[+] New changes in locales (Please remove locales and reload the plugin to create new ones)
[+] Added refunds (by right-clicking on an item in the sell menu)
[+] Added an option in the configuration to sell the full inventory (needs to be set in the config "FillMenuType": topbottom)
[+] Added sound effects (when selling)
[+] Improved code
[+] Improved sell all feature
[+] Fixed an issue where the sell title shows with a price of $0
[+] Fixed movement in the offer menu (next page, previous page)
Require new version of JajaLibrary to work 1.1.2+
It is necessary to delete old locales and config in order to upload new ones.
[+] Prices changed to 1 for each no 64
[+] Added check if player has money
[+] Support 1.20+
[+] Added page system to offer menu
[+] HEX Support
[-] Removed price need 1$ to sell (Now you can sell item for 0.01-0.9)
It is necessary to delete old locales and config in order to upload new ones.
Leave feedback
[+] Added supported economies plugins (Vault, LiteEco)
[+] Added option to enable titles (when sold items)
[+] Added option to rename Sell NPC
[+] Added when item sold it will appear in sell gui
[+] Added sounds
[+] Fixed NPC creation
[+] More fixed NPC (still PlugMan breaks)
[+] Rewrited NPC System Code
It is necessary to delete old locales and config in order to upload new ones.
Leave feedback
[+] Option to create Sell NPC
[+] NPC Menu
[+] Support 1.15-1.19
[+] Improved locales (Need to delete locales folder to work)
[+] PlaceholderAPI support