aadminclan disbandall &7- Disbands
all the clans '
clanCreateGlobal: - '&7 ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉'
- '&7 &aPlayer &f
} &r&acreated a clan &f
- '&7 ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍'
clanDisbandGlobal: - '&7 ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉'
- '&7 &cThe clan &f
}&c has been disbanded'
- '&7 ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍'
creatorIsAlreadyMember: '&cYou cannot create a clan because you are already in one'
tagAlreadyTaken: '&cThis tag is already taken'
successCreateClan: '&aThe clan was created successfully'
noTagOrFullNameArgument: '&cYou have to give clan tag and full name &f/&cclan create &f<tag> <full name>'
illegalArgumentLength: '&cMinimal
} length is&f
} &cand maximum tag length is&f
illegalArgumentMarks: '&cYou used forbitted characters'
noPermission: '&cYou do not have access to use this command'
notEnoughItems: '&cYou do not have enough items to create a clan'
notEnoughEconomy: '&cYou do not have enough money to create a clan. Clan create cost &f$
itemsRequireDisable: '&aYou can create a clan with out
any items'
successSetItems: '&aThe new items have been configured successfully'
disbandClan: '&aThe clan has been disbanded successfully'
disbandAllClan: '&aAll the clans have been disbanded successfully'
disbandWarning: '&4Warning! &cClan disband is irreversible. If you want to continue use this command &f/&cclan disband &f
adminDisbandWarning: '&4Warning! &cClan disband is irreversible. If you want to continue use this command &f/&cadminclan disband &f
} &f
adminDisbandAllWarning: '&4Warning! &cClan disband is irreversible. If you want to continue use this command &f/&cadminclan disbandall &f
incorrectAdminClanDisbandUseCommand: '&cYou have to give clan tag f/&cadminclan disband &f<tag>'
illegalTagArgument: '&cClan with this tag not exist'
dontHaveClan: '&cYou don''t have clan'
incorrectClanInviteUseCmd: '&cYou have to give player name &f/&cclan invite &f<player>'
playerIsAlreadyMember: '&cYou cannot invite this player because is already in clan'
playerIsNotOnline: '&cThis player is not online'
invite: '&aYou have received a clan invitation to &f
}&a, to join use command &f/&aclan accept &f
noInvite: '&cYou do not have invitation form this clan'
alreadyInvite: '&cYou have already invited this player'
successInvite: '&aThe invitation has been sent successfully'
incorrectClanAcceptUseCmd: '&cYou have to give clan tag &f/&cclan accept &f<tag>'
successAccept: '&aYou have joined to the clan &f
incorrectClanSetRankUseCmd: '&cYou have to give player name and rank &f/&cclan setrank &f<nick> <ranga>'
playerNoInClan: '&cThis player is not in your clan'
incorrectClanKickUseCmd: '&cYou have to give player name &f/&aclan kick &f<nick>'
successKickedMember: '&aYou have kicked &f
}&a successfully'
kickedMessage: '&cYou have been kicked out of the clan'
rankNotExist: '&cRank &f
}&c not exist'
successSetRank: '&aRank &f
}&a has been successfully set to &f
incorrectAdminClanRankingUseCmd: '&cYou have to give tag and switch &f/&cadminclan ranking &f<tag> <on | off> '
changeClanRankingIncludeToOff: '&cThe clan &f
}&c has
no more included to ranking'
changeClanRankingIncludeToOn: '&aThe clan &f
}&a is now included to ranking'
notEnoughItemsToUpgradeSize: '&cYou do not have enough items to upgrade clan size'
notEnoughEconomyToUpgradeSize: '&cYou do not have enough money to upgrade clan size.'
maxClanSize: '&cThis clan reached maximum size level. You cannot upgrade it anymore.'
successUpgradeSizeClan: '&aThe clan size has been broadened successfully to &f
successSwitchClanPvp: '&aPvp in the clan has been set to
successSwitchClanPublicRanking: '&aPublic ranking has been set to
removedPoints: '&7Your clan member kill someone or win game and your clan has got &a
addedPoints: '&7Your clan member death or defeat game and your clan has got &a
clanIsNotPublic: '&cClan is not public'
1. You can not redistribute this plugin.
2. You can not copy and redistribute the code of this plugin.
If you break the rules, we will take legal action against you.
Breaking these rules your license can be disabled and permanently banned your account.