Light Editor You can quickly and conveniently create a new block that will be available to players instantly Holograms If you use the HD or DH plugin dependencies, the plugin will create holograms over the block. In /pb editor you can customise the display of these holograms. Currently there are two types of display:
Always - The hologram will always be over the block for any player
Regional - The hologram will be above the block only when the player will enter a region.
Region LifeTime You can specify the lifetime of the block. The block lifetime can be different for each group of players, and you can extend it with any currency that the plugin supports. Note: If your plugin is not supported, write about it in our discord! Supported: Exp, Vault, ItemStack Region Breakers You can specify specific items that can destroy a region. If you add TNT, the region will only be destroyed by an explosion Strength Any block has a strength setting, strength is responsible for how many times a block has to have been damaged to destroyed