A very extensive plugin that allows players to form and manage guilds! Players can manage almost every aspect of their guild; the plugin also includes a guild leveling system to increase player playtime!
The plugin supports Vault and PAPI to allow for usage of permission managers and better message editing and guild tags as prefixes!
Example Usage For a full usage guide, please read the documentation
Command Example: /g help : Open the help menu /g create <name> : Create your own guild /g tag set <tag> : Set your guild's unique tag /g info [<guild>] : View the stats of a guild /g top : View the guild leaderboard /gc <text> : Talk in guild chat
Admin commands: /gadmin givexp <guild> <amount> /gadmin setlevel <guild> <level> and many, many more! Placeholder Example (PAPI): %guilds_current_guild_name% %guilds_current_guild_tag% %guilds_top_3% and many, many more! This is just the tip of the iceberg! for all commands, permissions, and placeholders and respective explanations, please view the documentation
Guild Leveling
The plugin includes a detailed guild leveling system, which is turned on by default, but this can be edited in the generated config.yml file. Each guild gets a certain amount of exp every so often for each online player in the guild, this encourages players to be more active on your server!
You can even edit the formula for EXP given to each guild, and the intervals for the same in the config.yml file!
The plugin is SUPER configurable! Almost every single aspect and every message in the plugin can be edited using the included config.yml and lang.yml files!
You can edit the plugin exactly to your needs as a server owner and cater to your player's every need. If you think that a feature is missing from the configuration options, please feel free to contact us on our support server.
SUPPORT For any queries/bug support please open a ticket on our discord server. Any bug reports or complaints in the reviews section will be ignored.